Presentations: Bring Erin to your Online Webinar or Conference…

Book your Conference Keynote, Online Workshop, Panel, Webinar, or How-to Writing Session


For your
* Webinar
* Writer’s Conference
* How-To Learning Event
* Business/Organization Event
* Private Writers’ Group Meeting
(The list of available presentations is below…)


It’s Dynamic. Eye-opening. Worth the time.
(Definitely not boring.)

Whether your event is large or small — you can
bring in experience and expertise.


What writers and authors are saying about Erin’s Writers’ Workshops and Conference Sessions…

The 2 hour intensive from Erin Brown [on conflict] — wow. Just wow. Erin said it would be MFA level material and she wasn’t kidding! So much helpful information about ratcheting up conflict in your novel by infusing tension into every scene. What made Erin’s workshop even better was that she gave us specific techniques to act on–by the end of the workshop, I was itching to get out my WIP and lock myself in a room to dig in.” — Kathy Higgs-Coulthard, author of Hanging with My Peeps, Director of Michiana Writers’ Center (October, 2019)

Phenomenal presentation on novel structure. I can apply what was said immediately, to see results.”

Erin Brown’s session [on Plot and Structure] was the most helpful to me. It forced me to take a more critical look at the structure of my story.”

Loved the Plot and Structure session by Erin Brown. I learned an amazing amount of information and she provided us with a wealth of resources!”

I loved Erin Brown…She’s smart, kind, funny, generous with her time, and very entertaining.”

“What a fabulous afternoon, filled with information and ideas! Detailed, insightful, and useful information — coupled with advice regarding application. Thank you!” — Elizabeth McBride, author of Most Beautiful, Professor Emeritus of Hope College, and Fellow of the National Writing Project’s Red Cedar Writing Project (October 2019)

Valuable insights. Erin’s presentation [on conflict] brought clarity by applicable means for specific usage of story tension and reinforced the need for story arc within each chapter. The takeaways were many.” — Linda Geiger (October 2019)

“Just spectacular! You do so much for our [SCBWI] region. I hope people realize that you know your webinars that you give us are so full of amazing information that we can apply right away. And that’s a real treat. So I just want to thank you!” — Jodi McKay, Co-Regional Advisor, SCBWI Michigan (Fall 2020)

“Really great information — really well done. You know, you can tell that you’re used to doing this. So thank you so much.” — Dave Stricklen, Grand Rapids Shop Talk Director, SCBWI Michigan (Fall 2020)

I have spent the last week going through the replay [of the event] — and I have so many notes!! I wanted to thank you for the presentation… so generous with your slides, notes, and time. I’m primarily a picture book writer but I got so much out of your presentation.  Thank you again. — Mary (May 2020)

It’s been just about a week since our conference and we are still receiving emails filled with gratitude and awe from attendees. So many of them left feeling inspired, motivated, moved and energized because of the vast amount of incredible content they received from you. We know you are back to work, doing what you do, but we would love for you to take one moment to hear how you have impacted people from all over the country (and world!).

‘Loved Erin Brown’s structure presentation!’
‘Erin Brown’s structure presentation was so helpful.’
‘Awesome presentation! Valuable handouts!’

Thank you for giving so much to so many. Your generosity and thoughtfulness is part of what makes the children’s literature community so amazing. We wish you all the best and hope we get the chance to work together on another SCBWI-MI event soon. 

Jodi, Carrie, and Arjun (April 2021)


Bring Erin in for Your Conference Sessions — 
(Look at these…)


For Fiction Writers…

Conference and Online Webinar Session — For Authors/Fiction Writers…Screen Shot 2021-11-27 at 6.01.07 PM

The Plot and Structure Master Guide: How One Simple Document Can Make Your Story’s Structure Strong

