The Ordnance Society

Ordnance & Artillery of All Periods



In order to take advantage of modern technology, and to reduce prices and hopefully make membership in the society more affordable, we agreed at the recent EGM that we will move to a new structure of membership fees.

Our expectation is that most members will move to a digital subscription with their next renewal, but we have included options for those who wish to continue to receive printed journals.

Existing life members will have the option to continue to receive print journals for five years at no extra cost if they wish, though they will have the option of moving to receiving a digital journal instead.

If you would like to apply for membership of The Ordnance Society, or renew your membership, please complete the downloadable form below (Word or PDF format)and email it to  It is preferred that subscriptions be paid directly into the OS bank account.  A downloadable Standing Order form (Word or PDF format) is also available below.

Ordnance Society – Barclays          Acc. no. 00720488          Sort Code      20-26-34

IBAN      GB19 BARC2026 3400 7204 88        SWIFTBIC   BARCG22

Payments from overseas members can be made via – please use as the contact email address and the above bank details.

The membership year runs from 1st July to 30 June.

Annual subscriptions (2023) are:


Individual Digital membership: Digital newsletter & Digital Journal, anywhere in the world: –               £15.00

Individual Digital Newsletter and printed Journal (UK): –                                                                                   £25.00

Individual Digital Newsletter and printed Journal (Rest of World): –                                                               £35.00

Corporate Membership: –                                                                                                                                           £35.00

Individual Life Membership: –                                                                                                         20x times the above rates


Application forms and subscription payments can also be posted to:

Alistair Graham Kerr

7 Burgh Castle Marina,
Butt Lane,
Burgh Castle,
NR31 9PZ


 Payment should be in £ sterling by personal cheque, banker’s draft or International Money Order, payable to “The Ordnance Society”.  Overseas sterling cheques must be drawn on a London bank.

os-membership-form-2024-v8 (Word)

os-membership-form-2024-v8 (PDF)


StandingOrder Mandate Form 2021 (Word Document)

StandingOrder Mandate Form 2021 (PDF Document)




The Ordnance Society has a responsible attitude to the data it holds about individual members. Data is only held to enable the management of the Society in terms of its finances, the distribution of publications and information to members. The Ordnance Society has never, and will never, share or sell members’ details to third party companies for any purposes.

The Ordnance Society will provide a copy of any individual’s data held at their request; and make updates or corrections as requested.



The constitution of the Ordnance Society was amended at the 2019 AGM held in November of that year and is available below:




A Complaints Policy was agreed at the 2019 AGM and is available below.

Ordnance Society Complaints Policy



The Ordnance Society is introducing a Social Media Policy and requests members to read and comply with the policy:

Ordnance Society Social Media Policy August 2016


4 thoughts on “Membership

  1. Is there a method to pay for membership electronically such as PayPal? I’m in the USA.

  2. Yes, please e-mail the Ordnance Society for details.

  3. How does one get the “members only” page?
    I am trying to download the current newsletter. I
    am a life member.

  4. Fred, I’ve only just picked up your message, I’ll e-mail you later this evening. Trevor Parker

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