Buy links to books I’ve published.

Hidden Hearts (Mayhem and Scandal Collection 1)

If only their fake betrothal was real.

The last thing Fitzwilliam Darcy wants to do is spend more time with the Bennet family, even if Miss Elizabeth has bewitched him. After residing under the same roof as her for the last week, he needs greater distance between them, not less. When his friend answers for him about attending an excursion to a nearby cave, Darcy’s honour requires he keep his word. Thankfully, there are separate chambers in which to find solitude.

Elizabeth Bennet harbours a long-held secret which has turned her world upside down since the arrival of Mr. Darcy to the community. The addition of a handsome and wealthy bachelor to the area should have her heart racing in excitement, or at least offer amusement. Unfortunately, such hopes were dashed faster than the man could scowl. Dragged along as her family visits a nearby cavern, Elizabeth seeks out space for a self-imposed isolation. Unfortunately, her privacy is intruded upon by Mr. Darcy in the most unlikely of ways.

When the ceiling unexpectedly gives way, they are trapped in the cave. Upon their rescue, gossipmongers make it clear that Elizabeth’s reputation must be salvaged. Darcy is rather happy to provide the service. The only problem is that she is in love with another man, the mysterious Mr. P.

While everyone in Meryton and beyond believe Darcy and Elizabeth are on their way to being husband and wife, Darcy knows the truth of the agreement he has made with the lady he loves. Their engagement and his time to win her love has an expiry date. Will he discover who Mr. P is and how to replace him in Elizabeth’s heart before their fake betrothal comes to an end?

Mayhem causes scandal with a twist in Hidden Hearts, a new addition from Rose Fairbanks. If you love sweet romance, secret yearnings, and a love that cannot be concealed, grab a cup of your favorite tea and download now.

Hidden Hearts is 46,000 words and approximately 200 pages in print.

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Quarantined with Darcy (Mayhem and Scandal Collection 2)

Forced into quarantine together, will they be able to keep their hearts isolated?

Confined at Netherfield with the imperious Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth Bennet thinks the edict to quarantine endangers her sanity. Unexpectedly, the increased time in Darcy’s company reveals her heart is in grave danger, especially as her deepest secret precludes any chance of matrimony.

Already bewitched by Elizabeth, Fitzwilliam Darcy recognizes her continued presence at Netherfield could destroy his plan to leave the area as a bachelor. However, he is helpless against the burgeoning love for her that grows with each passing day.

How long will their quarantine last, and will their hearts be the only casualties?

Quarantined with Darcy is the second installment in the Mayhem and Scandal collection of stand-alone Jane Austen-inspired stories that can be read in any order. If you like your dose of Darcy with a dash of danger and sweet, slow-burn romance, then download or buy today!

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The Gentleman’s Impertinent Daughter (Impertinent Daughters and Headstrong Sons #1)

When Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet meet in Hyde Park, Darcy immediately finds his opinions of the world challenged by the lady. Their attraction grows at the next meeting as Elizabeth finds she has at last met a man who accepts her wit and intelligence. The budding romance may be killed, however, upon their arrival in Hertfordshire. Darcy must meet Elizabeth’s family while Elizabeth grapples with the jealous Caroline Bingley, all the while a man in uniform watches and plots. Fate brought them together, but only love can overcome their obstacles. Short and sweet, The Gentleman’s Impertinent Daughter is an uncomplicated romance for all who love Jane Austen Fan Fiction.

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Letters from the Heart (Jane Austen Reimaginings #1)

Resolved to forget Elizabeth Bennet during a winter in London, Fitzwilliam Darcy writes a letter in bitterness of spirit. Frustrated by her growing obsession with the arrogant man, Elizabeth commits her thoughts to paper. But angry people are not always wise, and secret thoughts do not always remain secret. Compelled to face their selfishness and fears, their actions encourage those dearest to them to change as well. An unexpected mixture of introspection and comedy, Letters from the Heart is perfectly packaged with charm and sweet romance.

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Undone Business (Jane Austen Reimaginings #2)

Upon leaving Hertfordshire in early December, Darcy feels certain he provided reasons for Elizabeth to distrust Mr. Wickham. She, in turn, believes Darcy understands Jane’s feelings for Mr. Bingley. Disappointed in her attempts to see Bingley again, Jane despairs of ever finding happiness. Yet, the business of life cannot always remain undone. When Darcy and Elizabeth meet again in Kent, both couples must face the courses their lives have taken. Undone Business explores the cost of both opportunities missed and second chances seized.

