
Utah Manuscripts Association Bylaws

  1. Name
    1. The Name of this organization shall be the Utah Manuscripts Association (UMA).
  2. Purpose
    1. The Utah Manuscripts Association is a professional organization established to promote cooperation and facilitate the exchange of information among institutions in the state of Utah who are interested in the preservation and use of archival and manuscript materials; to provide a forum for the discussion of matters of acquisition; and to coordinate statewide archival activities.
  3. Membership
    1. The members of the association include the archives, manuscript, and special collections repositories of the following: Utah State University, Weber State University, Utah State Archives and Records Service, LDS Church History Library, University of Utah, Utah Division of State History, Salt Lake County Records Management & Archives, Westminster College, Brigham Young University, Archives of the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City, Utah Tech University, Southern Utah University, and Utah Valley University.
    2. Other institutions may be invited to join with approval of a majority of the members.
  4. Officers and Government
    1. Officers: The officers will be composed of a Chair and a Vice Chair. At the first meeting of the year the Vice Chair will be elected by the members. At the beginning of the next year the Vice Chair will become the chair.
    2. Duties of officers: The Chair will preside at meetings, set agendas, and set goals. The Vice Chair will take minutes, set times for meetings, and handle finances, if necessary.
  5. Meetings
    1. Regular meetings-
      1. The association will hold meetings at the discretion of the chair, typically on a quarterly basis.
      2. Meeting locations will rotate among member institutions.
      3. Member institutions may send multiple individuals, pending approval of the hosting institution, to participate in meetings either in person or remotely.
      4. Each member institution will appoint one voting member for each meeting. Voting members may register their votes in person or remotely.
      5. A simple majority is required to conduct the business of the association. Major decisions require a quorum of two-thirds (2/3) of member institutions.
      6. Member institutions must give notification to the chair at least one week prior to scheduled meetings if a representative from their institution will not be able to participate in person or remotely.
      7. Meetings will be cancelled or rescheduled if a simple majority is not available. Cancellation of any meeting must take place at least 72 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting time.
  6. Amendments
    1. Amendments to these by bylaws must be proposed in writing by a participating institution and presented to the Vice Chair thirty (30) days in advance of the next regular meeting.
    2. Proposed amendments will be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the association.