200 Club Tournament 2019

April 7, 2019
Chateau Bowling Lanes

Congratulations Herlene Saqui of the women’s division and Karl Zumel of the men’s division for winning this years 200 Club Invitational.  Estella Santos winner of last year’s women’s division did not defend her title and Tyler Krawetz did not do a three-peat to defend his title from last two years.

We had 55 entries down from last years 62.  There were 17 entries in the women’s division and 38 in the men’s.

There was $140.00 raised through a 50/50 and the money will be sent to Cancer Care.

All that entered the tournament had a great time and met bowlers from different leagues and bowling houses. But the Mabuhay league was out in full force again. Thanks Edna.

Notable scores were to many to list, (please see score list below) great bowling by everyone. The lowest game for the ladies was 111 and the highest was 258. The lowest game for the men was 107 and the highest was 256.

Thanks to the staff at Chateau Bowling Lanes for their courteous service during the tournament without you it would not have run as smoothly as it did.
Thanks to the WTBA Directors, Helen Fenk (tournament director), Elaine Yamron, Pat Wight, Peter Wight, Jay Doe and Ron Molinski for running the tournament without you it would not have been the success that it was.
Thanks to all that bowled in the tournament and hope you had fun. See you all next year.

                          EVENT WINNERS - Singles#1                          
                               April 11, 2019                                
                            200 CLUB INVITATIONAL                            

                                                        Scr         Hcp        
      Pos EntryNo.   Entrant Name                     Score   Hcp Score   Amount
                                Handicap Series                                
        1      2  Zumel, Karl                           787   336  1123    90.00
        2      4  Kryschuk, Orest                       896   224  1120    77.00
        3      2  Alfonso, Frederick                    787   320  1107    67.00
        4      6  Cacao, Nixon                          735   364  1099    59.00
        5      6  Limuaco, Pocholo                      784   308  1092    50.00
        6      1  Smith, Justin                         788   296  1084    44.00
        7      1  Hipolito, Norberto                    727   352  1079    39.00
        8      5  Snyder, Jon R.                        928   112  1040    34.00
        9      3  Omaga, Edwin A.                       739   300  1039    33.00
       10      4  Ferrer, Ferdinand B.                  765   272  1037    32.00
                                Handicap Series                                
        1      3  Saqui, Herlene T.                     623   384  1007    90.00
        2      3  Santos, Estela                        644   360  1004    75.00
        3      3  Napoles, Violeta                      563   440  1003    60.00
        4      3  Sulit, Gilda C.                       597   404  1001    37.50
                        CURRENT STANDINGS - Singles#1                        
                               April 11, 2019                                
                            200 CLUB INVITATIONAL                            