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No Cause to Repine (Jane Austen Reimaginings #3)

When a simple accident is misinterpreted and threatens Elizabeth Bennet’s reputation, her fate seems sealed as Fitzwilliam Darcy’s wife. While the bride is resigned, the gentleman could hardly be happier until betrayals and schemes threaten to entirely take the matter out of their hands. Overcoming the plots before them will take all the patience, perseverance and collaboration they can muster, but a partnership requires truth. Self-discovery and trust await Jane Austen’s most beloved and willfully blind couple as they attempt to master their own destiny in life and love.

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Love Lasts Longest (Jane Austen Reimaginings #4)

Steal a quiet moment with Darcy and Elizabeth… In the busy world of go-go-go, we often have our gadgets glued to us all the time. Via technology we can now take our books with us much more conveniently than before, but who wants their reading interrupted in order to return to the real world? Love Lasts Longest was written for the moments when reading a lengthier volume is unwise. Follow each story as we see Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet grow in love over and over again!

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Mr. Darcy’s Kindness (Jane Austen Reimaginings #5)

Although Elizabeth Bennet once refused her father’s heir, she reconsiders when her elder sister—despondent from heartbreak—contemplates marriage to him. Confident that Mr. Bingley will return to Netherfield and confess his love for Jane, Elizabeth accepts Mr. Collins’ offer of matrimony. When Fitzwilliam Darcy visits his aunt’s estate months later, his heart breaks at learning Elizabeth is now Mrs. Collins, and due to his selfishness. As Darcy determines to right his wrongs, a fever breaks out in London, forever altering his relationship with Elizabeth. In Mr. Darcy’s Kindness, misunderstandings and pride lead to more regret and heartache than Jane Austen’s original, but love always finds a way.

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Mr. Darcy’s Compassion (Jane Austen Re-Imaginings #6)

Devastated. Abandoned. Will they find comfort in each other’s arms?

When Mr. Darcy stops for respite at a coaching inn, a warm meal and bed are all that are on his mind. Soon, he recognizes a tavern maid as none other than the woman who captured his heart weeks ago. Reeling from his own hardships, Darcy makes the impulsive decision to chase after her and offer assistance.

Elizabeth Bennet is alone and friendless in the world. Necessity drove her from her home and the life of a gentlewoman to working for her room and board. Mr. Darcy’s offer of aid is timely, but can she trust him when she has been hurt by all she calls family? Can she ever learn to love and forgive herself?

Mr. Darcy’s Compassion is Rose Fairbanks’ latest novel about healing deep-seated wounds, relinquishing faulty beliefs, and making a fresh start. If you love romance that is built upon genuine trust and restores the soul, then buy today!

*This story may contain triggers for emotional and/or sexual abuse survivors.

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Courtship at Rosings (Jane Austen Re-Imaginings #7)

A man truly in love is a sight to behold.

Despite Fitzwilliam Darcy’s better judgment, he asks Elizabeth Bennet to marry him. Instead of retreating upon learning her heart, he decides to use everything in his power to woo her.

In Elizabeth’s mind, Darcy has always been haughty and arrogant. When he approaches her with humility and an apology on his lips, she can barely contain her astonishment. When he expresses his love, she is nearly incredulous. Realizing she has misunderstood the man, it only seems right to give their acquaintance another chance—even if that means accepting a courtship.

Of course, it would take a miracle to change Darcy from the last man in the world she would be willing to marry to the conqueror of her heart. Luckily, the Master of Pemberley can be quite the romantic. However, when Darcy goes missing, it will take more than Darcy’s charm to see these two finally united.

Courtship at Rosings is another delightful novella from the author of Mr. Darcy’s Compassion. If you have ever wanted to see Mr. Darcy romance Elizabeth, this book is for you! The perfect length to read before bed, it will ensure sweet dreams and a sigh-worthy experience. Download today!

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Mr. Darcy’s Grieving Wife (Jane Austen Re-Imaginings Book #8)

There was only one rule for their marriage. No falling in love.

Elizabeth Bennet thrives on finding the follies in life. The most beloved daughter of her father, she has lived a relatively charmed life with little to cause her pain or regret. That all changes the morning her father collapses. Forced to marry to save her family, Elizabeth’s only choices are men she can never love.

Needing a wife to end his overbearing family’s schemes, Mr. Darcy has settled upon the vivacious Elizabeth. When he overhears she is considering marriage to another man, he is inspired to act quickly, and soon finds himself in a marriage of convenience.

