Wigs for Brains!!

Our wigs for brains program is a donation program for brain surgery survivors. Whether you have Pseudotumor Cerebri, Hydrocephalus, Chiari ,Epilepsy or Cancer, if you’ve had brain surgery you’ve probably had a wacky hair cut from your surgeon. I know I did and I know as a woman it’s really hard to feel your best, if you don’t look your best.

We can help! All you have to do is apply with us and we can donate a newly made wig to you. Something just to help you feel and look your best. Even if it’s just until your hair grows back or your comfortable rocking your hair cut. The wig will keep your scar covered from the sun and have you feeling beautiful too.

This is not to say that we shouldn’t love our scars and crazy cuts and be proud of the brain surgery survivors we are, This is an option for those who may want or need it.

Read below to learn about the beautiful cosmetologist that volunteered her time and skill to provide these wigs and check out some of the wigs we have to choose from. Contact us if you’re interested in the application!!

Reddish brown natural wig
Brown wavy wig
Brown Wavy Wig
Dark Curly Wig
Dark Curly Wig

Not pictured Donated wigs

Our Volunteer Cosmetologist

Hello ladies my name is Alison Ligon I’m a new cosmetologist I just graduated cosmetology school June 23! I am enjoy making wigs, sew-ins and braids ! I’m glad that I get to be apart of something so uplifting and positive! I hope you ladies enjoy theses wigs as much as i did making them for you ! Thank you again!

Facebook:StylezByAli Instagram:StylezByAli

We will donate up to 8 wigs a year So follow the Link to apply!


Our First Wigs for Brains recipient!!