For your consideration….

With the Bruins gaining popularity, some local companies have tapped some of the boys to be spokesmen for their business. Milan is doing his best to sell AC’s and Shawn Thornton is trying to get you to buy one of his affordable cars.

Listen, James Lipton won’t be inviting them to speak to the students at the Actor’s Studio anytime soon – but A for effort? This is where you give the boys a sticker that says, ‘Grape Job!‘ and when you scratch it – it smells like grapes. I want one!

So if you had to choose, who would you give the Clio award to? Looch or Thornton?

For your consideration….

Milan Lucic

Shawn Thornton

*Thanks to ComicGirl8 for the heads up on the Milan commerical!

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2 thoughts on “For your consideration….

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Cameron Frye and Mike Wendt, Kathi Mulligan. Kathi Mulligan said: OK, off the get Lil Habs Fan!! Vote for Looch!!!! #Bruins […]

  2. KofC December 2, 2009 at 8:16 pm Reply

    Wow, I’d already sent the Thornton one to a friend, but how did I not know about Lucic’s?!

    I wish the Blackhawks did stuff like this; they’ve basically shilled for Victoria’s Secret and IKEA recently but those were Blackhawks spots, not exactly commercials…and I’d add for corporations that don’t really need their help (though I liked the ads).

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