Trump is Representative of the Age of Aquarius

I posted at this blog  Trump was Just the First Salvo in a Difficult Decade Ahead the day before the 2016 presidential election and though I was assuming a Clinton win, this post remains an accurate assessment of the next 10 years or so.

I had the first inkling of flaws in my assumption of Hillary Clinton winning the presidential election about one week before the election, and on November 6th I published on a number of Facebook sites The Scorpio Lunar Month & the US Presidential Elections

In this post I stated:

“For the current Scorpio lunar month, the Taurus full Moon (on 14th November), ….. actively stimulates Trump’s 10th house of status and fame and undermines Hillary’s personal worth in favour of her opponent.”

“There are a number of possibilities.  Firstly, the election result may be so close that the final result must wait until after the full Moon effect but in the meantime, Trump is sitting in the sunshine of a possible victory.  Secondly, the result is clear on the day but Trump goes on a final ranting binge about the corruption of the US presidential election followed by his last few days as a major news item? Thirdly, Trump actually wins the election?”

“Something strange and unusual is occurring here as Trump gets an immediate election afterglow, one way or another.”

“The only influence from the Dark Moon Lilith is that within 24 hours of the election the transiting Sun will be conjunct Trumps progressed Lilith.  This brings either great fame or great loss of fame, but nothing in the middle.”

“In conclusion, ….. it does suggest something that promotes Trump’s image post-election day … .  Somehow he gets an election afterglow….. The coming full Moon indicates he will be at his best under the glow of the full Moon.”

However, my mindset was so caught up in the prevailing view that it was impossible for Trump to win the election, that I did not heed the warnings of such a simple and elementary thing as the full moon only days after the election.  This full moon in Taurus is located in Trump’s 10th house of fame and prestige and located in Hillary’s 7th house representing her opponent (using whole sign houses).

The lunation cycle and full moons are generally overlooked by the huge majority of astrologers who are always hypnotized with the natal horoscope.  Every full moon behaves like a mini-eclipse.  Its effects are not limited to the actual few days that the full moon is in the actual sign where it occurs, but it spreads its wings for a number of days either side of the exact full moon.  It has personally affected me as the November 2016 Taurus full moon falls in my 4th house of anti-status, thus I am still digesting my hat from my wrong prediction.

Many astrologers correctly forecasted the election of Trump.  The following list (which is probably incomplete), has been researched and prepared mainly by Mark Cullen from Skyscript and he lists all the astrologers who correctly predicted Trump winning the election: Anil Aggarwal , Robert Antoniak, Amanda Auv, Steven Birchfield, Kenneth Bowser, Alison Chester-Lambert, Petros Eleftheriadis, Jonathan Flanery, Smiljana Gavrancic, Barry Goddard, Lisa J Gordon (aka Lisa Lazuli), Hossein Heidari‎, (Steve Judd), Sharon Knight, Inderjit Singh Kallirai, Stephen Lewis, Helmut Licht, Sachin Malhotra, Marina Marchione, Peter Novak, Arjun Pundit, Lamont Robinson, Krasi Serguieva, William Stickevers, Ming Wang and Theodore White.

Further details  of the presidential election predictions collated by Mark Cullen inluding a list of incorrect predictions is available at

It is always more difficult to pick the correct winner when the winner appears to be the outside chance plus with politics, it appears that 90% of astrologers are biased towards left wing or progressive political persuasion.  Therefore congratulations are definitely in order for these astrologers with the correct predictions in difficult circumstances.

A friend of mine stated after the election that a lot of hats are being eaten.  Though I had a late inclination that something was wrong with my expectation of a Clinton victory, it was too late.  I succumbed to the old enemy of accurate predictions – I succumbed to my own political bias.  I am totally aware of my political bias, and I actually try to counter-balance this bias, but in this case, my bias won.  At every point of analysis in weighing up the pros and cons of the positive and negative astrological influences, I gave Hillary the benefit of the doubt.

My bias was not so much towards the Democrats over the Republicans but my perspective of the future.  My analysis of the future is very positive and to the point I can see a Mini Golden Age ahead – but not until the middle of next century.  There are stepping stones towards this reality over the next century and a half, but I was being impatient with my expectations.  I was putting the USA further down the line of political evolution than is the case.  (see A Celebration 7,000 Years in the Making).  The biggest stepping stone towards the new bright future does not appear until 2059, but there are many smaller ones before that date. Socio-political evolution is a much slower process than most people give credit.