Description: From MFA programs, to Pixar movies, to LA writer’s rooms — patterns of structure, plot, and character development show up time and again. Throughout the ages, master storytellers and researchers have shown us that story is more than a simple three-act structure. But does using a specific story structure help or hurt the way that we create story? Does story mapping, outlining, and meeting specific plot-point targets slow us down, creating cookie-cutter stories — or does story mapping speed up the creative process — and actually make us more creative? Finally, is there such a thing as a “great map” that can help us develop our stories more easily? Join this session for story structure wisdom and hands-on takeaways — including a Master Map distilling plot and structure guidelines from the likes of Joseph Campbell, Blake Snyder, Michael Hauge, Houston Howard, and more.
Length: Two hours, presented in two parts with an “intermission”
Travel: No travel at this time because of the pandemic. All presentations are online.
Cost: Contact Erin


The 2 hour intensive from Erin Brown [on conflict] — wow. Just wow. Erin said it would be MFA level material and she wasn’t kidding! So much helpful information about ratcheting up conflict in your novel by infusing tension into every scene. What made Erin’s workshop even better was that she gave us specific techniques to act on–by the end of the workshop, I was itching to get out my WIP and lock myself in a room to dig in.” — Kathy Higgs-Coulthard, author of Hanging with My Peeps, Director of Michiana Writers’ Center (October, 2019)

Phenomenal presentation on novel structure. I can apply what was said immediately, to see results.”

Loved the Plot and Structure session by Erin Brown. I learned an amazing amount of information and she provided us with a wealth of resources!”

  • Conference and Online Webinar Session — For Authors/Fiction WritersScreen Shot 2021-11-27 at 6.02.50 PM

    How to Introduce a Character According to the Pros: Examples from Famous Authors and Easy-to-Use Templates to Make Your Character Intros Shine

    Description: It has been said that endearing, memorable characters are arguably the critical cornerstone to any story’s success. Is there a special way to introduce characters, to create enchantment at that exact moment when the character steps onto the page? Here, you’ll find interesting (and surprising) patterns and “formulas” for introducing characters in unique and memorable ways — with examples of how bestselling authors use patterns to introduce their characters in ways that captivate readers.
    Length: Two hours presented in two parts with an “intermission”; a one hour version is also available.
    No travel at this time because of the pandemic. All presentations are online.
    Cost: Contact Erin

  • Conference and Online Webinar Session — For Authors/Fiction WritersScreen Shot 2021-11-27 at 6.04.32 PM

    Make Your Book a Page-Turner: How to Ramp Up Conflict and Create Raving-Fan Readers

    Description: Imagine…Your eyes dart across the words—your breath quickens—your fingers hover, ready to flip the page—because the story’s hero is in profound trouble, and you simply have to know—what’s going to happen next? Readers seek the rush of “a book we can’t put down” and authors long to create pulse-thumping stories with raving-fan readers. But exactly how do we make it happen? The answer is in conflict—arguably the number one attribute at the heart of what makes a story great. Join this workshop and learn best-selling authors’ conflict-ramping secrets while we tap into tropes, tips, and techniques that can help you finally create that slam-dunk storyline you’ve always imagined. Whether crafting a picture book, creating a middle grade story, composing a YA novel, or constructing an intricate and cathartic escape for adult readers – you’ll walk away from his workshop with actionable ways to make your story a page-turner.
    Length: One and a half hours; one hour version also available
    Travel: No travel at this time because of the pandemic. All presentations are online.
    Cost: Contact Erin

  • Conference and Online Webinar Session — For Authors/Fiction Writers…Screen Shot 2021-11-27 at 6.05.31 PM

Writing Dazzling Dialogue: How to Make your Dialogue Crisp, Credible, and Captivating

Description: Our story’s dialogue can be a powerful tool that dynamically engages our reader — or a deadly weight to our story’s pace and power. What makes “good dialogue” and “bad dialogue”? How do we write great conversations on the page? And perhaps most importantly, what writing-dialogue mistakes must we absolutely avoid to make our dialogue smooth, easy, and believable? Come to this webinar and learn the Top 10 Dialogue Assassins (what to avoid), the Three Simple Tricks to Dynamic Dialogue Tags (“magical” must-do’s), and how to make our story’s conversations on the page real, captivating, and powerful — so our readers engage with our story, stay in our story world, and become loyal readers who share our stories with others…
Length: One and a half hours; one hour version also available
No travel at this time because of the pandemic. All presentations are online.
Cost: Contact Erin


Thank you for you dialogue class last night. You are an excellent presenter – calm, professional, and technologically adaptable….

