Hadith. 36. Sources of Good COMPLETE



On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (RadhiyAllahu ‘anhu) that the Prophet (SallaAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam) said:
“Whosoever removes a worldly grief from a believer, Allah will remove from him one of the grievances of the Day of Judgment. Whosoever alleviates the needs a needy person, Allah will alleviate his needs in this world and the next. Whosoever conceals the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his faults in this world and the next. Allah will aid a servant [of His] so long as the servant aids his brother. Whosoever follows a path to seek knowledge therein, Allah will make easy for him a path to Paradise. No people gather together in one of the houses of Allah, reciting the Book of Allah and studying it among themselves, except tranquillity descends upon them, mercy envelopes them, the angels surround them, and Allah makes mention of them amongst those who are with Him. Whosoever is slowed down by his actions will not be hastened forward by his lineage.”

[Reported by Muslim in these words]


Benefits and Action points:

  • Scholars say this hadith contains  all sources of good as it contains virtues, principle, sciences, rulings, and manners.
  • It is connected to the last hadith as it is a manifestation of how we implement brotherhood
  • This hadith sets the principle “What goes around comes around” and it is something golden we must remember when interacting with others
  • نفس (translated as “to remove” in this hadith) is derived from تنفس (to breathe) as we feel we cannot breathe sometimes when we are faced with an affliction
  • فَرّجَ (to remove) is more effective as it means to remove in totality but نفس was used to tell us it is very important to just remove the burden off someone, not even remove it in totality, though the latter is more virtuous
  • From Allah’s virtues over us is that He doesn’t just recompense us with equal to the good we have done, rather Allah’s help for us is in the hereafter which is much more greater
  • We help to relieve someone from distress by:
    • Knowledge as it guides a person to know what is right
    • Wealth
    • Authority, not necessarily a leader
    • Physical means
  • Alleviating the need of a needy person is usually referred to in financial situations and is normally between the debtor and creditor
  • You alleviate the need by:
    • Warning, giving extra time. This is in fact compulsory
    • Dropping the debt
    • Not accepting someone to drop a debt off you
    • If someone refuses to take money for something you requested them to get for you, you make it easier for him by being adamant to pay for it
  • Allah says he will make it easier for you in the dunya and the hereafter because financial problems have a severe effect on someone and it is more difficult to help someone financially than give advice, hence the reward is greater
  • The believers are the ones who search for excuses and the hypocrites are the ones who search for faults
  • The prophet (SallaAllahu ‘alayhi wasallam) said, “Oh you who have believed  with their tongues and Iman is yet to enter your hearts, do not backbite the Muslims and do not search for their faults, for whoever searches for their faults, Allah will search for their faults, and whoever Allah searches for their faults will be exposed even in his house” (Reported by Ahmad and Abu Dawud)
  • The believer should be primarily concerned with his own faults and not look at others’ faults
  • Some of the pious predecessors used to say, “I met a people who had no (apparent) faults, but they mentioned the faults of others so their faults were exposed. And i met people who had many faults but they didn’t speak about the faults of others so their faults were forgotten”
  • The believer should be sad when realising others’ faults, and this is a sign of his Iman, as the hypocrites are happy when realising other’s faults as mentioned in Surah Al-Noor [24:19]
  • Loving for your brother what you love for yourself brings about the help from Allah
  • The hadith went on to speak about seeking knowledge. The connection here may be due to that one of the key ways of helping someone is via knowledge
  • “Whoever follows a path to seek knowledge” can be understood from both a literal and figurative translation
  • Making the path of Jannah easy can be by:
    • Making your path to knowledge easy, so you will be guided to Jannah
    • Making it easy for you to benefit from the knowledge to enter Jannah
    • Making your passing over the Sirat (Bridge over Hellfire) easy
  • If we don’t act upon our knowledge, we will only decrease in knowledge, no matter how much we study
  • Some of the scholars used to say, “Knowledge called upon actions. If it (actions) answered then it (knowledge) would remain, and if it didn’t then it would leave”
  • Some of the scholars used to say, “Whoever acts upon what he knows, Allah will teach him more things he didn’t know”
  • We need to struggle to seek knowledge as you will gain what you want by how much you struggled for it
  • The best way of seeking knowledge is to study the book of Allah together
  • Studying the Qur’an amongst ourselves can be
    • One big circle, and in order, everyone recites a part of the Qur’an
    • One big circle with everyone reciting together
  • Studying the Qur’an together is not just reading, but includes studying tajweed and tafsir
  • The tranquillity that descends down is true tranquillity and not a figurative thing
  • By mercy enveloping them, it protects them, guides them and softens their hearts
  • Our lineage will not help us. It is only our actions that will help us in hereafter
  • A beautiful way to end the hadith is to imply that all of the things mentioned are part of the actions that will help us in reaching Jannah



Benefits and Action points:

  • Try to alleviate afflictions or financial difficulties from your brothers
  • Be easy on a person who you have borrowed money
  • Never search for the faults of others and conceal the ones you know
  • Always search for your own faults and try to fix them
  • Feel sad when you see someone doing wrong and never be happy when proving someone wrong
  • When it comes to exposing sins:
    • We shouldn’t mention the faults of the righteous who are not known to openly commit sins
    • We can expose the sins of those who sin publicly to warn Muslims about them, not to mock them
  • Ensure you act upon whatever little knowledge you have
  • When seeking knowledge, don’t expect things to come easy, rather struggle to gain the knowledge that you require
  • Study the Qur’an in the Masjid for it is a highly virtuous act
  • Intentions when seeking knowledge:
    • To please Allah, not to fulfil our intellectual cravings
    • To remove ignorance from oneself and others
    • To defend the shari’ah
    • To reform our character and act upon our knowledge
  • For more intentions when seeking knowledge, please visit this page

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