What most Astrologers do not recognise is that there are two sides to Aquarius.  Aquarius promotes revolutionaries – but these revolutionaries can be promoting hard right wing political approaches (such as Donald Trump and the Republican Party) or left wing policies such as Bernie Sanders. However both are demonstrating Aquarius’ revolutionary spirit.  It is this Aquarius revolutionary spirit that garnered Trump enough votes to get him elected!

Donald Trump

For people on the left of politics, there is a silver lining to every cloud.  The silver lining with Trump is that he has brought political revolution to US politics – the cat is out of the bag!  Bernie Sanders almost made it but Trump broke through.  I am not going to get into an analysis of Trump’s hard-line political agenda at this point, but we are at the beginning of a ten year period where the major sign is Aquarius.  Up until now, the most obvious association to the Aquarius periods are fascist revolutionaries such as Adolph Hitler and Mussolini.

The last Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910-1925-1940) brought the fascists and communists to power – both representing the revolutionary element of Aquarius but with little lasting beneficiary effect.  Our current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019) is the strongest Aquarius influence any Baby Boomer or later generations have ever experienced and harks back to the 1920s and 30s when Aquarius was very strong (see This is the Dawning of the Aquarius Micro-Age Decan for more details). However, our present 10 year Aquarius period is only one-third the strength or the former Aquarius period.  We can expect the growth of neo-fascists  (milder versions) rather than hard core fascists like Hitler in the current period as the world has moved on since the 1920s and 30s.

Too much connection should not be made between the fascists dictators of the Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910-1925-1940) and the current batch of neo-fascist and hard-line leaders appearing under the current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec  2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) because apart from the fact the current Aquarius period is only one-third the power of the former Aquarius period, the big difference is Capricorn.

The early 20th century Aquarius period was followed by the cold dark Capricorn micro-age and overflow (1925 – 1940 – 1955) which brought the greatest calamity ever experienced in ‘civilization’, especially in the upper half of the Capricorn bell-curve (associated with the Capricorn quasi micro-age 1932 – 1947).  This is normally the case when Aquarius is found based on the twelve-fold division but not with the three-fold division associated with decans.

The current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec  2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) has no corresponding Capricorn period in sight, only a small Capricorn digression surrounding the 2020 US presidential elections.  In fact the opposite is the case.  The other key sign associated with the current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow is Cancer (see Cancer – the New Paradigm for the World).  So while adherents of progressive politics will be experiencing shock and horror from what can be expected from President Donald Trump, this does not lead into a dark period, except for a short Capricorn period associated with the 2020 US presidential elections when the Capricorn nano-age and overflow (Dec 2019 – Mar 21 – Jun 22) will be approachings its peak, and thus a mini depressive time – both economically and the general mood of the electorate.

The neo-fascist rhetoric of some of Trumps political statements needs to be placed in context.  He is a consummate showman and he knows how to attract voters.  He cannot run the presidency on rhetoric but on action.  Obviously there will be some highly detrimental policies to be expected from a more conservative view of the world, and environmental issues may suffer dearly.  It is best to wait and see what will actually take place rather than cry for the spilt milk before it has spilt, as everyone’s expectation of what may be spilt may be more aligned to fear and paranoia rather than reality.  The sign Cancer remains very powerful in the world and in these times people will gyrate between exhilaration and depression as is the nature of Cancer.

Another aspect of Trumps unexpected success and the unexpected result of the recent Brexit referendum in the UK is that ‘unexpected’ is a Uranus/Aquarius archetype.  In an Aquarian period such as the world is now in (as of December 2014 lasting almost 10 years), the unexpected is what we should expect. When you experience the shock (of dismay for some and exuberance of others) from these events you are experiencing Aquarius.  The astrological ages are speaking to you.  The world is always encountering two micro-age decans at any time (like two walking feet), and the Aquarius foot has just touched the ground for 10 years – the Cancer foot had a 5 year start and will end 5 years sooner.  The Libra foot hits the ground in December 2019 for its 10 year run.

All micro-age decans are not equal.  Whenever a micro-age decan is encountered that resonates with a larger more powerful period, its effects are stronger.  Currently, the major ‘senior’ signs in the world in order of their strongest influence begin with Pisces as the most powerful followed by Aquarius, Libra, Scorpio and Gemini in descending order.  Our little but current Aquarius micro-age decan is resonating with the second strongest sign currently influencing the world, so this little 10 year period stands out.

Aquarius revolution is in the air, and political volatility is rising in the world as expected when Aquarius is strong – which is the case since December 2014.  Dissatisfied voters are throwing out the old and taking in the new despite the consequences.  Hillary Clinton’s ‘deplorables’ have taken control of the US presidency, and this is what should be expected 50% of the time when Aquarius is powerful.

