
Welcome to my site! I’m so glad you’re here. Do you remember the opera scene in Pretty Woman where Julia Roberts character says, “Mine are broken” in reference to her opera glasses? Although her glasses weren’t actually broken…she was just “doing it wrong”…that is literally my life! Follow my blog for some raw, honest, hilarious and unapologetically offensive (to some)  “Mine are Broken” moments. I am a retired Air Force officer (100% service-connected disabled veteran), a former pinup model and single mother of two, brilliant, adult daughters just trying to maneuver life. My posts will be filtered into a few different categories: Tracegian (My own language and my journey through life that I hope can help others in any way through my experiences), my “Picker” (My inability to select a s/o.  I have a long list of things NOT to do but I also have a very direct, honest look at how you can go through very hard times and still come out with a extremely positive outlook on the future), and being a 100% service-connected disabled female veteran (Maybe I can answer some questions on how to maneuver the paperwork that is the VA). I hope the site makes you think, brings inspiration or some form of clarity, makes your soul smile or laugh out loud. In any case – I’d love to hear from you!