→ Upcoming Releases ←

Upcoming books related to the presidents (and, in some cases, the presidency) are shown below. This list is based on press releases, news stories, emails from publishers and authors, comments I receive and tentative publication dates provided by booksellers. Titles and publication dates are subject to change.

Updated May 16, 2024.  Recent changes shown in bold. If I’m missing something please let me know!

Upcoming Releases:

[Various] The Situation Room: The Inside Story of Presidents in Crisis by George Stephanopoulos May 14
Bush 41 The Call to Serve: The Life of an American President, George Herbert Walker Bush by Jon Meacham May 28
Eisenhower The Light of Battle: Eisenhower, Normandy, and the Birth of the American Superpower by Michael Paradis June 4
Lincoln Chorus of the Union: Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas by Edward Robert McClelland June 4
[All] The Hidden History of the White House by Corey Mead June 4
FDR Awakening the Spirit: FDR’s War of Words with Charles Lindbergh by Paul Sparrow June 4
JQA John Quincy Adams: A Man for the Whole People by Randall Woods June 25
FDR Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Art of Leadership by William Nester June 30
Monroe The Founders’ Curse: James Monroe’s Struggle Against Political Parties by Brook Poston July 2
[Nixon] The Mysterious Mrs. Nixon: The Life and Times of Washington’s Most Private First Lady by Heath Hardage Lee Aug 6
Trump Trump in Exile by Meridith McGraw Aug 6
Nixon One Lost Soul: Richard Nixon’s Search for Salvation by Daniel Silliman Aug 8
Lincoln Lincoln’s Rise to Eloquence: How He Gained the Presidential Nomination by D. Leigh Henson Aug 20
Adams Making the Presidency: John Adams and the Precedents that Forged the Republic by Lindsay M. Chervinsky Sept 5
Reagan Reagan: His Life and Legend by Max Boot Sept 10
Trump Lucky Loser: How Donald Trump Squandered His Father’s Fortune and Created the Illusion of Success by Ross Buettner and Susan Craig
Sept 10
Various Confronting the Presidents: No Spin Assessments from Washington to Biden by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard Sept 10
FDR America First: Roosevelt vs. Lindbergh in the Shadow of War by H.W. Brands Sept 24
Lincoln Abraham Lincoln: Statesman Historian by Jesse Derber Sept 24
[All] All the Presidents’ Money: How the Men Who Governed America Governed their Money by Megan Gorman Sept 24
Madison America’s First Wartime Election: James Madison, DeWitt Clinton, and the War of 1812 by Donald Zinman Oct 10
Jefferson Beyond Jefferson: The Hemingses, the Randolphs, and the Making of Nineteenth-Century America by Christa Dierksheide Oct 29
Lincoln Lincoln vs. Davis: The War of the Presidents by Nigel Hamilton Nov 5
Wilson Woodrow Wilson: The Light Withdrawn by Christopher Cox Nov 5
Van Buren Martin Van Buren: America’s First Politican by James Bradley Dec 2
[All] My Fellow Americans: Presidents and Their Inaugural Addresses by Yuvraj Singh Dec 5
Lincoln Saving the Union: Lincoln, the Emancipation Proclamation, and the Fight for the Future of America by Joe Scarborough [tbd]
Trump [Currently untitled] by Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Swan [2025]
Buchanan Buchanan: The Life and Times of Lincoln’s Predecessor by Paul Kahan [Oct 2025]
[Currently untitled re: Reagan’s Hollywood years] by Emina Melonic tbd
[Currently untitled] by Walter Stahr [2025]
Hell & High Water: Joe Biden’s Moment and America’s Existential Election by John Heilemann
JFK [2nd volume in JFK series] by Fredrik Logevall
JFK [Currently untitled] by Timothy Nafthali -tbd-
TR [Currently untitled] by T.J. Stiles -tbd-
Harding [Currently untitled] by Ronald and Allis Radosh -tbd-
LBJ [Volume 5] by Robert Caro -tbd-
Grant [Currently untitled] (Vol 2) by Brooks Simpson -tbd-
Eisenhower [Currently untitled] by Jon Meacham -rumored-
Madison [Currently untitled] by Jon Meacham -tbd-

The list of upcoming presidential biographies releases is based on information believed to be accurate; dates are subject to change prior to publication. Not every new/upcoming release will end up in my library (or being reviewed on this site).

