An old heritage in a new world: Hellenism and Christian Orthodoxy embraced each other in a harmonious faith and culture, a combination which acted over the centuries to preserve customs and safeguard traditions. Even today, in the midst of an economic depression and Greece’s process of Europeanization and Globalization, the country remains profoundly devout, full of beliefs and religious feasts. Therefore Greece cannot be disdainful of its weighty inheritance but should strive to preserve and maintain its faith and heritage.

Orthodoxy is less an institution than a feeling and with this sentiment in mind, a group of ordinary everyday people decided to fight, tooth and nail if necessary, for the conservation of a convent, founded 13 centuries ago and whose history is to be found in the depths of that time. The convent now exists with the divine intervention of Our Lady and the daily labours of two nuns and the abbess (who is in effect bed-ridden). The nuns have no financial resources and yet struggle to preserve the convent for coming generations.

The Holy Convent of Our Lady Perivleptou is a Byzantine architectural jewel. However, as it is not included in the well known churches, monasteries or convents, its conservation and even provision of the nun’s daily fare is a long and arduous climb on the road to Golgotha, made feasible through the facilitation of Our Lady Mary Mother of Christ and the assistance of those few committed people who wordlessly devote time and what little funds they have without seeking rewards or accolades. Each person proffers what he or she can and these endeavours have resulted in the commencement of the Catholicon’s restoration works, deemed necessary due to severe structural damage mainly the result of successive earthquakes over the years.

The Holy Convent is situated in a beautiful forested area close to the village of Politika in Evvoia, a mere 90 minutes drive from Athens. It is an ideal destination for a Sunday outing to combine recreational pleasure with a small pilgrimage to Our Lady Perivleptou. We invite you to join the effort for the conservation and preservation of the Holy Convent, in any way you can. Light a candle to Our Lady, donate provisions and food, or for those who have a profession, trade or craft and can contribute to the works, to volunteer their services.

For further information on the Holy Convent and how to help please get in touch so that this Holy House of Our Lady, can continue to exist for the present and for future generations.

The Friends of the Holy Convent of Our Lady Perivleptou

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Η εικόνα της Παναγίας Περιβλέπτου


Συγκεντρώνουμε τρόφιμα και παιχνίδια για άπορες οικογένειες της περιοχής του μοναστηριού. Όποιος επιθυμεί να βοηθήσει ας επικοινωνήσει με την Ιερά Μονή. Ευχαριστούμε πολύ



Σημείωση – Note

Η σελίδα αυτή δημιουργήθηκε από μια ομάδα φίλων που προσπαθούν να στηρίξουν την Ιερά Μονή Παναγίας Περιβλέπτου ΑΦΙΛΟΚΕΡΔΩΣ με μοναδικό σκοπό την ανάδειξη της πολιτιστικής και Χριστιανικής μας κληρονομιάς.


This page was created by a group of friends providing support and assistance to the Holy Convent of Our Lady Perivleptou, in an effort to preserve it and to promote Greek and Christian Orthodox heritage.

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