The agreement is supposed to be devoid of sentiment and love, suiting them both at first. However, respect soon blossoms to love for Darcy while Elizabeth remains convinced her heart is permanently broken. Suddenly, a match that was supposed to be convenient becomes painfully inconvenient. Can a marriage overflowing with such differing emotions be maintained, or will there be no other choice for Darcy and Elizabeth but to live separate lives?

Mr. Darcy’s Grieving Wife is Rose Fairbanks’ latest stand-alone novel. If you like heroes with unwavering devotion, stories that pull on your heartstrings, and romance amidst life’s pains, then you will enjoy this story full of heartache and joy.

Grab your copy today and settle in for an unforgettable read as Darcy and Elizabeth navigate their anything-but-convenient marriage.

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Jane Austen Re-Imaginings: Volume 1: A Pride and Prejudice Collection (Jane Austen Re-Imaginings Collection) by [Rose Fairbanks]

Jane Austen Re-Imaginings: Volume 1: A Pride and Prejudice Collection (Jane Austen Re-Imaginings 9)

Love letters, unexpected consequences, and no regrets…

Three previously published works from the Jane Austen Re-Imaginings Collection by bestselling author, Rose Fairbanks.

Letters from the Heart

Private thoughts do not always stay private. When Darcy and Elizabeth accidentally send letters to one another, an engagement is assumed. A forced marriage scenario with a twist.

Undone Business

When Sir William Lucas does not interrupt Darcy and Elizabeth’s dance at the Netherfield ball, Darcy has the opportunity to explain the truth about Mr. Wickham. However, Darcy does not take the chance, leaving a necessary conversation unfinished by choice. Darcy, Elizabeth, and their loved ones learn the importance of not leaving matters incomplete.

No Cause to RepineElizabeth Bennet is forced to marry a man she hates after a simple accident is misconstrued. As she begins to learn there is more to the arrogant man than she had first thought, they must grow closer to fight the plots against them and their families. Will they find a path to happiness that leaves no room for regrets?

Settle in for three unique paths to happily ever after for Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet. Every story in the Jane Austen Re-Imaginings Collection can be read in any order and is a stand-alone work.

If you like money-saving collections that warm your heart and leave you satisfied and sighing, then grab the Jane Austen Re-Imaginings Collection Volume 1 today!

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Eavesdropping: A Pride and Prejudice Variation (Jane Austen Reimaginings Book 10) by [Rose Fairbanks]

Eavesdropping (Jane Austen Reimaginings Book 10)

He can’t keep his eyes or ears off her.

Ever since Elizabeth Bennet overheard Mr. Darcy criticizing her at a ball, she has disliked the man. She immediately discerned his arrogance and has no patience for him. However, she is not the only person who eavesdrops on others.

Unable to fight his growing attraction to Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy has developed a bad habit of listening to her conversations with others. By chance, he hears personal information regarding Elizabeth’s sister. When Elizabeth asks for a private meeting with him, her sister is the last thing on his mind.

As Darcy and Elizabeth attempt to discuss the nature of their friends’ attachment, their own hearts become involved. One overheard conversation has set them at odds, can another unite them?

Misunderstandings and assumptions abound in this short, sweet, and humorous novelette that all Pride and Prejudice fans will enjoy. If you love fast-paced inspirational stories with witty heroines and loveable heroes, then grab your copy of Eavesdropping today!

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Mr. Darcy’s Secret Baby (Jane Austen Re-Imaginings Book 11)

He never meant for it to go so far. Now she’s having his baby.

Fitzwilliam Darcy always followed the path before him as a member of the bon ton. Falling in love with a woman from a country town with one foot in trade was never part of the plan. When his marriage proposal is rejected, his carefully contained emotions burst through his calm façade. She doubted he was passionately in love, and he never backed down from a challenge.

Elizabeth Bennet has despised Darcy since before they were properly introduced. Despite believing the feeling was mutual, the greatest insult in his wretched proposal was his claims of ardent love. She would not be mocked again and could not deny her attraction. Before she knew it, she had fallen from grace.

Both immediately regret their lapse in judgment, but as marriage is distasteful to Elizabeth, there is only one thing to do. She parts ways with Mr. Darcy, intending to live as if it never happened. When an unexpected consequence to their union arises, will Elizabeth stand fast to her resolve to never marry Darcy? Will he even be willing to offer for her again?