The USA’s primary sign from the perspective of macro-astrology is Pisces – two fish swimming in opposite directions (see Pisces America).  This is why with the US presidential elections, the norm is that the political party in control changes on average every 8 years.  Each fish gets their chance 50% of the time.  The big difference between the USA and most other modern democracies is this gigantic and growing split in the policies of both sides of politics.

This split will rise to its greatest height experienced in the USA since the American Civil War and will be at its highest volatility in the years 2019 – 2024 from the Aquarian element, but even greater in the following 5 years (2024 – 29) under the Libra micro-age decan overflow. The years 2024 – 29 repeats many astrological conditions that existed at the time of the American Civil War, but not as pronounced, so a new civil war is not expected – but serious discord cannot be ruled out.

The astrological anniversary of the Trump’s election win in November 2016 was just the opening salvo for US politics.  The fireworks will not be limited to Trump either, and it will be interesting how the USA passes through its most volatile 10 years in politics since the Civil War!  In the meantime, Trump is a representative of the Age of Aquarius, but mainly just one side of what is possible?  Here is something to consider – is Trump a sheep in wolf’s clothing?

Even from the perspective of left wing or progressive politics, there is a very good chance that Trump will drag the Republican Party into the 21st century (kicking and screaming of course).  Trump is not a traditional Republican, he is a populace Republican and it is his base of supporters in the voting public that is his source of strength, not the machinery of the Republican Party.

Trump does not seem to be concerned with homosexuality.  It can be expected that in the social arena, Trump may espouse a number of liberal social ideals.  What are his views on abortion?  In the campaign, Trump was not making social issues the focus but mainly economic issues and of course illegal immigration.  Trump is not part of the anachronistic Tea Party.  While Trump may promote hard conservative economic policies and perhaps some regressive environmental policies, even in these areas we will just have to wait and see what he actually does as opposed to what he has said in the political campaign.  Trump does seem to be a political chameleon as he appears to channel the archetypal grifter – a traditional figure in the psyche of the USA.

If Trump does drop a number of social issues off the table, this is not only a big revolution in the Republican Party, it is also a positive revolution in US politics from the perspective of both sides of the political divide.  If formerly contentious social issues are ignored or removed from the platform, this allows the progressives to move further left or progressive in their posturing.

Finally, it is best for democracy that there is a regular change of government to prevent entrenched corruption and staleness at the top.  Trump has appropriately revolutionized politics in the USA  – and while many of his policies will be anathema to many progressives, there is a distinct silver lining.  Trump will probably drag the Republican Party at least partly into the “Age of Aquarius”.

When you see what type of president Trump becomes, and what he does, at least you know that the Aquarius micro-age decan is talking directly to you showing you that Aquarius is not limited to only the positive archetypes associated with Aquarius.  Watching Trump’s presidency will be equivalent to reading a chapter on Aquarius.

Regardless of your political persuasion, you can experience some of the thrills and excitement Trump supporters are experiencing because Aquarius is associated with excitement and thrills.  And remember, the same excitement is yet to be successfully brought to the Democrats!  Aquarius will be getting stronger each coming year and significantly increases in tempo in the middle of 2017 and even moreso in December 2019.

The Eight Most Popular Posts for Further Investigation

The Age of Aquarius for Dummies

An Age Old Mistake That Still Haunts Astrologers

The Aquarian age did not begin in the 1960’s or ’70s

SCORPIO – the Sign of the Times …. Revisited – Part 1

Females, Women and Feminists in the Age of Aquarius

Generational Astrology – Introduction (Part 1)

Gemini’s Role in our Modern World (or Battle of the Brains)

Is Trump the New Caligula

12 thoughts on “Trump is Representative of the Age of Aquarius

  1. Hi Terry,

    It seems to me that you are absolutely correct in your assessment of Trump’s victory as a manifestation of the Aquarian revolutionary spirit. However, what I’d like to say is that I do not count myself amongst the 90% of astrologers who are on the left. In this case, I’m on the right, and I saw Trump’s victory coming because I identify with the American libertarian-isolationist right. Allow me to elaborate.

