Yesterday's Magazette

2 – Comments


Thanks for publishing Yesterday’s Magazette.  I’ve really enjoyed the articles.

Kathleen Brammall


Wow! I just wandered around on your website and read your story about meeting Harry. Wonderful!

Laurence Harmon


I subscribed to YM last night and will enjoy seeing subsequent issues. It’s a very special magazine. I’ve seen a few other memoir periodicals, but I haven’t seen any quite like this one.

Kirsten Russell


Simply put, I love YESTERDAY’S MAGAZETTE.  Thank you for putting something like this out … there is nothing quite like it … a real treasure.  I eagerly anticipate each and every issue.  When it comes I wait till my family is safely tucked away upstairs for the night, get myself a big glass of iced tea, sit back and begin my walk down a nostalgic road that the younger generation does not know exists.

Beth Vick


I’m delighted that my article, From the Porch Swing, was in your last issue.

Annie Laura Smith


There are many great stories in your magazette. It will take some time to read all of them. Thanks for a great online magazine.

Dan Johnson


I do enjoy your magazine.

Carol Greenberg


Thank you very much for accepting my story.  I will look forward to seeing it in YM.

Brenda Kay Ledford


I wanted to tell you that you certainly did a fine job in printing my  article. Not one error in it!  Thank you so much for publishing my work.

Glenda Barrett


The format of your magazine is so elegantly designed (rivaling many of the print magazines in its layout) that it’s a joy to be part of your publishing history.

Richard Ong

Scarborough, ON, Canada


Thanks for a great online magazine.

Daniel Johnson


Tears are still running down my cheeks after reading “Jimmy Was No Saint.”

Thanks for sharing this wonderful story.

Marion Tickner


I grew up with Marion.  She always had a great imagination and even then was writing.  I enjoy reading some of her work and am proud that she has had it published in your magazine.

Mary G. Armstrong


Ned, I’m so glad to see that YM is back! Many years ago, you printed one of my stories about tossing cans into a neighbor’s yard. I was thrilled to see it in print…and I’ve gone on to become a freelance writer since then, and make a huge move to the hinterlands (Minnesota)!

I’m glad to have found YM again!

Natalie Miller Rotunda


HI… a writer friend of mine sent me the address site for Yesterday’s Magazette…and he said he was sure I would enjoy it…and I am … and will even more. There is a LOT to enjoy…and I plan to. You are a very busy man … I look forward to doing more checking out of your other links. I also plan to submit a story or two to YM and maybe include some photos. That would be fun.

Mary Tracy  (Appleton WI)


You have done your usual careful and professional job of editing; it’s a delightful read. I have to admit I’m jealous of your internet capabilities.

Ruth Brookshire, Weeds Corner


Yesterday’s Magazette: It’s fun and classy.

Marjorie North

Society Editor for Sarasota Herald-Tribune


Yesterday’s Magazette is a great idea. I enjoyed reading it. I signed up for a free e-mail subscription.  Keep up the good work. I like the format because it reaches out to the people.

Joe Vojt


The mag looks great – very professional.

Jim Bush

(Editor/Laurels Magazine WV)


This YM website deserves a lot of readers. Thanks.

G. Davis


Wonderful to read your heart-tugging story of Sad John. You caught and held me from the first sentence, made me feel the warmth of your protagonist.

Nadja Bernitt


Always enjoyed your magazine. I will be contacting some other previous readers to let them know you are online and interested in submissions.

McClaren Davies


Vol. 36 No. 3 – Yesterday’s Magazette – Fall – 2009


  1. Ned,
    I was so pleased to see my story in this (Fall 2009) issue of Yesterday’s Magazette. “My First Train Ride” I write under the name “Dade Cunningham” This is my second story to be published by you. First one was in the Jan/Feb 1998 issue “Volunteers Treated Like Stepchildren?” I have a couple of other memories I hope to send to you. I love Yesterday’s Magazette, hardcopy or online. It is the only magazine I take time to read. Thank you, Thank you.
    Vada N. Williams

    Comment by vada n. williams — September 2, 2009 @ 8:01 am | Reply

    • Thank you again. I look forward to the next issue of Yesterday’s Magazette

      Comment by vada n. williams — September 2, 2009 @ 8:07 am | Reply

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