
Laura Shigihara
Laura Shigihara is a freelance video game composer, singer-songwriter, sound engineer, and game developer. She’s created audio for over 25 published video game titles (most notably, the soundtrack for Plants vs. Zombies, though also contributing music and voice work for games like To the Moon, World of Warcraft, and the latest Penny Arcade game). In addition to working independently, Laura also spent 2 years as an Audio Director under the All Play label at Electronic Arts.

Laura’s original songs (Zombies on your Lawn, Cube Land, Everything’s Alright, From the Ground Up, etc.) have garnered over 100 million combined views on youtube, and her personal channel, where she posts a combination of original work as well as game music covers, has over 100,000 subscribers. Laura has been a fan of video game music since the days of the original 8-bit Nintendo; a time when a composer didn’t have access to high-end production materials, and as a result, had to rely solely on their creativity and talents as a composer. She’s always looked up to people like Yasunori Mitsuda and Yoko Shimomura for their unique and beautiful compositions.

Graduating from UC Berkeley with a degree in International Relations and Business, Laura decided to pursue a career in music after an unexpected detour landed her record contract offers in Japan for singing and production. Although she didn’t accept for various reasons, she still chose a music related job working as the audio director of a Japanese-American company where she created music and sound effects, and co-hosted an audio talkshow. Shortly after she began composing for game soundtracks. After completing several contracts, she decided to make it her career.

In addition to work, Laura is developing an adventure game called “Rakuen.” She has also taught piano to elementary school children, and occasionally plays the piano and sings at venues around her area, from Yoshi’s Jazz Club to local events. In her spare time, she enjoys baking, hiking, dancing, drawing, going on adventures, and of course games (some of her favorites include Chrono Trigger, Starcraft, Yoshi’s Island, Secret of Mana, the Megaman series, Link to the Past, Suikoden, Street Fighter 2, Star Tropics, and many others).

IndieGames.com (Play for Japan interview with Yasunori Mitsuda)
IndieGames.com (Melolune Soundtrack)
Indiegames.com (Indie Composer Chat)
WoW Insider
Play as Life
Spawn Kill
Crispy Gamer

The Escapist
WoW Insider
Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Topless Robot
Kotaku: The Soundtrack to the Botanical Apocalypse
TIGsource: We Love Indie Game Music


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  1. […] with Laura Shigihara- Composer for Plants vs. Zombies 2009 May 4 by arcticpenguin Laura Shigihara wears many hats. A California native of Eurasian descent, Ms. Shigihara’s passion for games […]

  2. […] Laura Shigihara is the musician behind the original soundtrack for long in development PC casual game Plants vs. Zombies, a typically addictive addition to the ‘tower defense’ genre that brings adorable real-time combat to the front lawn. […]

  3. […] 我想Popcap公司的开发人员一定都很幽默风趣,而且满脑子的怪主意。看一下他们曾经开发的几款经典游戏吧,例如祖玛、宝石迷阵,每款游戏都充满了创意,让人乐此不疲,并惊叹原来美元炫酷画面的小游戏也可以这么好玩。这么一群人开发的游戏的主题曲肯定也要符合这种精神,于是由一个漂亮的日本美眉Laura Shigihara操刀制作的歌曲 “Zombies on Your Lawn” 就进入了我的视野。Laura Shigihara的简介你可以通过访问她的博客(需要翻墙)获知,中文翻译在这儿。 […]

  4. […] Laura Shigihara (site oficial) […]

  5. […] Uraniwa ni zombies Ga! by Laura Shigihara […]

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