♥ J-Pop ♥ J-Rock ♥ K-Pop ♥

[tweetmeme source=”purple_minds” http://wp.me/pEU4o-bV%5D

I’ve opened up a sub-site over at Live Journal specifically for my graphics work such as wallpapers, icons, etc. Basically if you’re mainly interested in only my graphics work, just check up on the updates there ok. But of course i’ll also be posting it here too. So you can still get the updates here as well. It’s just that the updates here will be a mix of my kpop blogging, news, graphics and practically everything else. ;D Visit my Live Journal sub-site here: Link

On another note, i’ve added a new project under the “Projects and Contest” page. It’s a new DBSK project. So do check it out along with the other projects on that page. Also, if you have any other projects or contests which you wish to advertise, do contact me at my email address: purpl3minds@gmail.com.

Frow now on i’ll also be adding the retweet function on my posts. So that you can spread the word easily. :)

Also feel free to follow me on twitter for quick updates: @purple_minds

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