

68HC11, MOTOROLA 曾經賺大錢的MCU產品. 除錯器的其中一種板, 稱為 68HC11EVM, 隨機來的軟件由 P&E 出品, 但是換了電腦 (Intel 486 換成 586), OS 變成 Win95, 這個軟體就不能使用. 除非在 486DX33以及 Windows 3.1. 所以, Win98 / WinXP / Vista / Win7 就更不用說了. 沒有了PC 端的除錯軟體, 68HC11EVM 就差不多報廢了. 後來看到有一篇, 表示並不需要一個 P&E 的 GUI 也能夠工作. 實驗過, 確定可行, 俺的板是 68HC11EVM REV.G

畢竟是1996年的產品, 距離2011年大概15年了. 不過, 偶然要維護舊產品, 還需要用到作小修改或是除錯, 除非開發新的一套, 用 HC12 或其他處理器替代. 以前剛買的時候, 已經把 MC1488 和 MC1489 兩顆 IC 改成 但一顆 MAX233, 單一 5V 供電就好了, 除非要燒 EPROM, 不然 12V 是不需要的, 方便除錯.
DB25 已經改成 RJ-11 轉 DB9, 所以線材簡化了.

今天需要用一下, 所以又再次搬出來, 塵封很久, 但是還堪用.

Programming EPROM and EEPROM on the M68HC11EVM

How to Write to the 64-Cycle Time-Protected Registerson M68HC11 Development Tools

打開 XP 內置的 HYPER TERMINAL (超級終端機), 設定 COM2, 9600 BAUD, N81
電腦接 USB – RS232 COM PORT 的轉接器 (因為今天大多 NOTEBOOK 都沒有了 COM PORT)
HYPER TERMINAL 內, 鍵盤按一次 ENTER, 就看到 EVMBug 3.0, 確定可以用了

EVMbug11 rev 3.0, HELP

mod for 68HC11EVM, USB power supply, DB9 COM PORT, MAX232

mod for 68HC11EVM, 5V supply, DB9 COM PORT, MAX232



The 68HC11 doesn't need a GUI as best I recall. But remember, I dated myself with that comment about the 6801 board so maybe my memory is beginning to fail.

Yes, there was a cool interface that the DOS based software would do. However, you don’t need to have that interface to communicate with the 68HC11EVM.

Connect a regular MODEM (not PRINTER) cable to the TERMINAL (not HOST) port of the 68HC11 EVM and you should be able to use the onboard monitor ROM which has the BUFFALO program.

Use Hyperterm or any standard terminal emulation program on your PC. TERRATERM is a good terminal emulation program.

This will let you communicate with the board. Then type “HELP" for a list of commands. Now, here is a debugging tip. Just put power on the 68HC11EVM board. Don’t even bother to put a serial port cable. Just connect power. Now, take your scope. On the DB25 connector, use your scope to look at pin 2 (I think, it may be pin 3) which is the transmit pin. Then press the RESET pin on the EVM board. You should see a signal coming out on either pin 2 or pin 3 of the EVM board. If you do, then the board is working.

Then, take a MODEM type cable, connect your EVM to the PC and start up any terminal emulation program, set it to n-8-1 and you should be good to go.