Artwork by Collection

Way of Sorrow

This body of work includes 13 paintings positioned as a pilgrimage around a contemplative space, and utilizes the template of the Stations of the Cross, aiming to further its impact through an emotive abstract visual language. Each painting is paired with curated readings from ancient texts.

Solemn Season

This series of 40 paintings was created over 40 days in observance of the liturgical season of Lent. The series is displayed in calendar format, starting on Ash Wednesday and ending on the Saturday before Easter. Traditionally the Sundays during Lent are set aside as a rest from the Lenten practice; these days are marked with a gilded placeholder canvas—a day on which a painting was not created.

After its creation, I published the Solemn Season book containing actual-size prints of these works interspersed with a poetic prayer on the themes of supplication, reliance, prospection, and hope.

In Reverence
Sacred Horizons