Welcome to Little Red Bear’s Special “Easter Boy & Girls!” Coloring Images!

Coloring images are available for unlimited Free downloads simply by ‘Right Clicking’ on an image, choosing ‘Save Image As’ in the dropdown menu to save a local copy on your computer or device, and then printing out as many as you would like. You will find a mix of very basic and simple images for the youngest colorists, and more complex images for older children and adults to enjoy.

Have fun displaying finished works on the family refrigerator and by gifting original works of Easter Holiday Art to Grandmas and Grandpas. Trust me, we love that sort of thing!

Happy Coloring and Happy Easter!



This website is primarily Self Funded. Little Red Bear’s Easter Coloring Pages are made possible only with the assistance of our Patreon Community and independent donations to sponsor pages and more new features.
Each image has been purchased in order to secure licensing rights in order to provide free downloads for our readers and their children Free Of Charge because that is how we roll here. 
We truly appreciate and love the members of our Patreon Community for all they allow us to do and for sharing in our vision of helping to make the world a better place. For everyone!
Will you please consider joining us today in our Patreon Community to help us keep this free site going and growing?

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