Pregnancy Truths

Useful Sites

Pregnancy Sites

Recently found out your pregnant? Here’s some useful sites to bookmark that you may find useful!

Great websites:


Admittedly this site is a guilty pleasure of mine. I’ve stalked it pretty much since i found out i was pregnant, but never actually joined up! I plan to definitely sign up one day, since i always want to comment on forum posts or find an interesting topic i’d like to reply too 😛

It’s a great forum for mums and mums to be to discuss and ask questions and also get advice from other mums and women hoping or who are pregnant! The forums cover pretty much every situation, from teen mums, pregnancy after loss, miscarriage support, birth stories, trying to convince and many, MANY more.

Baby center is a great resource site for mums and mums to be! I found it really useful, especially the fetal development page, which shows your how your baby is progressing each month and week! Also provides lots of information about labour and birth, pregnancy health and he section i like to browse through quite often, birth stories! Nothing like reading positive experiences to make you feel less nervous about the big day!

If you’re pregnant, you’ve probably already heard about Bounty from your midwife (and if you haven’t, i’m sorry to say it’s not about the chocolate :[ ) When you get pregnant, you get loads of helpful freebies and information, so it’s definitely helpful to see your midwife about getting this if you haven’t already! The Bounty website also offers great money and work information and a new dads survival guide for your partner (because every man *needs* to learn how to change a nappy!)

Baby Gaga is a site i actually found through its facebook application, which posts on my wall at the start of each pregnancy week my baby’s development for this week and from this, i found the website 🙂 As well as offering the usual fetus development information, Baby Gaga also offers some great baby books for mums (and dads) to read! It’s a good site to check out.

This section of the KidsCenter site contains LOADS of links to articles about pregnancy, from cord blood banking information, how being pregnancy can affect your relationship, birthing plans, a handy guide for first time parents, dealing with childbirth pain, C-Section information, bonding with your baby, bringing your baby home, medical care for newborns and much, MUCH more. Definitely a site to check out 🙂

Handy Links:


This is a really really great link i found which tells you pretty much everything to expect from a newborn (As babies often don’t come out looking like those we see on the tv!). Shows what to expect your baby to look like, information about marks that could be on your baby (and explaining what they are) and also explaining why your baby comes out looking like it does 🙂 very useful!

I know for a fact this was a subject i want to know ALOT about before my little one comes. Knowing the factors with can cause SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and how to avoid risk of this occurring is something every mother should know about. So this (to me) was a very useful read.


If you have a site which you think could be useful, leave a comment with the address and what it contains and i’ll add it up! 🙂

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June 2024

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