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As most of you know Shannon aka Schelmy ’s husband had an accident and fell 25 feet to the ground a few weeks ago. He survived but had many injuries which required surgeries. 

Unfortunately they were in the process of renewing their insurance when this happened and a few days before the accident, their insurance ran out… Shannon received her 1st hospital bill this week. It’s 136,000.00$ US. The hospital has refused to negotiate a payment plan and has given them 30 days to pay this amount. For this family, this could mean losing it all. Shannon is one of the most caring and sweetaest persons I know. She always puts herself out there to help everyone. Now it’s our turn to do the same for her. If you were in New York City at the Water for Elephants Premiere you might have met her. She was with us. 

FanFic Story contribution! (help donated by the girls at Fandom Fights Tsunami) 

If you want to donate here’s the paypal link 


Auction winners and important info after the jump! 

***Important Note to the winners***

To all the winners, we require you to send us a payment via paypal or credit card using this link here. It’s paypal but it accepts credit card transactions. When you send the payment please don’t forget to tell us for which item you’re paying and your mailing address.  We will send you an email confirming that we have received your payment. Please be patient with regards to receiving your confirmation email. We’ll try to get through them as quickly as we can. 

If we don’t hear for the winning bidder in the next 2 days we will be emailing you. 

– #1 White Cover Twilight Books set of 4 (Donated by Robluscious) / Winner is: Jeanette for 175$ USD

– #2 SIGNED Customized Jacon & Marlena WFE Dolls autographed by Sara Gruen (Donated by Morgan) / Winner is: tinasatontro for 91$ USD

– #4 Details Magazine (Donated by DreamySim1) / Winner is: Laura for 70$ USD 

– #5 VF 2009 Magazine (Donated by DreamySim1)  Auction already closed

– #6 SIGNED Copy of Outlander by Diana Galbadon (Donated by FPOnTheDL) / Winner is: Dreamysim1 for 75$ USD 

– #7 Customized wallpaper or banner made by DreamySim1 Winner is: @eco_echelon for 50$ USD 

– #8 SIGNED Entertainment Weekly autographed by KRISTEN STEWART (Donated by IAm_ECHELON) / Winner is: Jasmin  for $105 USD 

– #9 5 Eclipse photos, stickers, magnet, 2 bracelets (Donated by marysolsm) / Winner is: C.B.Wentworth  for  $25 USD 

– #10 SIGNED ToR poster autographed by ROBER PATTINSON, Christoph Waltz and Francis Lawrence (Donated by Slowie) / Winner is: Judy DeFore for $195 USD 

– #11 Kristen Elle UK Magazine  (Donated by Slowie) / Winner is: Melissa Frost for 15.50$ USD 

– #12 French NM DVD Box Set (Donated by PattyStewBoneCity)  / Winner is: Juliana for $20 USD 

– #13 Lot of Twilight French Magazine (Donated by PattyStewBoneCity)  / Winner is:  Lovingrob for $22 USD 

– #14 2 posters of Rob as Edward (one from Twilight, one from New Moon) Small poster of Jacob NM (Donated by fluffyMina)  / Winner is:  Staci moore for $45 USD 

– #16 Twilight Director’s Notebook (German) (Donated by fluffyMina)  / Winner is: Aloha Scooby Doo (@AlohaSD) for $15 USD 

– #17 Twilight Illustrated Movie Companion (Donated by fluffyMina)  / Winner is: Bianca for $20 USD 

– #18 New Moon Illustrated Companion (Donated by fluffyMina)  / Winner is: Kestrel420 for $15 USD 

– #19 I Love Barnes Tote (Donated by TeamPattinsonUK / Winner is: Golfnut for 40$ USD 

– #20 Italian Vanity Fair Magazine (donated by JellyBeanRainbow)  Winner is: smittenkitten for  $35 USD

– #21 Breaking Dawn Comic-Con Badges (Donated by JellyBeanRainbow)  Winner is: Astrid for $35 USD 

– #22 Hunger Games Poster (donated by JellyBeanRainbow)  / Winner is: @twilidiot for $25 USD 

– #23 Entertainment Weekly Magazine Breaking Dawn (Donated by LadyFairyPants)  / Winner is: Judy DeFore for  $30 USD 