Mr. Darcy’s Secret Baby is a sweet romance of error and redemption. If you love stories full of misunderstandings, yearning, and self-discovery mixed with swoon-worthy kisses, buy or download today!

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Jane Austen Re-Imaginings: Volume 2 : A Pride and Prejudice Collection (Jane Austen Reimaginings Book 12) by [Rose Fairbanks]

Jane Austen Re-Imaginings: Volume 2 : A Pride and Prejudice Collection (Jane Austen Reimaginings Book 12)

Kindness, Compassion, and heart-warming tales

Three previously published works from the Jane Austen Re-Imaginings Collection by bestselling author, Rose Fairbanks.

Mr. Darcy’s Kindness
When Elizabeth marries Mr. Collins to save her dearest sister from giving up on love, can there ever be a happily ever after for Darcy and Elizabeth?

Love Lasts Longest
A collection of short stories that are designed for busy readers to steal a few heart-warming moments with Darcy and Elizabeth.

Mr. Darcy’s Compassion
When Mr. Darcy finds Elizabeth Bennet working at a tavern far from Longbourn, his only thought is for her safety. Soon, they share their secrets and their hearts.
*This story may contain triggers for emotional and/or sexual abuse survivors.

Settle in for three unique paths to happily ever after for Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet. Every story in the Jane Austen Re-Imaginings Collection can be read in any order and is a stand-alone work.

If you like money-saving collections that warm your heart and leave you satisfied and sighing, then grab the Jane Austen Re-Imaginings Collection Volume 2 today!

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The Set Down (Jane Austen Reimaginings Book 13)

His world has already irrevocably changed, what difference can one dance make?

Recently embroiled in a scandal in London, Fitzwilliam Darcy seeks respite from the salacious whispers of the ton by visiting his friend in Meryton. He also expects the assembly there to be as tedious as all the other balls he has attended. Unfortunately, he is wrong on both accounts.

A brief conversation at the assembly makes him view his new neighbours, especially Miss Elizabeth Bennet, in a new light. For how can he refuse to acknowledge that everyone has a deeper story when he has one himself?
Having had his eyes opened by the ton’s willingness to believe the worst about him, he recognizes Elizabeth’s worth. Regrettably, he also knows he has little hope that such a magnificent and sensible woman would willingly attach herself to a family as tarnished as his.

Will Darcy leave the area in silence, or will he use his change in standing to seize love? Can his pride withstand rejection if Elizabeth is not willing to have her reputation questioned by being tied to him?

The Set Down is a heartwarming tale told entirely from Mr. Darcy’s point of view. If you enjoy honorable heroes and love stories with tender moments between the couple as they overcome obstacles together, grab your copy today.

*The Set Down is a novella of approximately 22,000 words and 110 pages in print.

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When at Rosings (Jane Austen Reimaginings Book 14)

If music be the food of love, play on.

Fitzwilliam Darcy abandoned Hertfordshire and a pair of bewitching eyes that continue to haunt him. Five months later, he has never regretted something more — but returning would mean swallowing his pride and discarding his family’s expectations. At Rosings, he must make a choice: marry his cousin or surrender to his heart’s desire.

Elizabeth Bennet has always believed Mr. Darcy the last man she would ever want to marry. After hearing him at the pianoforte and a heartfelt encounter, she realises that her opinion is little more than wounded vanity which exposes a secret yearning. Unsure if she can trust her changed opinion or his honour, she may crush two hearts in the endeavour to save one.

Readers who enjoy sigh-worthy sweet romances with an unexpected twist and characters who come to love each other despite their faults will love When at Rosings.

Grab your copy today and settle in for another delicious read from Rose Fairbanks.

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Once Upon a December (Christmas with Jane #1)

Re-imagine Jane Austen’s beloved Pride and Prejudice.

The well-known story changes seven times when snowfalls and the Christmas messages of goodwill and love to all warms and transforms hearts. Discover the magic and wonder of true love, first kisses, and forgiveness with Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth, Jane, and Mr. Bingley in Once Upon a December.

A Sleigh Ride for Two: Darcy returns to Hertfordshire armed with a sleigh and a plan to clear his good name. 

Thawed Hearts: Inspired by In the Bleak Midwinter by Christina Rossetti, Darcy seeks happiness in a world of cold memories.

Fitzy the Snowman: The Gardiners’ youngest daughter witnesses love spark between Darcy and Elizabeth during a day of snow games.

The Force of Love: Relatives present logical reasons for Darcy and Elizabeth to reconsider their understanding of themselves, but true change is born of love.

