
Gloria Writes Here

Welcome to Gloria’s Blog

There is no guarantee that everything she writes here is the whole truth and nothing but the truth! It depends on her mood.

She is sometimes grumpy, sarcastic, excited, hormonal, happy, sad, energetic, brave, inspired, uninspired, silly, fun, bold, not-in-the-mood, frustrated, irritated and joyful! Not all at the same time of course. So, it seems like Gloria is normal.

What she enjoys most is writing. Fun stuff here and more serious content on her holistic blog. All with the help of Tasheenga!

The Circus is in Town – #ThursdayDoors

Back then they had an elephant or two, a pony, a couple of monkeys, and always a little dog. There may have been other animals; I don’t remember. They stopped using animals in their show in 2018. I’m glad about that! #ThursdayDoors #Circus

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