    The entire MSM in the US endorsed Clinton, and yet she lost. It was the internet-based media channels that won it for Trump, such as The left think that Trump’s victory is atavistic, an attempt to ‘roll back’ time to a more conservative era. This is so wrong I don’t even know where to start. Let me start with the Bolshevik revolution. Alexander Solzhenitsyn broke the last taboo about the Russian revolution when he detailed how 80% of the revolutionaries were Jews, mostly from the Pale of Settlement. See here These Jews used Marxist ideas to subvert the Christian co-ordinates of Russia, institute state-sanctioned atheism as a pre-condition for the creation of a society within which they would have more room to manoeuvre. Terry, let me be frank with you – it is entirely unclear that this subversion of Christian Russian culture was “progressive”, as you like to characterise it. Atheistic cultural marxism has led to hot-headed feminism, increased divorce and abortion rates, class conflict, and in the case of the USSR, China, Cambodia and elsewhere, enormous death and destruction. The turmoil only stopped in Russia recently when the country returned to Orthodox Christianity! But for those on the left, this is seen as a momentary “step back” before we march forward – to what destiny, exactly? More marital breakdown, more class conflict, more inclusiveness of every social and sexual deviance that Christian culture abhorred? It is entirely a subjective assertion that cultural marxism is progressive. This is an important point.

    Trump represents nativism, a focus by the red states upon rebuilding America, rather than overseas military-economic adventurism. Again, I cannot see how such isolationism is “regressive” or atavistic. How is increasing imperial over-reach “progressive”.

    I would liken it to positive and negative feedback loops in systems. A cultural marxism is a positive feedback loop, broadening semantics and broadening the field. Over time, this leads to instability, as in all systems. What is often disparagingly referred to as conservatism is a negative feedback loop, a “time-out” from too much change and disruption, to stabilise the family unit, the local community, the nation, etc. In the aftermath of Trump’s victory, and the fears I’m reading in today’s newspapers that he might recall the American military from Japan, South Korea, the Baltic States, etc. I ask you to genuinely confront your left bias and ask yourself sincerely – is this regressive, to focus on America itself rather than the American Empire in Eurasia, which is a drain on the resources of North America?

    Trump is an Aquarian event – he is not the “regressive” or “progressive” side of Aquarius, he contains both.

  2. Hi Terry,

    I fully agree with your assessment that Trump is an Aquarius event. However, I can honestly place myself amongst the 10% of people with an interest in astrology who is does not equate cultural marxism with “progress”, and anyone and anything that resists the excesses of cultural marxism as “regressive” or “atavistic”. I think Trump’s victory is going to be an Aquarian shock to those who hold this view. You are all about to take the red pill. Let me explain.

    Alexander Solzhenitsyn has bravely written about the fact that 80% of the Bolshevik revolutionaries were Jewish More and more people, through alternative media in the internet (not the MSM) are coming to realise – not believe, but understand – that cultural marxism has it origins in Central and Eastern Europe, and it’s atheism, advocacy of class conflict, agitation and propaganda had it’s origins in the power interests of the highly nationalistic ethnic groups that advocates subversive, anti-Christian propaganda and agitation. This is extremely important to understand what is happening in Russia today, and why the Democrats tried to insist that it was the Russians, rather than the FBI, who sent the latest tranche of Hillary Clinton and John Podesta emails to wikileaks.

    Putin’s establishment follows Solzhenitsyn’s thinking. This is why he moved against billionaire zionists like Khodorovsky and Berezinsky – he sees them as agents of foreign interests, antagonistic to the new conservative Orthodox culture emerging in Russia today. The western MSM pillories Putin as a totalitarian, as a “regressive” politician, but who owns the western MSM? This information is easily found out, if you sincerely research the matter, with prejudice.

    The public does not believe the MSM tells the truth anymore in Western countries. However, the MSM and it’s cadres of propagandising journalists, insult this same public as being “regressive” and “atavistic”.

    How is Trump’s withdrawal from Middle East and East Asian entanglements and expenditures “regressive”. From the point of view of focusing on freeing up monies for investment to rebuild American infrastructure and a durable productive economy, rather than a military-and-rentier favouring economy, it’s a progressive move.

    I would liken the left and right to feedback in a system. The left promotes positive feedback – broadening semantics, categories, acceptable behaviour, immigration, multi-lingualism, etc. The right promotes negative feedback, limiting the disruptive effects of positive feedback to stabilise the system. The positive feedback of cultural marxism and globalisation have resulted in advances, but also a huge increase in atomisation, divorce, abortion, resources and blood squandered in imperial wars, over-reach and debt. Yet and change of course, to stabilise the system – stabilise borders, for instance – is denounced as “regressive”.

    Let me conclude that no world religion or spiritual tradition in the world even remotely resembles the disruptive, agitating and aggressive character of atheistic cultural marxism. Ergo, I must question the prima facie assumption of so many of your generation, indoctrinated as you all were by the version of history written by the winners of WW2, that cultural marxism equates to “progress”. This is ideology.