Home with You: Jane knows her heart belongs with Mr. Bingley, but despairs of ever feeling at home again.

Fortune Favours the Bold: Regency era propriety dictates letters between unwed ladies and men taboo. Sometimes, breaking the rules is worth the risk.

Winter Walks: A walk in the snow covered lanes near Longbourn adds romance and magic to Darcy and Elizabeth’s engagement.

**All stories are set in Regency England.

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Mr. Darcy’s Miracle at Longbourn (Christmas with Jane #2)

‘Tis the Season to believe in miracles!

Less than a month after Fitzwilliam Darcy left Hertfordshire, he regrets the decision. Still, stubborn as they come, he will abide by the choice even if his heart freezes over worse than a December chill.

At Longbourn, Elizabeth Bennet rejects the Christmas themes of unconditional love and forgiveness. In her mind, Mr. Darcy deserves neither and not only for insulting her upon first sight. Elizabeth is certain Darcy is behind her sister’s heartache.

Fate has other plans, however, when it throws them together again and again and again. Christmas magic works on their hearts and minds as the calendar refuses to budge from December 23. What will it take to see Christmas Eve? How many lives need to change?

Mr. Darcy’s Miracle at Longbourn is a heart-warming holiday read from Rose Fairbanks, author of Mr. Darcy’s Bluestocking Bride. If you love A Christmas Carol, It’s a Wonderful Life, and Miracle on 34th Street, fill your mug with hot cocoa and buy your copy today!

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How Mr. Darcy Saved Christmas (Christmas with Jane Book 3)

Sometimes the most loving heart lies beneath a prickly exterior.

On a much-needed holiday with her favorite relations, Elizabeth Bennet is in search of Christmas cheer. Instead, she meets The Great Curmudgeon, or as the locals call him, Mr. Darcy. 

Darcy hates any display of Christmas happiness. He didn’t always feel that way but is certain he will never welcome it again. In defiance of Pemberley tradition for being the life-force behind the holiday in the area, he shuns it after a family tragedy. 

Despite their first perceptions of each other, Darcy and Elizabeth cannot resist the pull of their hearts. Old and new friendships, however, collide to weave an insurmountable obstacle between the fledgling lovers. Will Darcy be able to see past his pain or will he forever miss out on the joy of true love? 

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Christmas with Darcy (Christmas with Jane Books 1-3)

Christmas with Darcy is a bundle of three previously released works, each featuring happily ever afters for Darcy and Elizabeth with a holiday twist.

The short stories in Once Upon a December are perfect to read during a hot cocoa and cookie break. Mr. Darcy’s Miracle at Longbourn takes our dear couple and their loved ones on unexpected twists in an adventure that requires assistance from time. Darcy’s heart grows three times its size when he falls in love with Elizabeth in How Darcy Saved Christmas.

Cozy up next to the fire with your favorite blanket and slippers as you treat yourself to Christmas with Darcy today!

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Meet Me at Pemberley (Christmas with Jane 4)

Christmas is a time of healing and love, can their broken hearts become whole?

Leaving London behind, Elizabeth Bennet is a walking scandal in Meryton. Cast out by her mother, she now lives with her married sister at Netherfield. The gossip doesn’t bother her near as much as her own recriminations. How can she ever trust her judgment again?

Fitzwilliam Darcy has no pride left. He has searched high and low for his little sister and cannot find her or the scoundrel who convinced her to elope. When he can’t face the empty halls of his homes, he visits his friend.
Meeting for the first time at Netherfield, Darcy and Elizabeth’s hearts are guarded as they recover from their not-so-distant wounds.

Mistletoe and sleigh bells abound in this heart-warming tale full of Christmas hope that destroys all fear and loneliness.

Download or buy Meet Me at Pemberley and snuggle up by the fire with some hot cocoa for your favourite holiday read!

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Mr. Darcy’s Bluestocking Bride (Pride & Prejudice & Bluestockings #1)

He’s on the hunt for a bluestocking, and she is no man’s fool.

Fitzwilliam Darcy, heir to a barony, must put aside his hatred for attention and Society and find a wife. Deemed the most eligible bachelor of the Season, he seeks high and low for a well-bred, intelligent woman to replace the one he determined unsuitable.

Elizabeth Bennet used to be certain of her judgement. In one day, everything changed. Her family might be in danger, and she needs a confidant. When she meets Darcy again and again in the groves of Rosings, her head says to tell Darcy everything, but her heart wonders if she can trust him.