– #24 Percy Jackson Series (Donated by Slowie)  / Winner is: twitardedmom for $45 USD 

– #25 SIGNED Alex Meraz Photo (Donated by IAm_ECHELON)  / Winner is:  Jasmin for  $28 USD 

– #26 Amazing print of Edward Cullen (donated by our affiliates PattinsonUK)    / Winner is: Lupe for  $85 USD

– #27 Vanity Fair 2009 Magazine (donated by vampirefreak101 – / Winner is:  Lesle for $70 USD 

– #28 Jacob New Moon doll (Donated by SexiLexiCullen)  / Winner is:   @AlohaSD for $15 USD 

– #29 Nylon Magazine with Jackson Rathbone (Donated by JustJo)  / Winner is: 17foreverlisa for $55 USD 

– #30 Robert Pattinson Posters (Donated by JustJo)  / Winner is: Jessica Jaldin Lange for  $25 USD 

– #31 New Moon pins (Donated by JustJo)  / Winner is:  (@PatStewBoneCT) for $7 USD 

– #32 GQ Magazine South Africa (donated by JustJo55 / Winner is: (@tinasatontro) for $21 USD 

– #33 Robert Pattinson book (donated by JustJo55  / Winner is: Debbie Strauss for $21 USD 

– #34 Details Magazine (donated by JustJo55)  / Winner is:  Lesle for $65 USD 

– #35 New Moon Edward Doll (donated by JustJo55)   / Winner is: Judy DeFore for $25 USD 

– #36 New Moon Jacob Doll (donated by JustJo55 / Winner is: Staci Moore for $24 USD 

– #37 Twilight trading Cards set (donated by JustJo55)  Winner is: (@alohasd) for $10 USD

– #38 New Moon trading Cards set (donated by JustJo55)  / Winner is: (@alohasd) for $20 USD 

– #39 SIGNED 1st edition hardcover of  Dead Reckoning by Charlain Harris (Donated by LochenEileen)  / Winner is: Sarah-Jane cotter for $50 USD

– #40 SIGNED 1st edition, hardcover of River Marked by Patricia Briggs (donated by Locheneileen / Winner is: @DreamySim1 for $27 USD 

– #41 SIGNED 1st edition, hardcover of Smokin’ Seventeen by Janet Evanovich. (donated by Locheneileen / Winner is: Amy M Twitchell for $50 USD 

– #42 SIGNED copy of  Virals by Kathy Reich (donated by Locheneileen / Winner is:  (@AlohaSD) for $20 USD

– #43 SIGNED copy of Demon Glass by Rachel Hawkins (donated by Locheneileen)  Winner is: Kestrel1420 for 25$ USD 

– #44 SIGNED copy of  Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins (donated by Locheneileen)  / Winner is: dreamysim1 for $27 USD 

– #45 Vogue Magazine with Kristen Stewart (donated by IrishTwiFicster / Winner is:  (@AlohaSD) for $10 USD 

– #46 Harper’s Bazaar Magazine (donated by IrishTwiFicster)   / Winner is: angie for $50 USD

– #47 SIGNED copy of New Moon by PETER FACINELLI (donated by IrishTwiFicster  / Winner is: Judy DeFore for $110 USD 

– #48 Twilight trading Cards set and New Moon buttons (donated by ABF_ / Winner is: anti for $10 USD 

– #49 SIGNED copy of Vampire Darcy’s Desire by Regina Jeffers (donated by bookobsessive / Winner is: Kim McKenzie Withey for $40 USD

– #50 Water for Elephants Poster (Magazine size) (donated by JellyBeanRainbow)  / Winner is: Denise for $10 USD

– #51 Edward Cullen Banner (donated by Robnation)  / Winner is: AlohaSD for 70$ USD 

– #52 Water for Elephants New York Premiere coffee table book (made and donated by Water for Elephants Fan Blog )  / Winner is: TwiMoments for $115

– #53 Two sets of Rob/Edward Cullen Silhouette Cards (donated by SereniTwi / Winner is: Jackie (@TwiMoments) for $20 USD

– #54 Water for Elephants Movie tie in book (donated by TwiBritneyFan)  / Winner is:  AlohaSD for 15$ USD 