   Pos Entry# Entrant Name                  Squad     Ave   Scr   Hcp Total  
     1     2  Zumel, Karl                   SG1-001   156   787   336  1123  
     2     4  Kryschuk, Orest               SG1-002   184   896   224  1120  
     3     2  Alfonso, Frederick            SG1-001   160   787   320  1107  
     4     6  Cacao, Nixon                  SG1-002   149   735   364  1099  
     5     6  Limuaco, Pocholo              SG1-002   163   784   308  1092  
     6     1  Smith, Justin                 SG1-002   166   788   296  1084  
     7     1  Hipolito, Norberto            SG1-001   152   727   352  1079  
     8     1  Limuaco, Pocholo              SG1-001   163   763   308  1071  
     9     5  Snyder, Jon R.                SG1-001   212   928   112  1040  
    10     3  Omaga, Edwin A.               SG1-001   165   739   300  1039  
    11     4  Ferrer, Ferdinand B.          SG1-001   172   765   272  1037  
    12     1  Carmona, Wendell              SG1-001   164   724   304  1028  
    13     6  Lavoie, Gil L.                SG1-002   180   785   240  1025  
    14     5  Harris, Sean                  SG1-002   177   768   252  1020  
    15     4  Gonzales, Jamie               SG1-002   166   719   296  1015  
    16     2  Santos, Nestor                SG1-001   125   548   460  1008  
    17     4  Krawetz, Tyler G.             SG1-002   190   808   200  1008  
    18     1  Galapon, Roy A.               SG1-001   173   729   268   997  
    19     1  Dulay, Mike                   SG1-001   166   695   296   991  
    20     2  Sulit, Rufino M.              SG1-001   147   618   372   990  
    21     1  Gabay, Iluminado              SG1-001   158   654   328   982  
    22     2  Sotto, Ferdinand              SG1-001   133   552   428   980  
    23     2  Napoles, Angel                SG1-001   158   651   328   979  
    24     3  Clarete, Jelson               SG1-001   163   671   308   979  
    25     4  Geli, Ramil P.                SG1-002   162   664   312   976  
    26     2  Peratero, Victor              SG1-001   150   612   360   972  
    27     1  Cacao, Nixon                  SG1-001   149   602   364   966  
    28     2  Magtoto, Francis              SG1-001   113   456   508   964  
    29     3  Ednilao, Ramon                SG1-001   144   575   384   959  
    30     5  Talania, Bex                  SG1-001   174   695   264   959  
    31     6  Orillaneda, Edward            SG1-002   176   703   256   959  
    32     5  Janeczko, Dennis L.           SG1-002   181   722   236   958  
    33     5  Harris, Bruce                 SG1-002   184   718   224   942  
    34     5  Manuel Jr., Cornelio L.       SG1-001   169   655   284   939  
    35     1  Cartano, Jessie               SG1-001   162   610   312   922  
    36     5  Haaksma, Phil A.              SG1-002   178   666   248   914  
    37     5  Sayson, Adelfo                SG1-001   183   641   228   869  
    38     1  Hinayo, Meliton R.            SG1-001   201   685   156   841  
     1     3  Saqui, Herlene T.             SG1-001   144   623   384  1007  
     2     3  Santos, Estela                SG1-001   150   644   360  1004  
     3     3  Napoles, Violeta              SG1-001   130   563   440  1003  
     4     3  Sulit, Gilda C.               SG1-001   139   597   404  1001  
     5     4  Brown, Shirley A.             SG1-001   144   607   384   991  
     6     3  Sotto, Maria L.               SG1-001   125   525   460   985  
     7     4  Huber, Victoria H.            SG1-001   151   603   356   959  
     8     5  Kostenuk, Tamara R.           SG1-001   168   668   288   956  
     9     2  Agapito, Edna B.              SG1-001   150   595   360   955  
    10     3  Saqui, Hershey T.             SG1-001   149   582   364   946  
    11     2  Kubas, Dalyn                  SG1-001   125   483   460   943  
    12     5  Yao, Jocelyne S.              SG1-002   146   562   376   938  
    13     3  Clarete, Carolina F.          SG1-001   136   517   416   933  
    14     4  Forgues, Rhonda               SG1-001   167   621   292   913  
    15     4  Zumel, Elizabeth              SG1-001   153   565   348   913  
    16     4  Tataryn, Sharon A.            SG1-001   213   803   108   911  
    17     6  Fenk, Helen L.                SG1-002   174   646   264   910  
                          SCORES REPORT - Singles#1                          
                               April 11, 2019                                
                            200 CLUB INVITATIONAL                            

