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Man With Only One Basket Wind Up With Egg On Face

July 7, 2010

This was an illustration for Successful Meetings Magazine, commissioned by award-winning art director Jennifer Ruf.blank vertical space, 16 pixels high

It was for an article which stressed the importance of “shopping around” when looking for a place to host one’s next business conference.blank vertical space, 16 pixels high

A humorous take on the old adage about not putting all one’s eggs in one basket.blank vertical space, 16 pixels high

Scroll down to see the original rough sketches.blank vertical space, 24 pixels highdon't put all your eggs in one basket if you want to negotiate successfullyman with hat collecting conference hosting bids from vendorsman indicating that several conference centers are competing for his businessauction where vendors are bidding for chance to host business conferencethe perils of putting all your eggs in one basket instead of spreading risk

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