    • As a brief reply, I was not promoting marxism as an advance or an example or progress, and I am not sure where in my post you perceived this approach. There was something in the communist failed experiment that has possibilities for the future but certainly more in essence rather than replication. Aquarius will be growing substantially in strength over the course of the 21st century, and I expect a partial return or acknowledgement of the necessity for increased socialism, but only in limited or specific areas of the economy. Capitalism is not going to disappear! I will reread your response tomorrow in case I misread your point.

      • Hi Terry,

        Yes, you absolutely missed my point. Let me keep this succinct.

        You said “The big difference between the USA and most other modern democracies is this gigantic and growing split in the policies of both sides of politics”. I’m saying that there is a huge alternative media-driven narrative that reveals that Zionists dominate the Democratic party, and former Trotskyite Jews – Irwin and William Kristol, Richard Perle, Richard Pipes – infiltrated the Republic party and developed the Zionist ideology known as “neoconservatism”.

        These people migrated to America from central and eastern Europe, where politics is practiced differently than in English-speaking countries. They are coming from traditions of conspiracy, infiltration, control of media channels, all outlined in great detail by the Bolsheviks. They now have control of both the Democratic party and the Republican party.

        You seem to actually believe in the left-right split in American punditry, whereas behind the scenes the real split is between Zionist Imperialists and American nativists. The left-right split is relatively superficial and, frankly, naive with respect to the real power struggle going on inside the American deep state, and American society. Americans are inherently isolationists. It is the Zionists and corporate interests that are interested in imperial efforts, not the people.

      • Hi Rob, yes I can see you have carefully thought out the issues re the American political system. There are some points we agree upon. I do agree that Trump is a mixture of conservative and progressive policies and I do believe that the war he has had with the Republican establishment, in the lead-up to the election, will continue once he is president. Trump will split the conservatives, and I am sure this will also happen with the Democrats.

        I don’t see communism through rosy tinted glasses, but probably 20% of the original communist manifesto had some relevance whereas it is probably the reverse with democratic capitalism – it probably has about 80% relevance and only about 20% that really needs to be removed – especially when it comes to environmental consequences and fair distribution of wealth. Ideally, the final makeup would be the 80% input from capitalism and 20% from the communist manifesto. If you look back in history, nearly all societies exhibited a combination of capitalism and socialism to varying degrees.

        I know that many people subscribe to the Zionist conspiracy theory but I do not, which is not the same as saying that there is not some truth in your observations on Zionism in the American political situation. Anyway, from the astrological perspective, Zionism is in for a nightmare of a century under their worst astrological conditions for around 2,000 years, though the early 20th century, also for a very short period, had incredibly destructive astrological conditions. I wrote about this subject about 10 years ago but either did not publish it or only published it at a low level. I may resurrect it and post it at this blog when I have time.

        Both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump demonstrated that adherents on both sides of politics want a revolution in politics, and Trump has got the ball rolling in this regard. As to progressive and regressive, all politicians and political parties seem to have a mixture of progressive and regressive policies, but it is probably more accurate to say progressive and conservative policies. Some conservative policies are definitely regressive but many are not.

        My personal view on the progressive-conservative differences is that we are heading, albeit very slowly, towards the middle path. To enshrine all conservative policies as regressive and all progressive policies as beneficial is way too naïve and simplistic.

        Because I don’t subscribe to the theory that the real split in American politics is between Zionist Imperialists and American nativists, we will just have to differ on that point. It all depends upon perspective.

        The higher you trek up a mountain, the further you see. To me, the big travesty in the world is not the progressive-conservative divide or Zionist conspiracy but the fact that most people do not recognise that they have won the lottery of life, the best lottery in the whole universe. Without this perspective, instead of being grateful and in awe of what we have been given, we fight each other either physically, mentally or emotionally. This is the biggest travesty. Fortunately we don’t run the universe.

      • Hi Terry,

        Thank you for your response. Paying close attention to sematics for a moment, I think I’d be happier with defining the socio-cultural values scale as a horizontal axis with two poles – extreme liberalism on one side, extreme conservatism on the other side. Almost everyone is somewhere near the centre of this scale. Obviously Islamic culture, both Shia and Sunni, is conservative, as is Orthodox Judaism, Roman Catholicism and so on. All teach of the dangers to social order of allowing too much freedom to the appetites. But we live in a world saturated with pornography, freedom of speech, increasing freedom for women, etc. All over the world, an increasingly globalising human society is trying to find balance as, to put it simply, a liberal wave that began in the 1960s is sweeping across the entire planet.

        At some point, there had to be a push back against the disruptive effects of liberalism. It has begun, with more and more North Americans, Australians, Europeans, etc challenging the liberal orthodoxy that uncontrolled, or even just excessive, immigration and flows of people across borders to live and work is a good thing. This is being challenged – there is no doubt about that. It was the key issue in Brexit and Trump, both of which I predicted to happen.

