An Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy

New findings in the worlds of somatic therapies and psychotherapy have shown that our past traumas are stored in the structures of our body. Our muscles, fascia, ligaments and tendons are the repository of our life history. Our body posture, tight spots, places of ongoing pain, are the result of our past and present experiences. Our minds may forget but our bodies do not. Whether trying to move on from past traumas, changing our life patterns or healing from pain and illness, it is not unusual to fail when using approaches that cater only to the mind. Only now to we realize that mind and body are completely intertwined and that one cannot work efficiently with one without working with the other. Biodynamic craniosacral therapy is a gentle form of body therapy that works at your body’s own pace, to unlock long-term areas of tension and help the body process difficult life events that it may have stored but not fully integrated.

By gently working with the nervous system, biodynamic craniosacral therapy can help in the resolution of a number of emotional conditions such as chronic high stress, phobias, panic attacks and anxiety. A biodynamic craniosacral therapy session can be a soothing grounding moment when a person is undergoing profound life changes or acute stressful times. Moving houses, changing jobs, the birth of a new baby, recovering from illness are times in our lives where the grounding effects of biodynamic craniosacral therapy can be useful. When our emotions run high and uncontrolled anger, teariness or sadness come to the forefront of our lives, it is a sign of nervous system overload and biodynamic craniosacral therapy can regulate our nervous system.

What is biodynamic craniosacral therapy?

Biodynamic craniosacral therapy is a gentle, non-invasive, hands-on treatment that provides the body with a space to go back to its state of natural health. The treatment is performed on a massage table, with the client fully clothed and the touch offered by the practitioner very light and still. Through her training, the practitioner is able to detect subtle physiological changes in the person’s body, assess the state of their nervous system (activate, exhausted etc..), and the flow of cerebrospinal fluid (a watery fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord). The practitioner can also make sure that the body is energetically balanced with the vital energy flowing adequately to all body parts. Blockages or activated areas are identified and the treatment helps to even out the energetic state of organs, tissues and fluids.

What is a session like?

The practitioner initially spends some time with you in order to discuss your health history, presenting health issues and health goals.  During the session, you will at all times be fully clothed and lying comfortably on a massage table. The practitioner may start the session by placing their hands at your feet, head or sacrum (the triangular bone at the lower end of your spine). During the 45-minute long session, the practitioner moves to any body part that needs attention, may it be the shoulders, hips, arms or legs. At all times, the practitioner checks-in with you whether you are feeling comfortable and relaxed. She will talk to you from time to time to make sure you are comfortable and fully present with the treatment.

What will I feel during a treatment?

Depending of your body, duration of illness and issues needing attention, you may feel one or many of the following sensations:
–    Relaxed feeling of well-being
–    A meditative-like overall feeling
–    Feeling so relaxed that you it feels like you are dreaming or falling asleep
–    A gentle floating, widening or softening sensation
–    At times, it may seem that more intense sensations take place, such as localized feelings of warmth. These occurs as your body is letting go of areas of blockages.

How will I feel after a treatment?

After a biodynamic craniosacral therapy session, most people can feel:
–    Relaxed and grounded
–    A beneficial shift in their sleeping patterns
–    Energized
–    An ability to breathe more deeply and fully
–    More Comfortable in their bodies
The impact of the session is generally most obvious in the 2-3 days after the session.

How many session are required?

Most people will find that 10 sessions are enough to make a significant positive impact on their health. For some individuals, just a few sessions may be enough to trigger health improvements.

Which conditions are most responsive to biodynamic craniosacral therapy?

–    Musculoskeletal injuries (strains, sprains, past fractures, repetitive strain issues such as tennis elbow or carpal tunnel syndrome)
–    Chronic muscle tension
–    Anxiety disorders
–    Sleep disorders
–    Dealing with grief or loss
–    TMJ/jaw problems
–    Menstrual irregularities