Removing the constraint of the dip

So I really missed attending my weekly lab hours at Translator this morning, so I decided to do a first ever video post to contribute remotely.

Since I’m stuck in a car for the 6 hours, and finally got internet working from my android to my laptop (via USB), I decided to transcribe the main video thought here in a blog post (p.s., not exact wording, in fact it was heavily edited):[/END PREFACE]

so, here we go….

One of the biggest inspirations of my in my life
has been reading Seth Godin‘s The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick) (affiliate link).  I picked this book up during a time of my life when I thought about quitting everything I had been doing.  I had recently sold a majority of my company to ownership that didn’t have the same vision as we had.  Slowly, the superteam of developers and creatives we had built jumped ship, got downsized, and eventually the remainder of us were folded into a print shop.  Then, the print shop started slowly crumbling to the ground.

Life sucked.  Things were hard.
I know I was sticking around because the software I had helped to architect was the only thing I had left.  So, on Seth’s recommendation, I started assessing.  Was this a cul-de-sac that I needed to quit?  Then I got wind that a local entrepreneur was looking to purchase the print shop.  This guy had a vision for the future, and I felt he could be the one to help blend my taste for digital media (online) with print media (offline).  I’ve always been a big advocate for figuring out how we bridge the 2 together.

When i try to explain the dip
to those who haven’t read the book, I love using the marathon illustration.  You know:  Don’t stop running the marathon at mile 25, even when it’s hard.  If you know it’s hard, and you want to do it, Just do it.  Lately I’ve been thinking.

What if you could avoid the dip?
I’ve got a breath of fresh air in my life recently by surrounding myself with people who are good at stuff.  When you combine great ideas with motivation from peers, and people who are good at stuff who all help each other out, you can shortcut success by either partially or completely removing the dip you’d encounter by taking on new projects alone.

This is why I’m a fan of Translator Lab Hours.
This is why I never want to miss a Tuesday or Thursday morning where i get to be with intelligent, energetic and fun peers, who do great stuff.

Let’s combine what we’re good at and remove our collective constraints.

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