200-Club Tournament – 2018

April 7, 2018
SDQ LaVerendrye Bowling Lanes

We had 62 entries up from last years 43.

Congratulations Estella Santos of the women’s division and Tyler Krawetz of the men’s division for winning this years 200 Club Invitational.
Sharon Machinski, winner of last year’s women’s division, did not defend her title and Tyler Krawetz is the first to defend his title. Congratulations Tyler.
There were 26 entries in the women’s division and 36 in the men’s.

There was $151.00 raised through a 50/50 and the money will be used to help offset the cost of hosting the CTF Canadian Mixed Championships in November.

All that entered the tournament had a great time and met bowlers from different leagues and bowling houses.

Notable scores were too many to list, (please see score list below) – great bowling by everyone. The lowest game for the ladies was 104 and the highest was 223. The lowest game for the men was 90 and the highest was 288.

Thanks to Ed McCarthy and the staff at SDQ LaVerendrye Bowling Lanes for their courteous service during the tournament – without you it would not have run as smoothly as it did..

Thanks to the WTBA Directors, Wanda Howard (tournament director), Kathleen Yaworski, Helen Fenk, Pat Wight and Ron Molinski for running the tournament. Without you it would not have been the success that it was.

Thanks to all that bowled in the tournament and hope you had fun. See you all next year.

