

I am a Nature Inspired Creative who is passionate about filmmaking, exploring and producing colourful content.

Latest from Holly

Why I love Scotland

Scotland holds a place dear in my heart, from spending my time outdoors exploring on foot or bike, here are my top reasons why you should come to Scotland… Firstly, it has to be the trees… In…

Enjoying the meadows

“We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.” – Aldo Leopold


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Latest from the Land Girls Blog

Saxham Hall WLA Day!

Join us for a captivating afternoon filled with history, gratitude, and the spirit of the wartime era at Saxham Hall, just outside Bury St Edmunds. Co-hosted by the Barrow Benefice and The Suffolk Women’s Land Army Memorial Trust, this family event promises to be both enlightening and delightful.

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Chesnut and Daphne

This picture book follows a day in the life of ‘Chesnut’ the Suffolk Punch horse, and his best friend ‘Daphne’ the Land Girl, as they deliver milk  from the dairy to schoolchildren  during the 1940s.

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Latest from the Vanlife Blog

Mike and Holly’s Road Trip

This is the main blog that we will share our adventures on so friends and family can be kept up to date with our whereabouts during our year long road trip.

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Essentials for van life

We have been in the van a while now, so I wanted to compile a list of our favourite van life essentials and cool things for vans which have made life easier.

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Latest from the Environment Blog

Road trip holiday in the UK 2023 ideas

There are so many places that you could visit for a road trip holiday in the UK from the tip of Lizard Peninsula in Cornwall to the depths of the Scottish Highlands. Here are some of my favourite locations.

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Attenborough’s Volcanoes

I am no expert on volcanoes in the slightest but I wanted to share some of the most recent eruptions with you which are fascinating.

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A quick guide to the Isle of Mull in a Van

The Isle of Mull, home to the White Tailed Eagle, the second largest bird of prey in Britain and the second largest of the Inner Hebrides. We took the ferry from Oban to Craignure to see what it had in store for us.

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Latest from the Robens Blog

Camping in the forest

Camping doesn’t have to become a massive expedition. Camping in the forest, wherever you are needn’t take your whole weekend, if it does, great…

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Robens Trace Hammock at the Wilderness Gathering

Just a little note: I pitched this slightly differently than how Robens recommend. See their video here. So in this video I test out the Robens Trace Hammock from the 2022 range, whilst at the Wilderness Gathering, a bushcraft festival in Wiltshire based at the Bush Farm Bison Centre! It is a festival for those…

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