
“I know nothing in the world that has as much power as a word. Sometimes I write one, and I look at it until it begins to shine.”

― Emily Dickinson

And, one couldn’t agree more.

Be it the ugly truths or the beautiful lies, fairy tales or life struggles- a writer makes all those words glow in front of us, the readers; and one is always grateful.

I am Roshni, a reader of anything that makes sense – a logophile like many( a ‘librocubicularist’ to be exact!!!). And at times, she does pen a few words too. We have had writers through the ages who have wonderfully crafted words through poetry, prose, history, classics -unparalleled and perfect. Yet, after going through a few from the vast, I remain a Chekhovian, forever intrigued (and thankful for the character Sherlock) by Sir Conan Doyle and charmed by the Bronte sisters.

This blog mirrors some of the myriad thoughts as I read on to find more favourites and write something right.

If you ever find yourself here, warm welcome, dear pal.

Happy reading and writing.:)