As the clock works against them, can they find what they need in one another? Or will the duties of family and lingering secrets separate them?

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Lady Darcy’s Bluestocking Club (Pride and Prejudice and Bluestockings #2)

They have conquered each other, now they must conquer the vicious scrutiny of the Ton.

The newlyweds, Lord and Lady Darcy, struggle to take their proper place in London Society amidst rumours surrounding their rushed wedding. The present gossip is nothing compared to what would follow should anyone discover their secret. Their dreams of reforming the Bluestocking Club would shatter.
Insult after insult leaves the new bride terrified that she cannot fill her predecessor’s shoes and that she will lose Darcy’s love if she cannot charm London.

Easing the path of acceptance for Elizabeth proves arduous for Darcy after the betrayal of his two closest friends and past demons come back to haunt him.

Beset on every side, scandal breaks out, challenging everything they have come to hold dear.

Lady Darcy’s Bluestocking Club is the second volume in the Pride and Prejudice and Bluestockings series. If you love bluestockings and family dramas, then you will enjoy this story of a deeply in love couple who take on the world together.

Charge up your Kindle and buy or download Lady Darcy’s Bluestocking Club to discover how Darcy and Elizabeth stare down their problems and fall deeper in love.

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The Secrets of Pemberley (The Men of Austen #1)

Some secrets are too painful to tell…

To the world, Fitzwilliam Darcy has it all. He’s the young master to one of the kingdom’s oldest and wealthiest Norman families. Through his mother, he is related to a powerful line of earls. Beneath the perfect façade lies the truth: he’s the product of his mother’s affair and the heir George Darcy never wanted.

At twenty-eight, Darcy has fought hard to put to rest the pains of the past and earn his place in Society. But can he resist the allure of ending his loneliness with the unsuitable woman who has tugged at his heartstrings? Will he tell her his secret and if he does, will she keep it? Or will someone else from the past destroy everything Darcy has worked for?

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Pledged (Loving Elizabeth #1)

She was everything he ever wanted…if only she was not his best friend’s sister.

As any honourable gentleman knows, a friend’s sister is untouchable. It is a code that Fitzwilliam Darcy has never had an issue with until now. However, Elizabeth Bennet might be enticing enough to risk not only disinheritance from his father and the displeasure of his entire family but also the loss of his best friend’s trust.

To Elizabeth, her brother’s friend, Will, is as pompous as the day is long. However, he is also enigmatic, and soon, she finds herself drawn to his complexities. Unexpectedly, she falls hard and fast for this young heir of a vast estate, but at sixteen, she has never been in London society before and is new to all its deceptions and games. Will she be able to decipher who to trust or will her heart pay the ultimate price?

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Reunited (Loving Elizabeth #2)

Beneath layers of mistrust and betrayal, the embers of their passion and love continue to burn.

Jilted for years, Elizabeth Bennet has vowed to never allow Will Darcy back into her life when he arrives in Meryton five years too late. However, her defenses begin to crumble with his sweet words of regret and persuasive kisses. When he proclaims they will wed, Elizabeth’s friends and family reinforce what she already knows: she should never trust Will with her heart.

Facing his demons, Will finally journeys to Meryton determined to make Elizabeth truly love him this time. Soon, he learns he had misjudged her—she was never unfaithful. Someone plotted to tear them apart, preying on their insecurities. With many suspects and few clues, Will must discover who sabotaged their relationship while endeavoring to earn Elizabeth’s trust. Her respect is the one thing he cannot buy and may never attain.

The second volume in the Loving Elizabeth series, Reunited tantalizes readers with a swoon-worthy hero, passionate encounters, and a love that transcends all obstacles. Perfect for a fast-paced summer read, buy today!

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Treasured (Loving Elizabeth #3)

Together they can conquer anything…and their enemies know it. 

Just as all seems well in Will Darcy’s life, old troubles reemerge. Now, he may have to choose between following his heart and keeping his beloved safe. 

Elizabeth Bennet has waited five years to marry Will and is determined to see them to the altar. Confident their love will prevail, she bears their trials with patience and cleverness. 

The final book in the Loving Elizabeth Series, Treasured is a dramatic conclusion to Will and Elizabeth’s saga. If you like love stories with the couple fighting outside forces, a knight in shining armor, and spirited heroines buy today! 

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The Loving Elizabeth Collection: Pledged, Reunited, and Treasured

Join Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth in a love story for the ages!