– #55 Remember Me DVD (donated by TwiBritneyFan)  / Winner is: AlohaSD for 15$ USD 

– #56 The Messengers DVD (donated by TwiBritneyFan / Winner is: Denise for $15 USD 

– #57 Vanity Fair Magazine 2011 (donated by TwiBritneyFan / Winner is: Char Rush for 20$ USD 

– #58 Remember Me Set PROP!  (donated by Tracy)  Winner is:  FPontheDL for $300 USD 

– #59 SIGNED harcover, first edition of Eclipse autographed by Stephenie Meyer (donated by Tracy)  Winner is:  AGA for $200 USD 

– #60 Water for Elephants mini poster (donated by debb24601)  / Winner is: Denise for 20$ USD 

– #61 hardcover copy of  ”The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide (donated by Christy)  Winner is:  Aloha-Scooby Doo (@AlohaSD) for $25

– #62 Entertainment Weekly Magazine (donated by Linda)  / Winner is: Laura for 15$ USD 

– #63 The Sexy Stars of Eclipse magazine  (donated by MissImari101)  Winner is: Shirley Sitler for 35$ USD 

– #64 SIGNED Water for Elephants Movie tie-in book by Francis Lawrence (donated by WFEfilm)  / Winner is Amber (EyesofAmber) for 65$ USD 

– #65 Robert Pattinson Luminary (donated by AlohaSD)  Winner is: @Mama_Cougar for 105$ USD

– #66 Taylor Lautner Luminary (donated by AlohaSD)  Winner is: No bidders 

– #67 SIGNED copy of Divergent by Veronica Roth including temp tattoos (donated by VERONICA ROTH)  / Winner is: SparksTP for 140$ USD 

– #69 the Haunted Airman DVD (donated by TwiBritneyFan / Winner is: Aloha-Scooby Doo (@AlohaSD) for $18 USD 

– #70 Book: advance reader’s copy of the Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (donated by Thinking of Rob)  Winner is:  Fifi (@Furryfifi) for 60$ USD 

– #71 Edward Cullen New Moon cardboard cutout (donated by FPOnTheDL / Winner is: Amber (@EyesofAmberBlog) for 55$ USD 

– #72 Twi Cast pics (Donated by PhoenixMP3 / Winner is: No bidders 

– #73 True Blood pics (Donated by PhoenixMP3 / Winner is: Sarah-Jane Cotter for $30 USD  

– #74 Vanity Fair 2011 (donated by  vampirefreak101)  Winner is:  KStewartSourceSpain (@KStewSpainWeb) for 21$ USD 

– #75 Twilight Magazines (donated by  Eva)  Winner is: PattyStewBoneCity for 16$ USD 

– #76 Series City magazine with 10 posters (donated by FPOnTheDL / Winner is: Nancy Tyler Hawkins for $25 USD 

– #77 Robert Pattinson in Premiere Magazine (Donated by FPOnTheDL)  / Winner is:  pattygirl  for $36 USD 

– #78 Water for Elephants poster made by DreamySim1 (donated by FPOnTheDL / Winner is: Denis for 15$ USD 

– #79 SIGNED pic of CHARLEY BEWLEY (donated by PhoenixMP3 / Winner is:  Amy M. Twitchell for 25$ USD 

– #80 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Blu-Ray – Region 2 (Europe) (donated by TwiLucy_UK / No bidders

– #81 Twilight Blu-Ray – Region 2 (Europe) (donated by TwiLucy_UK )  No bidders

– #82 New Moon Movie Tie-In Book (donated by TwiLucy_UK)  No bidders

– #83 SIGNED New Moon movie companion (donated by NEW MOON DIRECTOR CHRIS WEITZ)  / Winner is: Lupe for  165$ USD 

– #85 The @TheShagDaddy Goes on a Date With Edward Part II  Winner is:  BlackRose for 110$ 

Add ons by DreamySim1, FPonthe DL, Skuck, Alicia 20$

Posted September 16, 2011 by justfp in Robert Pattinson

2 responses to “LIST OF AUCTION WINNERS!

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  1. Pingback: A HUGE Thank You and An Update « Thinking of Rob

  2. Pingback: Please Read – A Thank You Note From Shannon’s (@Schelmy’s) Husband « Thinking of Rob

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