496 thoughts on “→ Upcoming Releases ←”

  1. Not necessarily a biography, but Allen Guelzo takes on Lincoln’s vision of democracy.

  2. Looks like H.W. Brands’s new book is actually called Founding Partisans, not Founding Partners.

  3. Elwyn Luber said:

    University press of Kansas will have a new book in their Presidential Election series this fall.
    Who is James Polk – The Presidential Election of 1844. Author is Mark R. Cheathem.
    Publication date is October 27th.

  4. May or may not count, but Luke A. Nichter has an upcoming book on the 1968 election. https://www.amazon.com/Year-That-Broke-Politics-Presidential/dp/0300254393 (“The Year That Broke Politics: Collusion and Chaos in the Presidential Election of 1968”)

    • This looks very interesting. It comes with first-class blurbs. Will it deliver on the promise of reshaping our understanding of the 1968 election?

      • Well, I leave that to the reader to decide. I simply followed the new evidence. The single biggest cache is Rev. Billy Graham’s diary — who served as an intermediary between Johnson and Nixon, as well as others.

  5. A new examination of the Carter Presidency from a UK scholar (priced for the academic market too):

  6. Any news on when JFK Volume 2 by Fredrik Logevall will be released?

  7. Randall Woods (LBJ: Architect of American Ambition) will have a biography of John Quincy Adams published in June 2024.


  8. According to Lindsay Chervinsky’s website, her book on John Adams will be titled, Making the Presidency: John Adams and the Precedents that Forged the Republic, and is scheduled for publication in August 2024.

  9. The Martin Van Buren biography by James Bradley will release in the fall and be titled “Martin Van Buren: America’s First Politician”.

  10. New one about Reagan by Max Boot

    Reagan: His Life and Legend Hardcover – September 10, 2024

  11. Gary Schantz said:

    Anyone have a thought as to why there has not been any many (if hardly any) books written about Obama since he left office?

    • Good question. For me that’s right up there alongside “whatever happened to Jon Meacham’s biography of the Madisons?” I think I know the answer to both, but it’s difficult to know with any certainty…

    • or why there haven’t been any good, non-partisan biographies of B Clinton or GW Bush. I’d love a good biography of each that wasn’t purely a hit piece or pure propaganda. It’s been enough time to have a clear picture of their legacies coming into existence. 

      • garyschantz said:

        Yes, I agree on those presidents as well. In having read at least one bio on every president, I have found that the most neutral books are about presidents from years ago (100+ or more). Less than that, any book on JFK or FDR is either celebratory or critical. Same with Reagan, Nixon and Carter. I think as long as there are authors that have lived through a particular president’s term in office, the books are going to lean hard one way or the other.

  12. A couple new ones have been announced for November 5, 2024:

    Nigel Hamilton’s dual biography of Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis is due in

    Former Congressman Christopher Cox has written about Woodrow Wilson’s role in the civil rights movements of his day: women’s suffrage and racial equality.

  13. How do you store and maintain your (growing) book collection? I imagine you’ve got roughly 400-450 hard covers or so, and a relatively limited amount of space to house them.

    I seem to have run out of shelf space for my own collection, so looking for ideas as to how I can optimize things.

  14. Robert Life said:

    I want to thank you for saving me time by rating the multiple biographies of Presidents. Based on your highest rated recommendation I started with Washington through Jackson.
    Then I decided to go in reverse but have no interest in Obamas biographies of himself, I did read So Help Me God by Pence to better understand Trump, and have read Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon and now in Caro’s multi volume series, as you said a fascinating and entertaining personality.

    i believe the American public , citizens and immigrants and interested readers in other countries deserve the detail of Caro’s approach to a biography. I love it! The detailed diversion to explain Sam Rayburn is a wonderful foundation to understand Johnson’s future actions.

    please read and rate King George (1776), Napoleon, The French Revolution, next tier Politicians below the Presidents that were supremely consequential in American History such as Sam Rayburn, and any other key people in history from your perspective, Calvin-Luther-Wesley, and more.

  15. October 2024: The University Press of Kansas is publishing its next volume in its American Presidential Elections series.


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