I especially enjoyed how you matched the character’s emotion (e.g., peace, anxiety, anger) with how they would speak in that moment, the timing (e.g., Pope in the pool), and the patterns (crescendo, etc.). These may (or not) be intuitive, but last night was the first time I had seen it spelled out so clearly. Definitely adding to my toolkit! So thank you again for reaching out to boost craft and confidence —
~ Donna M., Washington Romance Writers, Oct. 2021

Your presentation filled in answers to several questions that needed clarification… [now] I can take the dialogue in my stories (and hence my stories) to a whole new level… Thanks again!
~ Amy K., Washington Romance Writers, Oct. 2021

  • Conference and Online Webinar Session — for Authors, Fiction Writers, TV Writers, and Screenwriters…

Dialogue Tag Power Moves

Dialogue Tag Power Moves: How to write crisp, meaningful dialogue tags that help — not hurt — your story’s pace, emotional connection, and power

Description: This is a short how-to “power up” session with interactive discussion.
What we cover, in a fast, crisp presentation…

The Best and “Worst” Tags Ever
Dialogue Tags and Pacing
Action Tags
Thought Tags
Moving Focus via Dialogue Tags
Tags with “Camera Panning”
Subtext and Dialogue Tags
The Power of No-Tag White Space (and the best time to use it)
Your Punctuation: Is it Working For You or Against You?
The Final Word: Dialogue Tag Do’s and Don’ts

Length: 45 minutes to 1 hour (with questions/discussion)
Travel: No travel at this time because of the pandemic. All presentations are online.
Cost: Contact Erin

  • Conference and Online Webinar Session — For Authors, Fiction Writers, TV Writers, and Screenwriters…

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Creating Wonder: Sure-Fire Ways to Make Your Story Fascinating, Enticing, and Memorable

Description: What draws readers to your story—and makes your book something that people simply can’t put down? Story experts come back to one element that tops them all: “wonder.” What is wonder—and why is it such an important ingredient to make your book a bestseller? Whether it’s within your characters, plot, scenes, description, or settings—according to best-selling Hollywood writers and story experts, wonder is one of the top elements that binds a successful story together and makes readers want to spend time with your characters and world. Come and find out what wonder is through the synergy of ideas from David Farland, JJ Abrams, Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, Werner Herzog, Aaron Sorkin, Shonda Rhimes, Alfred Hitchcock, Russell Davis, and more — and find out how to make wonder work in your story, to keep readers talking about your book and wanting more.
Length: Two hours, presented in two parts with an “intermission”
Travel: No travel at this time because of the pandemic. All presentations are online.
Contact Erin

We’ve all just found “the secret treasure” — so much information! You nailed it with this presentation — it’s got all [my] synapses firing at once — thinking about, “What can I do with my own story?” I’m super inspired right now! We’re so lucky to have you share your knowledge with us, because it’s so much! Every presentation you’ve done [for SCBWI] just inspires us. Every time, I feel like I have a deeper understanding — and I feel like I’m ready to go write right now — so thank you! You, my dear, are a treasure! ~ author Jodi McKay, SCBWI Michigan Co-Director

This has been incredible, Erin! Thank you so much! ~ Beth McBride

Very inspiring Erin! Loved this! Thanks for this, energetic and well thought through, inspiring presentation, grateful. ~Lori Eslick

This was great, thank you! ~ David Brown, TV Writer

I just completed watching your “Creating Wonder” presentation and loved it!
I know I will continue to digest and the concepts will rumble through my mind for days (weeks). You covered so much and organized it beautifully. My schedule didn’t permit me to watch [attend the online presentation] live, but offering the taped version — PERFECT. Thank you for putting this together and for sharing. ~ Jayne Rose-Vallee