                                                       Scr         Hcp        
      Pos EntryNo.   Entrant Name                     Score   Hcp Score   Amount
                                Handicap Series                                
        1      1  Krawetz, Tyler G.                     954   220  1174   100.00
        2      4  Altasin, Ven                          815   276  1091    85.00
        3      2  Napoles, Angel                        714   340  1054    75.00
        4      5  Bostick, Nathan                       770   276  1046    70.00
        5      1  Chaban, Blair T.                      904   140  1044    60.00
        6      5  Amante, Hermie C.                     687   356  1043    50.00
        7      4  Adriano, Alex F.                      769   272  1041    40.00
      8-9      4  Snyder, Jon R.                        828   204  1032    35.00
      8-9      3  Cruz, Gerardo L.                      632   400  1032    35.00
                                Handicap Series                                
        1      2  Santos, Estela                        703   344  1047   100.00
        2      6  Huber, Victoria H.                    675   352  1027    75.00
        3      2  Napoles, Violet                       556   460  1016    65.00
        4      5  Yaworski, Kathleen L.                 699   312  1011    60.00
        5      4  Clarete, Cachel F.                    564   444  1008    50.00
        6      1  Lavallee, Nancy                       526   464   990    40.00
        7      5  Le Grand, Alice                       627   356   983    35.00
                              April 7, 2018                                
                         WTBA 200 CLUB INVITATIONAL                          
                               Rankings                                Hcp   
   Pos Entry# Entrant Name                  Squad     Ave   Scr   Hcp Total  
     1     1  Krawetz, Tyler G.             SG1-002   185   954   220  1174  
     2     4  Altasin, Ven                  SG1-002   171   815   276  1091  
     3     2  Napoles, Angel                SG1-001   155   714   340  1054  
     4     5  Bostick, Nathan               SG1-001   171   770   276  1046  
     5     1  Chaban, Blair T.              SG1-001   205   904   140  1044  
     6     5  Amante, Hermie C.             SG1-001   151   687   356  1043  
     7     4  Adriano, Alex F.              SG1-002   172   769   272  1041  
     8     3  Cruz, Gerardo L.              SG1-001   140   632   400  1032  
     9     4  Snyder, Jon R.                SG1-002   189   828   204  1032  
    10     3  Delay, Gilles                 SG1-002   158   689   328  1017  
    11     6  Hipolito, Bert                SG1-002   159   692   324  1016  
    12     1  Talania, Bex                  SG1-002   168   725   288  1013  
    13     2  Sulit, Rufino M.              SG1-001   142   611   392  1003  
    14     5  Janeczko, Dennis L.           SG1-002   184   770   224   994  
    15     2  Alfonso, Frederick            SG1-001   146   615   376   991  
    16     1  Agapito, Ruel O.              SG1-001   142   588   392   980  
    17     6  Lavoie, Gil L.                SG1-002   189   768   204   972  
    18     7  Dimayusa, Nelson              SG1-002   164   666   304   970  
    19     3  Omaga, Edwin A.               SG1-001   170   684   280   964  
    20     4  Ordonio, Francisco F.         SG1-002   202   809   152   961  
    21     3  Carmona, Wendell              SG1-001   153   597   348   945  
    22     4  Limuaco, Pocholo              SG1-002   163   635   308   943  
    23     5  Amante, Janchester            SG1-001   157   611   332   943  
    24     6  Hipolito, Enrico              SG1-002   160   612   320   932  
    25     3  Zumel, Karl                   SG1-001   142   536   392   928  
    26     2  Cacao, Nixon                  SG1-001   159   599   324   923  
    27     5  Korkosh, Rob                  SG1-002   178   670   248   918  
    28     5  Delorme, Dion J.              SG1-001   167   623   292   915  
    29     4  Hedch, Jesse                  SG1-002   171   627   276   903  
    30     5  Ashdown, Connor               SG1-002   144   517   384   901  
    31     6  Orillaneda, Edward            SG1-002   164   593   304   897  
    32     5  Sanchez, Sherwin              SG1-001   166   600   296   896  
    33     2  Sotto, Ferdinand              SG1-001   144   509   384   893  
    34     2  Ferrer, Ferdinand B.          SG1-002   173   621   268   889  
    35     6  Talania, Bex                  SG1-001   168   601   288   889  
    36     4  Clarete, Jelson               SG1-002   145   504   380   884  
     1     2  Santos, Estela                SG1-001   154   703   344  1047  
     2     6  Huber, Victoria H.            SG1-002   152   675   352  1027  
     3     2  Napoles, Violet               SG1-001   125   556   460  1016  
     4     5  Yaworski, Kathleen L.         SG1-001   162   699   312  1011  
     5     4  Clarete, Cachel F.            SG1-002   129   564   444  1008  
     6     1  Lavallee, Nancy               SG1-001   124   526   464   990  
     7     5  Le Grand, Alice               SG1-001   151   627   356   983  
     8     6  Fenk, Helen L.                SG1-002   183   752   228   980  
     9     3  Woods, Fe C.                  SG1-001   161   663   316   979  
    10     6  Howard, Wanda R.              SG1-002   164   661   304   965  
    11     3  Saltel, Valentina             SG1-001   175   700   260   960  
    12     3  Laliberte, Sherry L.          SG1-001   124   491   464   955  
    13     6  Tataryn, Sharon A.            SG1-001   200   794   160   954  
    14     7  Zumel, Elizabeth              SG1-002   159   628   324   952  
    15     1  Agapito, Edna B.              SG1-001   152   597   352   949  
    16     1  Watson, Kerrie G.             SG1-001   208   819   128   947  
    17     2  Sotto, Maria L.               SG1-001   127   492   452   944  
    18     4  Yao, Jocelyne S.              SG1-002   147   566   372   938  
    19     6  Brown, Shirley A.             SG1-002   163   630   308   938  
    20     3  Lucman, Lydia L.              SG1-002   144   547   384   931  
