The 2012 Senior Giveaway!!


JPK Artography is ready for the 2012 Senior Season and we want to start it out in the right way! Everyone likes free, right? Well someone is going to like free a WHOLE lot more when they win a free senior shoot from JPK Artography!


The Wonderful Prizes:
Indoor and Outdoor session
96 Wallets & Custom Wallet Tin
2 8x10s & 6 5x7s
Customized Lay Flat Album

$25 Gift Card to the Dandy Lion

Inside and outside car detail by Top Notch Auto Works, LLC.

Custom made jewelry set from Withering Elm

Killer threads from Ill Annoy Clothing AND $25 gift card

Spray Tans courtesy of Studio Glam

Bumper to Bumper lifetime gift card—yea, lifetime!

$50 Visa Gift Card

Grand Total: You’re getting over $800 in awesome prizes!

[Did I get your attention now? So get yourself entered!]

The winner will be selected by random number generator and announced on the JPK Artography blog on September 2nd. The winner will have 24 hours to claim their winning or another winner will be selected. Be sure to check the blog on September 2nd; you don’t want to miss out if you are the winner!


To Enter:
Here’s what you need to do to enter:
1. Like JPK Artography and the following donating companies on Facebook and leave a comment on their wall:

JPK Artography​pkartography

Dandy Lion​ages/The-Dandy-Lion/141324​192558631

Top Notch Auto Works, LLC.​ages/Top-Notch-Auto-Works-​LLC/316844318411

Withering Elm​ages/Withering-Elm-Jewelry​/190588067637596

Ill Annoy Clothing​llannoy

2. Make this your Facebook status: “What’s better than @JPK Artography senior photos? FREE senior photos! Check this out”
(((Be sure to type the @ symbol before JPK Artography so that it tags us)))

3. Visit and add one comment on the contest blog posting, stating that you have completed the steps. Please only leave ONE comment—this will serve as your entry into the giveaway!

***Want a second or third chance at winning this awesome contest?! ****

1. Get your Mom, your Dad, or both to like all of the above companies on Facebook and leave a comment on each page as well.

2. Have their status read, “What’s better than @JPK Artography senior photos? [@Your Name] winning the 2012 Senior Giveaway! Check this out”
(((Make sure to type the @ symbol in front of YOUR NAME so that you are tagged in the post)))

3. Have your parents visit and add one comment on the contest blog posting stating that they have completed the steps and include your name so that we know who the winner is!
Only leave ONE comment per parent—this will serve as your additional entry into the giveaway!


Must be a 2012 Senior
All Louisville/Southern Indiana High Schools eligible
Photoshoot must take place on a weekday
All contest requirements must be verified before prizes will be delivered
Only ONE entry per person, multiple entries will be disqualified


Simple huh? A few clicks here and there and you’re on your way to having some of the greatest senior photos around! You have nothing to lose, so enter and Good Luck!

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