The Loving Elizabeth Collection is the full set of Loving Elizabeth novellas which tell the tale of Darcy and Elizabeth as they go from smitten young lovers in a whirlwind romance to adults realizing love conquers all.


Pledged: When twenty-two-year old Fitzwilliam Darcy meets his best friend’s sixteen-year old sister, Elizabeth Bennet, the attraction is undeniable. However, longing to be together and actually getting to be together are two very different things. Can the pair overcome the opposition that comes at them from various corners, especially that of her brother?

Reunited: Five years after the events of Pledged, Will and Elizabeth have a second chance when they meet in Meryton. Can they overcome the past misunderstandings and old hurts which separated them?

Treasured: Officially betrothed with a wedding date set, Will and Elizabeth are ready to celebrate their love for all the world to know. However, someone would rather see Will dead than happily married. Can love overcome all odds?

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A Sense of Obligation (Desire & Obligation #1)

One night changes everything…

A chance, but meaningful, encounter in Netherfield’s library changes everything between Darcy and Elizabeth. As they rush to the altar, Darcy’s faulty memory may destroy their chance at domestic comfort before they begin. Knowing their obligations and no longer resisting their attraction, they forge a foundation of trust and respect. New feelings may not be enough, however, to overcome the misunderstanding which lays between them. Exploring the juncture of sentiment and reason, A Sense of Obligation, takes Darcy and Elizabeth on a passionate, humorous and introspective path toward happiness in marriage.

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Matching Pemberley: A Pride & Prejudice Novella Variation (Matchmakers & Wallflowers Book 1) by [Rose Fairbanks]

Matching Pemberley (Matchmakers & Wallflowers Book 1)

Their futures seemed determined, until they were not.

One would think that an heiress would have everything she wanted lying at her feet and a cadre of friends to ensure her happiness. However, one would be wrong. Lady Elizabeth Bennet secretly carries a devastating burden and, having spurned too many suitors, is a wallflower by choice. However, if she cannot find a match quickly, not even her money and title will save her from a fate worse than death.

William Darcy, a shopkeeper’s son and distant relation to the Darcy’s of Pemberley, never thought he would part of London’s society, but an unexpected friendship and a fortunate investment has thrust him into the bowels of fine society. It is not, perhaps a place he enjoys being, but it does afford him the prospect of finally restoring to his family what was once stolen.

There is, however, a rather pretty obstacle standing in his path. Lady Elizabeth, the woman with the unforgettable eyes, threatens to upend all of Darcy’s plans, while, unbeknownst to him, he poses a complication in her quest for security and safety. Can two rivals find a solution that brings them both what they want, or will one have to win at the other’s expense?

Matching Pemberley is the first in a new series featuring matchmakers and wallflowers from Rose Fairbanks. If you enjoy sweet stories with unexpected twists, you will love this gender-swap retelling of Pride and Prejudice. Cupid has his work cut out for him, but he may have a bit of help! Buy or download your copy today.

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Cinderella’s Phantom Prince and Beauty’s Mirror

Two haunting novellas . . . two paranormal fairytale retellings by bestselling authors.

Cinderella’s Phantom Prince by Jenni James

Prince Adrian died tragically twenty years before, and until he met Adeline, his life had been quite lonely indeed. Suddenly, it is full of intrigues and a yearning desire to get to know the contradictory maiden. One moment, she is a prim and proper miss, and the next, a pillar of pluck and determination. Mostly, he finds he wants to protect her from the onslaught of her family—and the role of servant they have forced her to play.

Adeline Moses was not royalty at all—she was merely a companion to her two stepsisters, the daughters of Lady Attlepate. So when she finds herself falling for a princely ghost during a summer party, all the rules of etiquette and her station in life seem to be tossed out the window. Now she is attempting to spend as much time with the prince as she can without her stepsisters ruining what little bit of happiness she has found.

Their hearts feel alive for the first time in ages, yet a bit battered too, for how can such an unlikely pair find their happily ever after?

Beauty’s Mirror by Rose Fairbanks

Leonard Sundridge must find true love before his stepdaughter’s sixth birthday or he will die, cursed by his phantom wife to this fate unless he learns to love. But he cannot leave the estate grounds, and no one has ever loved him. Five years later, an angry and bitter prisoner in his own home, he hires a governess for Rosie in what may be his first selfless act ever.

Arabella Beauley once believed in magical tales, but when nothing can save her mother, she forsakes fanciful stories. When her brother incurs a debt to the duke of Erroll, she chooses to work off his debt as a governess. Bella expected merely to give French lessons. Instead, the strange happenings at Sundridge Castle engulf her. Is the duke as rough and beastly as others have said?

