The Belly Shrinks

Tracking my post-baby belly ‘un’growth in continued weekly(ish) photos:

One week post-partum:


Two weeks post-partum:


Three weeks post-partum:


Four weeks post-partum:


Five weeks post-partum:

5 weeks PP

Seven weeks post-partum:

7 weeks

10 weeks post-partum:

10weeks pp

11 weeks post-partum:

11 weeks PP

12 weeks post-partum:

12 weeks PP

16 weeks post-partum:

16weeks pp

21 weeks (five months) post-partum:


31 weeks (seven months) post-partum:


89 weeks (nine months) post-partum:


One year post-partum:

12m pp

4 thoughts on “The Belly Shrinks

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  1. Awesome blog …I just gave birth to twin boys three weeks ago… Did u wear a maternity belt or how did your belly ‘ungrow’

    1. Congratulations on your new babies!! I did get an abdominal binder in the hospital but I wasn’t good about wearing it all the time. Everything just went down on its own, and it definitely took time, as you see! Pumping for awhile may have helped (use up calories), and I started taking walks about two months post-partum.

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