
Hey I am Jus and this is my blog-

Go to youtube and watch my tutorials


I hope you like it!!!

230 Responses to About

  1. thanks a lot for the follow! you’ve earned yourself a new follower by the way šŸ˜‰

  2. Anna Scott Graham says:

    Thanks for following my blog and have a really lovely day!

  3. Thank you for following furrylittlegnome!!!

  4. Dana says:

    Thank you for the follow and checking out my blog-I look forward from learning from your posts!

  5. Thanks for following my blog, nice to see a fellow fashion lover!

  6. Hi! Thanks for following my blog! Nice blog you have here – full of fashion and beauty tips that someone like me can learn a lot from! šŸ™‚

  7. livritome says:

    Hi, Jus — thanks so much for following my blog! I’m checking yours our and love your spirit and up-beat attitude. Think you will earn my follow since I need all the fashion advice I can get! Keep up the great work. L

  8. Anitra says:

    Thanks for following Under the Lotus Tree! Love you passion for fashion. šŸ™‚

  9. motivepower says:

    Thanks for following our Motive Power blog. I hope you learn a lot of how-to tips on free energy, Christian socialism & a liberty lifestyle that will help you get through hard times. I’ll be back…

  10. bpreethi says:

    I just nominated you for the “One Lovely Blog” award.( And I am not the only one I see:) ) http://chasingyellowcabs.wordpress.com/2012/08/03/when-it-rains-it-pours-oneactually-two-lovely-blogger-award/Considering how great your blog is I am not surprised. Congratulations and keep up the good work.

  11. Peace! Thank you for stopping by and following my blog. Have a great day on the journey!

  12. abimorehouse says:

    Hi! Thanks so much for following my blog!
    xoxo, Abi.

  13. chiclycute says:

    Hi girlie! Thanks so much for checking out my blog and the follow! love your makeup tutorials!

  14. Just a little note to say thank you following thisfloridalife. I appreciate all of my followers and I hope you have a wonderful day!

  15. Thankx for following my blog, Justina! Great stockings-blouse, btw.

  16. Thank you for following I Can See Why She’s Single! Love your blog; fashion and fabulousness! Keep it coming!

  17. Spreading The Sunshine: Hello! I just wanted you to know that you inspire me in so many ways and because I think that your blog is so Fan-tabulous I have nominated you for the “Inspiring Blog Award” … Share the love by visiting http://t.co/2eRwqwDj to view the details. Much Love & Many Blessings šŸ™‚

  18. Miss Coco J says:

    Hey, what’s your email address?

  19. Onleilove says:

    Thank You for the follow, I love your fashion post!

  20. vanessaksmith says:

    I just wanted to say thank you for following Just a Small Town Girl. I appreciate it and it means alot to me!

  21. Pingback: Liebster Blog Award! Yay! | Athlete in Me

  22. Hi, I really enjoy reading your blog and have nominated you for the ā€œInspiring Blog Awardā€ There are a few rules to this nomination (these arenā€™t my rules, so do what you wantā€¦no pressure) you need to give a shout out to me, of course, tell us 7 things about yourself and then nominate 15 bloggers, thatā€™s the tricky part, if you donā€™t have 15, donā€™t worry, just pass it on to someoneā€¦.share the joy by following this link, http://thepinkgourmet.wordpress.com/2012/08/15/thank-you/….. Well done!!!

  23. heyyy i’ve nominated you for the liebster blog award! do check it out;) http://blackandcoral.wordpress.com/2012/09/29/liebster-blog-award/#more-433

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