You’ve never read a Beauty and the Beast story like this before!


The Maid of Inverness: Flowers of Scotland (The Marriage Maker Book 21) by [Rose Fairbanks]

The Maid of Inverness: Flowers of Scotland (The Marriage Maker Book 21)

Despite Douglas Randolph’s attempt to avoid Society and his responsibility as the future Duke of Inverness, news he is has inherited the dukedom reaches him deep in the Highland hills of Scotland. That problem pales into comparison to the wager he makes with the man known as The Marriage Maker. Sir Stirling James swears he can find suitable husbands for four ladies directly descendant from Robert the Bruce. Little does Douglas know he is to be the first groom.

Orphaned at a young age, Marigold Kincaid now works as a servant for her much older cousin. Knowing life would have been worse on the streets, she accepts her position in the household with grace and kindness.

After Marigold mistakes Douglas for a thief, an unlikely friendship forms between the two. Their friendship quickly blossoms into something more as each sees what they need most in the other. While love struggles to bloom, secrets come to light that threaten their friendship.

Somehow, they must break through the walls they have erected around their hearts and learn to trust one another.

Buy Link

Falling for Mr. Thornton: Tales of North and South by [Trudy Brasure, Nicole Clarkston, Don Jacobson, Nancy Klein, M. Liza Marte, Elaine Owen, Evy Journey, Damaris Osborne, Melanie Stanford, Rose Fairbanks]

Falling for Mr. Thornton: Tales of North and South

Amidst the turbulent backdrop of a manufacturing town in the grips of the Industrial Revolution, Elizabeth Gaskell penned the timeless passion of Mr. Thornton and Margaret Hale. A mixing of contemporary and Victorian, this short story anthology by twelve beloved authors considers familiar scenes from new points of view or re-imagined entirely. Capturing all the poignancy, heartbreak, and romance of the original tale, Falling for Mr. Thornton is a collection you will treasure again and again.

Stories by: Trudy Brasure * Nicole Clarkston * Julia Daniels * Rose Fairbanks * Don Jacobson * Evy Journey * Nancy Klein * M. Liza Marte * Elaine Owen * Damaris Osborne * Melanie Stanford ** Foreword by Mimi Matthews **

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28 thoughts on “Books

  1. i have been trying to find your book about ruby… the dukes bluestocking plan… could you please send me a link to where i can purchase it.


      1. Hi, David! I am all kinds of behind in plans because I’ve had health problems for a few years and have finally been diagnosed with MS. Now that I’m on medication, hopefully I can be more consistent with my writing plans and not unexpectedly lose months due to flares. Friends and Follies has not been released and is on my agenda for 2020.


  2. Love your books, been slowly adding them to my Kindle. Are you Isobel Quinn? If so, I have the first book, Sisters Bewitched in my Kindle but have been unable to find a Kindle version of the continuation, The Secrets of Netherfield Abbey — HELP! Thank you.


    1. Hi! Yes, I am Isobel Quinn. I’ve actually decided to retire that series and work on it more. I had intended to do it as a short story series but then The Secrets of Netherfield Abbey was novella length. Then when I was working on the third book, it was becoming novel length. What I’m doing now is editing the first two books and rounding out the magical world and some other things more and will be republishing under a different series name and title. If you email me at rosefairbanksauthor at gmail dot com, then I can send you the copy of TSNA for now and put you on the list of those to receive the updated books for free.


  3. When do you plan to release the the friends and follies restored book? I am anxious to read after the teaser at the end of the loving Elizabeth series.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I had wanted to have Friends and Follies begin last year but I was diagnosed with MS and my health did not allow it. Then, there were plans for this year but due to the pandemic, I am uncertain what will be completed when. I am having to homeschool my kids and that takes up nearly all of my writing time. I am eager to complete the story, so it will not be abandoned!


    1. I’ve pulled the series from publication and am redoing the books. I found that very few people bought the books beyond Sufficient Encouragement because Darcy and Elizabeth weren’t in them. I’m working on restructuring the whole thing.


  4. Is there a list of all of your books (and which go together) on your website? I’m trying to see if I have or read them all but even on Goodreads the list does not look complete.


  5. Hi, Rose! I love your books and have read most of them. I was just rereading “A sense of obligation” and you mentioned in the end of it that there would be a sequel called “Domestic Felicity”. Have you released it?


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