About Paradigm Life

This blog was created to discuss topics that impact all of us. As the header reads, “Paradigm Life discusses various topics surrounding business, politics, philanthropy, health and fitness, and more. It’s not about senseless gossip- but rather addressing issues that affect all of us whether we realize it or not. The goal is for all us to have some type of take-away from our time together.” It is here that I come to share information that piques my interest, and is directly associated with my passions and mission.

I don’t care about who is wearing what where, who’s dating whom, what celebrity is dishing out dirt, or what someone did or said on a reality show. I’m more concerned with how what we do and say, and how we live, impacts the world and generations yet born. I’m concerned with the health and wellness of men, women, and children of all ages, and that it’s the 21st century yet many places in the world still are depressingly underserved and lacking of proper food, medical treatment, and healthy living programs. I’m concerned about self-empowerment and self-sufficiency of women, children, and those with socio-economic disadvantages. I’m concerned about the educational system and that thousands of our children are functionally illiterate and financially inept.

I’m concerned about countries and governments who turn a blind eye to modern-day slavery, human trafficking, and genocide. I’m concerned about the generational destruction and incarceration of Black and Brown families, and the internal conflict between these two groups that negatively reinforces the crabs-in-a-barrel syndrome. I’m concerned about the economic and leadership role of my beloved country, the United States of America, and how it will both relate to and serve other nations. So I may step on ‘toes’ along the way, but as long as my readers are thinking and participating in healthy dialogue, then I have achieved my goals. If my passions and interests are of interest to you, please follow this blog. If you would like to be a contributor, please contact me.

Warmest wishes,

Natasha L. Foreman


Copyright 2010-2018. Natasha L. Foreman. All Rights Reserved.

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