Theories of Communication

Relationship Dialects Theory
This is a theory that claims, people who are involved in relationships experience dynamic tensions between pairs of opposing motives or desires. When research is generated, it generally finds three pairs of opposites that could happen in a relationship.

  1. The tension between closeness and openness
    This first dynamic tension experience, has to do with the struggle between the wish to be in a closed personal relationship compared to being in a open relationship that has different people involved. When you are in a relationship, you might like the closed relationship that you have but you have that pull to relate to a larger group.
  2. The tension between autonomy and connection
    This next dynamic tension experience involves the wish to remain autonomous which means being and independent individual. While you are having the wish or desire to remain autonomous, you also want to connect intimately to another person and to a relationship.In most women’s magazines this is a popular theme that teaches its readers to want both autonomy and connection.
  3. The tension between novelty and predictability
     Last but not least this dynamic tension experience contains the conflicting wants for newness, different experiences and adventures on one hand. On the other you want sameness, stability and predictability. This means that even though you want something different in a relationship,  you also want to be able to predict or know what will happen in each situation.
  4. Relevance to today:
    Relationship dialects theory is  relevant to today because, relationships today have wishes that can’t be fulfilled. They can’t be fulfilled because certain wishes like the tension between closeness and openness can conflict. These relationship dialects occur at the beginning of a relationship and can keep progressing when the relationship progresses. The relationship dialects theory, can influence a variety of tensions.
  5. Summary
    The website that I found, takes a different viewpoint on the relationship dialects theory. This website explains why, the relationship dialect theory is important in all relationships. It also breaks down, each and every tension in a relationship.
    Look below for the link:

Communication Accommodation Theory

This theory holds that speakers will adjust or accommodate to the communication style of their listeners in order to interact more pleasantly and efficiently.

Whether you realize it or not, you match your accent, your speed, your rhythm, your vocabulary and even your stance and gestures to that of the person you are talking to. The main reason people do this is to show agreement and affinity for another. Often, this makes the other person feel liked and makes them like you more as well.

Communication takes places only to the extent that you and the person you’re trying to communicate with share the same set of symbols. It is necessary to understand that every culture has its own rules/customs for communication; because of this, we need to recognize the importance of adjusting our messages when communicating interculturally.

Communication accommodation theory has much relevance in today’s world. Through our increasing connectedness with other people and cultures via modern technology, becoming skilled at communicating effectively in a variety of circumstances (as well as interculturally) and with a variety of people, is a true necessity.  Part of this skill-set is learning how to adjust our verbal and nonverbal communication based upon the individuals and the environment of a situation.

The link to the website below provides an in depth discussion of communication accommodation theory.  The theory’s origin, two specific types of accommodation, and responses from critics are included on the page; all of which will allow you to gain a more comprehensive understanding of this interesting theory.

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