

Each year we grow a few crops specifically for folks who want to come out to the farm and you-pick. Some of these crops you may also receive in your share (green beans and basil) others are only being grown for you-pick (flowers, okra, and cherry tomatoes).

Here’s How it Works:

Every week that there is you-pick available we will list crops that are available in the weekly newsletter. If this is your first time coming to the farm for you-pick, you can find one of the members of the CSA team (in the pack shed or out in the fields) for a you-pick orientation.

You will need to bring your own harvest containers and – if you are interested in okra or flowers – your own pruners or scissors. All you-pick crops will also be marked in the field with a “you-pick” sign.

We also have a perennial you-pick field with additional herbs and flowers. The adjacent rhubarb plot is not available for you-pick.

Lastly, we also have you-pick raspberries and blackberries. See map below for locations of these areas.

Video instructions:

You-pick harvest tools

You-pick containers and guidelines

You-pick harvest techniques

You-pick berries – instructions

For all harvesting from plants: only take cuttings, not whole plants. Only harvest items that are ready. Only take what you will use and always leave some for others.

Once open, you may come to the farm for you-pick anytime during the normal farm hours, Monday through Friday 7:30am-4:00pm, with extended hours on Thursday until 6:30pm. We are closed on all major holidays including Memorial Day, Juneteenth, 4th of July, and Labor Day.

We ask that you park your vehicle in the parking lot and walk to the you-pick area to keep vehicles out of our fields. If there is an issue of accessibility, please talk to a staff member for guidelines.

When coming for You-Pick you are required to follow our protocols. Required actions to participate in You-Pick include:

  • Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer prior to harvesting
  • Clean and sanitize your own harvest tools
  • You must provide your own containers to take items home
  • Follow guidelines for recommended harvest amounts (per household, per week)
    • Quart size container of each of the following allowed (about 1 lb amount): raspberries, blackberries, cherry tomatoes, hot peppers, green beans, okra, tomatillos
    • Pint sized mason jar of each of the following: flowers and herbs
    • Sunflowers: 10 stems

If protocols are not followed, we reserve the right to discontinue the You-Pick operation. Please follow our guidelines so everyone can continue to enjoy the You-Pick.

The main you-pick field is south of the packing shed. The first bed is cherry tomatoes and there are two pass-throughs provided for your convenience. The perennial plot is south of the parking lot and pack shed, just across the road from our 2024 main field. This area features perennial herbs and flowers that can be you-picked.

Directions to the Farm:

The Horticulture Research Farm is located on the southwest corner of Man O’War and Nicholasville Road. From the UK campus, head south (towards Nicholasville) on Nicholasville Road. Turn right onto Man O’War Boulevard. Take the first left turn (there is a stoplight) onto the farm.  During the day, you will need to pull within inches of the farm gate to trigger it to open.  Once on farm road stay straight, eventually passing a large parking lot to your right and several large greenhouses on your right. Once you have passed the greenhouses you will see a small parking lot on your left. You’ve made it to the Organic Farm!  Park in this lot and find a member of the CSA team.