
You can submit your own work to be published on this blog.

Do you want to join a growing community of writers who share stories, feedback, and resources? Do you have a story you want to share, but don’t want to go through the hassle of setting up your own blog or website? Are you looking to promote yourself and expand your audience?

Just fill out the form below and we will do all the rest. In addition to short stories and flash fiction, you may also send in reviews, essays, or other articles you have written related to science fiction and fantasy writing. Do you already have a blog or website? Leave a note in the story text area or email a link to with the subject line “Guest Writer”.

Submitting to Foil & Phaser is now easier than ever!

Note: Submissions area will not display formatting onscreen, but it will be visible in the email received. Copy and paste from any text editor.

Any person may submit an original work of fiction, a review, an interview, or essay for display on the website. Such submissions are made with the intent of inviting constructive criticism of the work from the public. We ask all or members to be fair and open-minded when responding. All submissions must meet a minimum standard of quality and competence. All of the submitted information may be published except for your real name and email address. If you write under your real name, put that in for your pen name. Location may be city, state, province, prefecture, country, etc. We do not need your exact address. Websites may be links to your Goodreads profile, books you have written, a personal website, blog, or social media accounts. Open the page or account in a browser window and copy and paste the address. Links will be added with your biography at the end of the post. Due to problems with spam and the potential for abuse we do not allow links to essay or freelance writing services.

Creative Commons License Any work submitted to this site will be published under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Please note that we do not pay for submissions, and publishing them here may make the piece ineligible for future sales. Please see the Terms of Use for important notices about property rights. It is assumed that you are the original author of the work and have the legal right to publish it. Preference will be given to those who are members of the Sword & Laser group on Goodreads and are active on the forums there, or who have contributed to this site. All other factors being equal, priority will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Divide and Conquer: A collection of short stories from the workshops of Foil & Phaser for your Kindle or ePub reader.
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June 2024