  No. Name                     Entry  Lane   Gm 1   Gm 2   Gm 3   Gm 4   Scr   Hcp Total
 1476 Cacao, Nixon                  1    1    186    135    120    161   602   364   966
 1477 Carmona, Wendell              1    1    205    164    188    167   724   304  1028
 1478 Cartano, Jessie               1    1    170    157    146    137   610   312   922
 1479 Dulay, Mike                   1    2    158    196    182    159   695   296   991
  425 Gabay, Iluminado              1    2    147    157    180    170   654   328   982
  433 Galapon, Roy A.               1    2    210    163    179    177   729   268   997
 1480 Hipolito, Norberto            1    2    158    186    191    192   727   352  1079
  570 Hinayo, Meliton R.            1    3    188    158    157    182   685   156   841
 1481 Limuaco, Pocholo              1    3    172    183    201    207   763   308  1071
 1482 Magtoto, Francis              2    3    107    107    126    116   456   508   964
 1483 Napoles, Angel                2    3    126    170    145    210   651   328   979
 1484 Peratero, Victor              2    4    166    119    165    162   612   360   972
 1485 Santos, Nestor                2    4    141    146    128    133   548   460  1008
 1269 Sotto, Ferdinand              2    4    125    161    142    124   552   428   980
 1295 Sulit, Rufino M.              2    4    133    145    182    158   618   372   990
 1486 Zumel, Karl                   2    5    190    166    204    227   787   336  1123
 1487 Alfonso, Frederick            2    5    231    208    181    167   787   320  1107
    4 Agapito, Edna B.              2    5    166    146    134    149   595   360   955
 1488 Kubas, Dalyn                  2    5    113    111    134    125   483   460   943
 1489 Napoles, Violeta              3    6    137    128    144    154   563   440  1003
 1270 Sotto, Maria L.               3    6    148    136    118    123   525   460   985
 1294 Sulit, Gilda C.               3    6    167    147    147    136   597   404  1001
 1154 Santos, Estela                3    6    157    158    162    167   644   360  1004
  225 Clarete, Carolina F.          3    7    136    128    117    136   517   416   933
 1490 Clarete, Jelson               3    7    206    168    158    139   671   308   979
  968 Omaga, Edwin A.               3    7    163    183    193    200   739   300  1039
 1156 Saqui, Herlene T.             3    7    165    129    154    175   623   384  1007
 1157 Saqui, Hershey T.             3    8    193    138    139    112   582   364   946
 1491 Ednilao, Ramon                3    8    140    170    150    115   575   384   959
  396 Ferrer, Ferdinand B.          4    8    183    226    183    173   765   272  1037
  140 Brown, Shirley A.             4    8    194    126    145    142   607   384   991
  588 Huber, Victoria H.            4    9    153    179    125    146   603   356   959
 1492 Forgues, Rhonda               4    9    155    149    173    144   621   292   913
 1323 Tataryn, Sharon A.            4    9    218    181    254    150   803   108   911
 1494 Zumel, Elizabeth              4    9    129    159    161    116   565   348   913
 1495 Sayson, Adelfo                5   10    186    158    170    127   641   228   869
  691 Kostenuk, Tamara R.           5   10    153    178    169    168   668   288   956
 1244 Snyder, Jon R.                5   10    235    237    246    210   928   112  1040
  819 Manuel Jr., Cornelio L.       5   10    159    139    169    188   655   284   939
 1496 Talania, Bex                  5   11    161    211    159    164   695   264   959
  698 Krawetz, Tyler G.             4    1    191    214    201    202   808   200  1008
  452 Geli, Ramil P.                4    1    147    182    145    190   664   312   976
 1493 Gonzales, Jamie               4    1    146    191    181    201   719   296  1015
  702 Kryschuk, Orest               4    1    218    244    256    178   896   224  1120
 1455 Yao, Jocelyne S.              5    2    127    147    136    152   562   376   938
 1235 Smith, Justin                 1    2    200    164    222    202   788   296  1084
  520 Haaksma, Phil A.              5    2    161    157    191    157   666   248   914
  612 Janeczko, Dennis L.           5    2    166    173    190    193   722   236   958
 1497 Harris, Sean                  5    3    180    196    202    190   768   252  1020
 1498 Harris, Bruce                 5    3    139    224    170    185   718   224   942
  739 Lavoie, Gil L.                6    3    224    167    199    195   785   240  1025
 1481 Limuaco, Pocholo              6    3    166    170    246    202   784   308  1092
 1476 Cacao, Nixon                  6    4    215    146    198    176   735   364  1099
 1499 Orillaneda, Edward            6    4    152    158    212    181   703   256   959
  384 Fenk, Helen L.                6    4    158    158    167    163   646   264   910