Brussels sprouts gone nuts

Brussels sprouts gone nuts

I must admit my knowledge about Brussels sprouts and its uses is kinda limited. But, in Norway at least, they can often be found as a side to game (vilt), turkey and different roasts. But whenever I have gotten it served it has been very basic, just boiled until tender. Except this one time… which totally changed my mind about Brussels sprouts altogether!

Imagine sinking your teeth into tender, yet not overcooked, lovely greengreen Brussels sprouts. The bitterness of the sprouts perfectly balanced by a hint of honey and hazelnuts. A surprising, but perfect joint venture!


  • 1 lb of Brussels sprouts
  • one handful chopped hazelnuts
  • 1 TS honey


  • 400 g rosenkål
  • en håndfull hakkede hasselnøtter
  • 1 ss honning

Start by trimming the Brussels sprouts; cut off any brown stems and remove discolored leaves.

Brussels sprouts trimmed

Boil in salted water for about 5 minutes. Then rinse in cold water to stop the boiling process. I don´t know about you, but I hate overcooked Brussels sprouts!

Boiled brussels sprouts

Chop a handful or so of hazelnuts. Not superfine, keep them a bit rustic (note that I hadn´t really started chopping them in the picture below).

Hazelnuts (to be chopped)

Drizzle a table spoon of honey over the boiled Brussels sprouts, and use a couple of spoons to “toss” the sprouts in the honey. You want the honey to somewhat coat the sprouts. Have the sprouts in a ovenproof dish, making sure they don´t lay on top of each other. Now sprinkle the chopped hazelnuts over them and bake in the oven at 200 degrees Celcius / 390 degrees Fahrenheit for about 5 minutes (or until they are as tender as you like them).

I promise; you will absolutely dig these!

Brussels sprouts gone nuts

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