Wonderful presentation! ~ Sharon Pendola

I’m in awe! I feel so lucky to be here! ~ Patricia Martins

So much to think about and eager to get back to my book!! ~ Melanie Bryce

Great info! I’m inspired and motivated to engage in the writing process! ~ Rita Seay

Wonderful to understand more about what I have been feeling as a reader and writer. Thank you! ~ Wendy Sherrill

Thank you, Erin! I’m in wonder of your expansive knowledge shared today — and all that will revealed as we dig into the resources you shared today! I enjoyed your webinar and appreciated all the information you provided… Thank you so much! ~ Isabel O., children’s book author (Jan 2022)

  • Conference and Online Webinar Session — For Authors, Fiction Writers, TV Writers, and Screenwriters…

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Answers to the Top 10 Most Common Questions About Being a Consistent, Productive writer

Description: This is a one-hour how-to “power up” session that addresses 10 questions with practical, actionable answers that encourage and inspire writers to be consistent, productive, and published.
The questions:
~ What are some proven methods for getting back to writing after a time gap?
~ What are some methods for taking old story ideas and developing them into a new story or plot?
~ How can we take a thought or observation that sparks our imagination and turn it into a story?
~ What are your recommended methods for beating writer’s block?
~ After a break in writing, what can we do to build our writing muscles back into shape?
~ Writing can be a lonely affair. What can we do to motivate ourselves and press on with our writing?
~ Other than regional and national groups for writers, where else can we seek out sources of inspiration and support?
~ What are some ways we can hold ourselves accountable and aid each other in our writing?
~ What are some achievable goals we can set for ourselves without making them too “out of reach”?
~ What conferences, workshops, or other related events would you recommend writers attend to help in our story writing progress?

For Educators…

  • For Elementary and Middle School Teachers — Contact Erin for informationScreen Shot 2021-11-27 at 6.07.03 PM
  • For K-8 Teachers of Reading & Spelling…
    Screen Shot 2021-11-27 at 6.17.14 PM

10 Revolutionary Changes to Teaching Reading that Fire Up Joy, Deepen Engagement, & Multiply Results

Description: What if you could tweak what you’re doing right now with simple, research-based shifts and get huge results—with kids reading faster, smoother, and with higher comprehension? Get simple-yet-profound how-to’s, and turn your classroom into can’t-wait-to-learn energy — Join Erin for 10 practical and easy shifts to your every-day instruction that can revolutionize your teaching and results. Erin is a 40-year educator, 30-year curriculum developer, former university instructor, multiple reading and writing program lead, and a speaker in child development and reading since the 80s. The exact tools you need to revolutionize your classroom into joy-filled results are here for the taking.

Length: 2 hours (with break); 2 1/2 hours (with break and 30 minute Q & A) or 1 hour 20 minute keynote (for conferences)
Travel: No travel at this time because of the pandemic. All presentations are online.
Cost: Contact Erin

From the Literacy for All 2021 National Conference, Fall 2021

This whole presentation was super helpful. I especially liked the description of how students learn through auditory sounds vs. letter names. I will re-watch this webinar again, as it contained excellent information.

Great information! I loved the clear examples of not just WHAT but WHY the theory mattered. I have lots to share with my teachers! I REALLY appreciated the application to upper grade readers too.

I loved it — It was very informative!

Thank you for this presentation that has provided me with validation & clarification of my own teaching experiences in the last 5 years. Children are coming to us with huge variations in their knowledge, attention, and developmental foundations and we have to understand how to meet their individual needs, WITHOUT losing sight of our overall goal of creating/making meaning through all aspects of literacy.

Thank you for continuing to spread these important messages! The field of education needs advocates like you!

Acknowledgement of many fields of knowledge shining light on effective reading instruction. Erin provided research and practical tips that can be used in the classroom.

Wow! Sounds first and lower case first. Erin is an amazing presenter. Thank you.


Contact Erin

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