    21     2  Sulit, Gilda C.               SG1-001   148   560   368   928  
    22     1  Forgues, Rhonda               SG1-001   168   632   288   920  
    23     1  Zolondek, Debbie G.           SG1-001   153   561   348   909  
    24     4  Kostenuk, Tamara R.           SG1-002   166   612   296   908  
    25     1  Machinski, Sharon M.          SG1-001   133   451   428   879  
    26     3  Bagnall, Tamara               SG1-001   155   509   340   849
                               April 7, 2018                                
                         WTBA 200 CLUB INVITATIONAL                          
                              Detailed Scores
  No. Name                     Entry  Lane   Gm 1   Gm 2   Gm 3   Gm 4   Scr   Hcp Total
  745 Lavallee, Nancy               1    1    168    133    116    109   526   464   990
  796 Machinski, Sharon M.          1    1    115    107    119    110   451   428   879
 1486 Forgues, Rhonda               1    1    148    171    187    126   632   288   920
  206 Chaban, Blair T.              1    1    253    197    255    199   904   140  1044
 1426 Watson, Kerrie G.             1    2    211    206    200    202   819   128   947
 1485 Zolondek, Debbie G.           1    2    143    140    152    126   561   348   909
    4 Agapito, Edna B.              1    2    166    130    140    161   597   352   949
    5 Agapito, Ruel O.              1    3    149    126    167    146   588   392   980
 1487 Napoles, Angel                2    3    167    193    174    180   714   340  1054
 1488 Napoles, Violet               2    3    143    133    153    127   556   460  1016
 1279 Sotto, Ferdinand              2    3    141    137    141     90   509   384   893
 1280 Sotto, Maria L.               2    4    104    121    123    144   492   452   944
 1304 Sulit, Gilda C.               2    4    170    143    114    133   560   368   928
 1305 Sulit, Rufino M.              2    4    148    159    169    135   611   392  1003
 1489 Cacao, Nixon                  2    4    150    155    160    134   599   324   923
 1490 Alfonso, Frederick            2    5    146    149    149    171   615   376   991
 1164 Santos, Estela                2    5    182    194    178    149   703   344  1047
 1491 Zumel, Karl                   3    5     96    165    119    156   536   392   928
  269 Cruz, Gerardo L.              3    5    177    135    122    198   632   400  1032
  734 Laliberte, Sherry L.          3    6    118    124    128    121   491   464   955
 1492 Carmona, Wendell              3    6    121    151    158    167   597   348   945
 1458 Woods, Fe C.                  3    7    131    155    202    175   663   316   979
  975 Omaga, Edwin A.               3    7    197    185    151    151   684   280   964
   45 Bagnall, Tamara               3    7    119    123    144    123   509   340   849
 1157 Saltel, Valentina             3    7    152    201    181    166   700   260   960
 1498 Sanchez, Sherwin              5    8    164    120    177    139   600   296   896
 1500 Amante, Janchester            5    8    163    150    142    156   611   332   943
  748 Le Grand, Alice               5    8    173    156    155    143   627   356   983
  301 Delorme, Dion J.              5    8    187    164    136    136   623   292   915
   22 Amante, Hermie C.             5    9    171    120    193    203   687   356  1043
  120 Bostick, Nathan               5    9    197    204    162    207   770   276  1046
 1333 Tataryn, Sharon A.            6    9    179    202    190    223   794   160   954
 1466 Yaworski, Kathleen L.         5    9    148    204    191    156   699   312  1011
 1502 Talania, Bex                  6   10    168    140    151    142   601   288   889
  705 Krawetz, Tyler G.             1    1    237    288    201    228   954   220  1174
    2 Adriano, Alex F.              4    1    177    188    211    193   769   272  1041
 1494 Limuaco, Pocholo              4    1    168    166    154    147   635   308   943
 1495 Clarete, Jelson               4    1    110    131    118    145   504   380   884
 1465 Yao, Jocelyne S.              4    2    141    122    154    149   566   372   938
  227 Clarete, Cachel F.            4    2    151    166    125    122   564   444  1008
 1254 Snyder, Jon R.                4    2    196    211    207    214   828   204  1032
  698 Kostenuk, Tamara R.           4    2    136    135    177    164   612   296   908
 1497 Hedch, Jesse                  4    3    159    172    168    128   627   276   903
  617 Janeczko, Dennis L.           5    3    158    168    232    212   770   224   994
 1499 Korkosh, Rob                  5    3    175    184    172    139   670   248   918
 1501 Ashdown, Connor               5    3    106    128    170    113   517   384   901
  387 Fenk, Helen L.                6    4    186    201    168    197   752   228   980
  587 Howard, Wanda R.              6    4    155    165    160    181   661   304   965
  140 Brown, Shirley A.             6    4    165    144    169    152   630   308   938
  591 Huber, Victoria H.            6    4    156    159    189    171   675   352  1027
  399 Ferrer, Ferdinand B.          2    5    140    167    159    155   621   268   889
 1503 Orillaneda, Edward            6    5    153    123    160    157   593   304   897
  746 Lavoie, Gil L.                6    5    166    207    190    205   768   204   972
 1504 Hipolito, Enrico              6    5    131    139    169    173   612   320   932
 1505 Hipolito, Bert                6    6    133    204    193    162   692   324  1016
  978 Ordonio, Francisco F.         4    6    191    224    184    210   809   152   961
   20 Altasin, Ven                  4    6    183    224    193    215   815   276  1091
 1502 Talania, Bex                  1    6    182    213    176    154   725   288  1013
  300 Delay, Gilles                 3    7    161    181    175    172   689   328  1017
  787 Lucman, Lydia L.              3    7    121    133    163    130   547   384   931
 1506 Zumel, Elizabeth              7    7    144    160    157    167   628   324   952
 1507 Dimayusa, Nelson              7    7    198    166    129    173   666   304   970