        On the issue of Zionism and Bolshevism, they are two sides of the same coin as Winston Churchill wrote in 1920, see here: Everyone knows Bolshevism was a revolutionary, conspiratorial movement – this is not disputed. Even you cannot dispute that there was, early in the 20th century, an international communist conspiracy. The tactics used by the communists had never been seen before in Western European societies – communist members would join Church groups, NGOs, newspapers as journalists, even university departments, and although on the surface they often professed opposing views, often on opposite sides of a debate, for example, this was simply a tactic of controlling the opposition for the purposes of fooling the class enemy, the established bourgeois power in it’s power centres.

        Lenin said “our movement will be for nothing if we do not come to power – lie, cheat, steal, profess opposing views, all are legitimate in the struggle for power”. Communists infiltrate non-communist movements, in order to subvert them from the inside.

        I have to burst your bubble here, Terry. I have to be forceful about this. All over Europe, it was common knowledge that an international conspiracy really existed, and infiltration and subversion of newspapers, etc were it’s preferred tactics.

        When I say “Zionist conspiracy” you must understand clearly that I am referring to the continued use of Bolshevik tactics of infiltration and subversion, journalism as propaganda, etc in our time, 2016, in the United States. I am emphatically NOT saying that Zionism rules the world, or is the hidden key behind all world events. Nothing of the sort! Not even close! I’m saying Bolshevik tactics are practiced today, in America, by Zionists. They have all read the works of Marx, Lenin, etc. That is the culture they come from in Central and Eastern Europe! It should be all so easy to understand if you try to see the world through the eyes of American Zionists. People like Noam Chomsky know this culture and writes about it openly, prolifically. But for every Noam Chomsky there are several Zionists who do not speak about it openly, but practice it’s praxis of infiltration, propaganda, etc. clandestinely. They simply go about the building of their power and influence using these approaches. And since they know one another and work together, outside the awareness of others, this is the very definition of conspiracy.

        I submit for your consideration that it is posts like this one that are the very stuff that will expose the origins and modus operandi of the Imperialist-Interventionist subversives who operate inside the apparatus of the American Empire. The “Elite” as they are sometimes know. There is a mass awakening to the reality that this elite has some sort of hidden agenda, an agenda the Elite will not share. The Elite conspire against the people and, it could be argued, against the American Constitution and hence America itself.

        What I have just written above Terry – you can have any view you wish about it, but it is revolutionary thinking in our time.

        The emerging clash is not between American nativism and American Zionism, but American Isolationism and Zionism. Madeline Albright was in yesterday’s papers warning Donald Trump not to retreat from overseas military commitments or it will ’embolden Putin’. Madeline Albright is a Jewish Zionist, this is easily discovered. Putin will not even let Western NGOs into Russia because he knows the are infiltrated with American imperalist operatives. Putin knows these people – they destroyed his country. We in the West are gradually learning who they are, and how they operate, and as you say, the astrology supports what I’m saying and Zionism/Bolshevism (both fronts for Jewish national self-interest) is in for a very bad time, as all of this gets exposed in the alternative media, not the mainstream media.

  3. Is Trump Going to Drag to Republican Party into the “Age of Aquarius”?

    The election of Trump has been one of those most fascinating episodes in my understanding of the sub-periods of the astrological ages that I have ever experienced in real time. This is to be expected as this election (and Brexit) occurred relatively close to the beginning of the strongest experience of Aquarius that any of us have experienced in our life and will not reoccur except from people too young to read. I have updated my post “Trump is Representative of the Age of Aquarius” (available at ) with the following:

    Too much connection should not be made between the fascists dictators of the Aquarius micro-age and overflow (1910-1925-1940) and the current batch of neo-fascist and hard-line leaders appearing under the current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) because apart from the fact the current Aquarius period is only one-third the power of the former Aquarius period, the big difference is Capricorn.

    The early 20th century Aquarius period was followed by the cold dark Capricorn micro-age and overflow (1925 – 1940 – 1955) which brought the greatest calamity ever experienced in ‘civilization’, especially in the upper half of the bell-curve (associated with the Capricorn quasi micro-age 1932 – 1947). This is normally the case when Aquarius is found based on the twelve-fold division but not with the three-fold division associated with decans.

