Getting to Know…?

I enjoyed reading the ways that everyone gets to know the places they visit. A few of my favorite ways is by going on outdoor runs, trying the local food, walking around, taking public transportation if it’s there, talking to people, and going to places like galleries, neighborhoods, and parks. Sometimes if I’m lucky there are festivities going on during my visit!

Every major city seems to have a neighborhood with a high population of people from another country.

Whether it’s a Chinatown, Little Italy, or Little Havana.

I’m always curious about any places Dim Sum.
Later on we headed on over to Yorkville Ave.
A sign for desserts caught my mothers eye, and we walked into the lushest dessert place I’ve been to yet.
You can get ‘Fondue To Go’ if you so desire.

Toronto’s MoRoCo is a place for lovers of chocolate, and those who don’t mind in indulging. This place was very unique and eclectic, being influenced by French sipping chocolate, edgy glamour, and European salons. There’s a boutique where you can get truffles, chocolates bars, gourmet s’mores, other chocolate treats, macarons, and even frozen yogurt!

Or you can sit in the patio or the indoor lounge, and order from the menu.

Perhaps the service was having an off night because it took them quite awhile to get to us, and finally when they did they weren’t very accommodating. We still wanted to enjoy one of their treats though…

So we decided to get a frozen yogurt and Ginger Rocks to go.

We split a ‘twist’ of chocolate and original frozen yogurt topped with caramelized pecans, milk chocolate chai sauce, and strawberries. The Ginger Rocks are these incredible little bites of crystalized ginger covered in 62% dark chocolate and dusted with icing sugar. Sadly they were all out of their macarons, but maybe I’ll find my way back there to see if they have them again.

The next day we ventured out of Toronto to another part of Canada…
Don’t go over the Niagara Falls!
Then a rainbow decided to come out in celebration of New York’s recent decision to allow same-sex marriage.
Woo hoo!
Eventually we headed back and our tummies were knocking on our doors telling us it was dinner time.
My mom said this was a Thai restaurant, but when we got there we found out it was a sushi place.

I am not the biggest fan of sushi, but I didn’t want to rain on my mom’s seafood parade.

I did find something on the menu, and I do like seaweed salads!

After our little bite to eat we went to another grocery store called Fortino’s. I continue to be amazed by Canada’s grocery stores. Perhaps that is a strange thing to be amazed by, but as a lover of food and cooking… well it’s not so strange afterall. I found some of your recommendations like the Liberté yogurt, President’s ChoiceTaste of Nature bars, and some other finds.

How I know I’m in Canada… Vega everywhere I go!
I got the Liberté plain organic yogurt…

And oh my goodness! It was so creamy and full of flavor. It tasted similar to one of my favorite yogurts: the honey flavored Greek Gods. But this was plain, less sweet, and not Greek. I’m pretty sure they sell this brand of yogurt in the states, so I will definitely be making this my staple yogurt. We just got this container yesterday and we’re almost done with it. It’s that good!

I’ve enjoyed this straight out of the container and here with raw multi-grain hot cereal, mango, dried figs, almond butter, and cinnamon.

By the way, the grocery store I went to in my last post was Highland Farms. They have a great selection of cheeses, breads, vegetarian items, and produce from around the world. This is one of those places that just has so many things that it will take you awhile to peruse through everything.

I had mentioned that one of the ways that I like to get to know a place is by trying out the local food. Recently, I was contacted by a rep over at I’m sure that many of you have heard of this site, and may have even taken advantage of their great offers.

I was given the opportunity to host a giveaway for four $25 gift certificates for the Washington D.C. area. You can click over here to see what restaurants are on their list.

Now I know that not all of my readers are from the D.C. area, but if you are or if you plan on going there then this giveaway is right up your alley! Here’s what you have to do to enter:

1. Browse through the Washington D.C. restaurant guide, and let me know which restaurant you’d like to go to.

2. If you have a blog you can mention this giveaway in a post.

3.  Share this give away on Twitter: “Win a $25 Gift Certificate for the D.C. area from @mixoparthenos over at!”

Each of these counts as an entry so please make sure to notify if me if you share this on Twitter. Thanks and best of luck! The giveaway ends next friday 8 July, 2011 at midnight. Remember I have FOUR of these to give away!

And if this giveaway may not be for a part of the states that’s on your radar, keep in mind that they offer discounts on over 15,000 restaurants across the states. So you can check out what they have available near you.

19 thoughts on “Getting to Know…?

  1. Whenever I take trips, I always find myself dying to get home and eat some yummy, healthy food. Vacations usually disappoint me on the food front. I think I know what the problem is…you and your mom are not with me! You two are professionals, no doubt. That milk chocolate chai sauce sounds amazing. And I LOVE dark chocolate coated ginger. I used to “steal” dark chocolate ginger balls from the bulk section of a market I used to go to. Meaning, I kept going back to that particular isle and taking “just one more!” Hehe.

  2. HI!! I’ve been reading your blog for a while but this is the first time i leave a comment… I am so excited to enter a giveaway!! I would love to try Savour Adam Morgans… It looks really fun, and i love that area…

  3. I’ve been to Canada a few times but never have I been able to find such delicious eats as you have my dear! So glad you had such a wonderful time. 🙂

  4. Told you Liberte was the best!! Liberte has its own line of Greek (plain and flavored), but I personally prefer their regular 2%. It’s so creamy and sweet – totally irresistible (and the Vanilla one is just heaven).
    I can’t wait until I get to go to Toronto and visit the places you did!!! I want to study in Toronto 🙂

  5. AH I’ve always wanted to go to MoRoCo! Looks divine, but every Time I pass by I’m not hungry. Sigh. It will happen one day! It’s so funny how you’re loving the grocery stores, because I always feel the exact same way when I walk into an American grocery store.. I guess its the novelty of the stuff we don’t see every day!

  6. LIBERTE!!!! it’s the best- even if im biased 🙂
    Omg it’s so exciting to see these photos and follow you along your Canadian adventures 🙂 You look so gorgeous standing by the Niagara Falls! ❤ ❤

  7. Looks like you are having a fun trip!
    MMM I love seaweed salads 🙂
    I saw liberte at my store once and I’m so mad at myself for not buying it because I can’t find it any more. Oh well, I’ll find it again someday!

  8. Chocolate fondue to go? That’s pure genius. Evil genius. One of my favourite ways to be a tourist is to take a bicycle tour. You see a lot, get a bit of exercise (to earn that fondue) and the people tend to be pretty cool.

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