New Water for Elephants wallpapers   11 comments

Here are some new Water for Elephants wallpapers by @DreamySim1 | Click to make bigger

See the rest after the jump!

11 responses to “New Water for Elephants wallpapers

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  1. ses vraiment super j adore

  2. Absolutely brilliiant. Dreamy Sim you do a wonderful job on all of your creations. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  3. Wonderful job! Congrats.

  4. These are lovely Dreamy! 🙂 ❤

  5. Lovely as always Dreamy, just love the pic of him alone, those eyes, those lips, OMG!!

  6. Love the first one! Well ok, I love them all (that’s nothing new), but I flove the first one! Gorgeous!

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