    The current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow (Dec 2014 – Dec 2019 – Nov 2024) has no Capricorn period in sight. In fact the opposite is the case. The other key sign associated with the current Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow is Cancer (see Cancer – the New Paradigm for the World). So while adherents of progressive politics and the base of the Republican Party will be experiencing shock and horror from what can be expected from President Donald Trump, this does not lead into a dark period

    Even from the perspective of left wing or progressive politics, there is a very good chance that Trump will drag the Republican Party into the 21st century (kicking and screaming of course). Trump is not a traditional Republican, he is a populace Republican and it is his base of supporters in the voting public that is his source of strength, not the machinery of the Republican Party.

    Trump does not seem to be concerned with homosexuality. It can be expected that in the social arena, Trump may espouse a number of liberal social ideals. What are his views on abortion? In the campaign, Trump was not making social issues the focus but mainly economic issues and of course illegal immigration. Trump is not part of the anachronistic Tea Party. While Trump may promote hard conservative economic policies and perhaps some regressive environmental policies, even in these areas we will just have to wait and see what he actually does as opposed to what he has said in the political campaign. Trump does seem to be a political chameleon.

    If Trump does drop a number of social issues off the table, this is not only a big revolution in the Republican Party, it is also a positive revolution in US politics from the perspective of both sides of the political divide. If formerly contentious social issues are ignored or removed from the platform, this allows the progressives to move further left or progressive in their posturing.

    Finally, it is best for democracy that there is a regular change of government to prevent entrenched corruption and staleness at the top. Trump has appropriately revolutionized politics in the USA – and while many of his policies will be anathema to many progressives, there is a distinct silver lining. Trump will probably drag the Republican Party at least partly into the “Age of Aquarius”.

    When you see what type of president Trump becomes, and what he does, at least you know that the Aquarius micro-age decan is talking directly to you showing you that Aquarius is not limited to only the positive archetypes associated with Aquarius. Watching Trump’s presidency will be equivalent to reading a chapter on Aquarius. Do not automatically assume Trump will become a tyrant.

    Regardless of your political persuasion, you can experience some of the thrills and excitement Trump supporters are experiencing because Aquarius is associated with excitement and thrills. And remember, the same excitement is yet to be successfully brought to the Democrats! Aquarius will be getting stronger each coming year and significantly increases in tempo in the middle of 2017. It will be thrilling to at least see the Republican Party being dragged into the “Age of Aquarius” in the next few years!

  4. Rob Dowling, I’d like to know what you think about Trump going back on his isolationist policy and pretty much everything else. We’re now bombing 8 different countries and the wealth inequality divide is growing. Reagan was living proof that trickle down economics does not work, and yet this is what Trump is going for. His tax cuts for the poor and middle class are only temporary and will cease to effect by 2027, whilst the ones for the rich are permanent. I don’t think he’s dragging the Republican party into the age of Aquarius at all, personally. He’s also a massive supporter of Russia.

    • Hi Bored of Facebook,

      Regarding Donald Trump dragging the Republican Party into the Age of Aquarius, I still believe this is absolutely the case. Let me explain. Qualities associated with Aquarius and it’s ruling planet, Uranus, include disruption, the unexpected, weirdness and all things that are unusual and entirely new (such as new forms of art and music), new arrangements, new alignments and a broad, sweeping inclusive humanitarianism which is open and humanist in its approach to life and tries to make the world a better place by design. Architects are architecture are famously strongly associated with Aquarius, for example.

      However, as Terry McKinnell frequently points out, all ages/subages/microages express both the positive and the negative qualities of their sign. Other, less talked about qualities of Aquarius include fascism and fascist dictatorship. I’m thinking of the insignia on the shoulders of the Waffen SS, the two “lightning bolts of Thor” as they were known. The SS symbol is a pure channel for the electrifying energy of the planet Uranus – it is a magic symbol which had great power at the time in Germany. There can be no doubt the oratory of Hitler and the symbolism of the German national socialists had great power for a period of time in history. There are very strong Aquarius associations at work in the rise of Nazism in Germany.

      Terry has discussed the last Aquarius microage which was 1910-1925 which was a shockingly new and hypermodernist period which brought the Bolsheviks and Russian constructivist art to prominence, which in turn inspired the highly influential Bauhaus movement in German, the seedbed of modern design based on simple, unadorned geometric forms. But the reaction to Bolshevik International Socialism across much of Central and Eastern Europe ultimately became known as “National” Socialism. Both are two sides of the same Aquarius coin.

      I’m not American, I’m Irish, so my knowledge of America is that of an outsider. But Terry McKinnell maintains we are currently in a microage of Gemini (2015-2030) the first decan of which is Aquarius (2015-2020) which will influence world culture from now until 2025 (approx). So the first thing to observe is that this period of Aquarius will not be as powerful as 1910-25. It will not be as shocking, as strange, as disruptive of the old ways of doing things, nor, on the positive side, as avowedly and passionately humanitarian nor as aspiring to change the world for the better, like the Bauhaus movement tried to do. The second thing to observe about the current brief Aquarius microage decan is that it will heighten both the progessive side of Aquarius and it’s fascist regressive side.

      I mentioned the Bolsheviks. Today’s Russian Federation, ruled by Putin, has strong Aquarius associations. I’ll let you be the judge of whether Russia channels the progressive or regressive side of Aquarius but all the American mainstream media are now calling Vladimir Putin the “disrupter in chief” of the entire world system, due to election meddling in the Trump campaign and Brexit. Disruption is pure Aquarius. Is Donald Trump disruptive of the “Establishment” and “Elitists” as he calls them? Does he generate electrifying excitement in his supporters? These are Aquarian traits which, I humbly suggest, were absolutely not present in any other Republican candidate in the 2016 election. This is why it seems to me completely certain that Trump will be the Republican candidate again in 2020, because he does generate excitement, like him or not (I don’t by the way, I would’ve preferred a much more progressive expression of Aquarius in the US Election of 2016 but America didn’t go for the Bernie Sanders disruption, it chose the Trump disruption).

      To conclude, I say Steve Bannon on You Tube yesterday saying that “the Democrats are slowly realising that this guy (Trump) is going to be in your life until 2030”. This made me think of the the above microage decan of Aquarius. I thought love him or hate him, Trump is channeling one expression of Aquarius. I am absolutely certain only a progressive candidate who is just as Aquarian as Trump, but on the opposite side, will be able to win back the presidency for progressives in 2020. Progressives need to stop this foolish belief that Aquarius is on their side, it will sweep progressives to power. It will not – there are two sides to Aquarius.

      • Thanks for replying to me! This was great and very enlightening to read. I agree that we need to stop thinking that everything is suddenly on our side. I think my fault in thinking such a way previously was because of the wealth of wish-washy, poorly written, html articles from like 2001 age internet, pointing to the 60s and the hippy new age movement as being the “future”, but maybe that’s not what Aquarius means. This site has been a lot more informative than the other articles I found online which just made stuff up or parroted things. There seems to be more substance here and research. But I originally thought Aquarius would just mean change from the old (Piscean) way and democracy. Obviously, that democracy will bring the unexpected at times. Like Trump. I’m not out of school yet and everyone in my class is pretty liberal (also, my parents voted Bernie). I feel like it’s easy to assume that things are going to forever go your way when you’re surrounded with the same opinions, but that’s what led Democrats to overlook the rise of Trump and the growing silent contempt of the rust belt states over their not being listened to by those in power. I feel like the old Piscean way can easily be described as the neoconservatives and neoliberalis that were popular in America. They were more moderate than actually Republican or actually Democratic and were more or less like a singular party in terms of their politics and even their backgrounds (usually from well off and well educated families, probably have a family history in politics, attended Ivy Leagues, etc). The Aquarian age IMO represents a break from that – less of elitism and more of populism. But you’really right. This populism doesn’t necessarily have to serve the left. Populism could manifest a hyper-capitalist, facist ideology which may end up serving the rich in tax cuts, scapegoating or “othering” poor immigrants and removing social safety nets, but at the end of the day, whether we like it or get angry about it or not, the fact is that the candidate is anti establishment, anti elite and the grassroots movement of the common people voted him in. I think if anything this should be a teaching moment for Democrats and everyone who reads astrology (like me) that democracy and change will not always be something that is “good” because sometimes people democratically choose for a change that is “bad”.
        However, I’m thinking, if the Aquarian age hosts the two extremes and we won’t just progress to one ideology… I wonder how that would work? Kinda chaotic. Although, maybe the end point is not one of either. Maybe we find a balance? A new one, besides neoconservatives and neoliberals? One that serves the people. That would be nice.

  5. Excellent analysis Rob, i don’t think I have ever read as clear an analysis using macro-astrology from anyone else. The other interesting aspect about the current 10 year Aquarius micro-age decan and overflow is that it provides a preview and strong hints about the coming Aquarius sub-age decan and overflow (2029 – 2088 – 2148) especially in the most potent third quarter (2088 – 2118). My earliest musings was that there will be some very strong corporate fascism in the air countered by the the ongoing progressive revolution. Both will be present and i am sure it will be a messy period but fortunately the arrival of the Libra quasi sub-age in 2059 may mellow things out just enough to prevent a worse case scenario of unleashed fascism 4 times stronger and longer than existed in the 1920s.

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