Rocks & Stones Experience

We enjoyed our month of Rock Outdoor Hour Challenges and my own Stones and Rocks discipleship week.

Rocks & StonesAlthough we have been outdoors most days, and have quite an impressive new rock and stone collection on our table, we have not approached our time scientifically.  I enjoy my child’s natural delight and detailed observations, but we did not research, compare, investigate, analyze, or even note our findings.

It was more a simple pleasure.  

And Charlotte Mason would approve.  She encourages us to give our children regular opportunities to get in touch with God’s creation and to allow these experiences to form a source of delight that will last throughout their lifetime.

So, with this as my long-term approach, I am confident that a scientific approach may develop in time.

(May I encourage young moms not to do what I did when I started homeschool? In my early days with my eldest child, I over-emphasized our nature study sessions and made it too intense, too heavy.  I was very ‘results’ orientated.  This approach stunted my child’s natural delight and she eventually pulled out of our outdoor hour times.)

Right now, our nature study is planned as a natural nature experience!

How have you enjoyed your nature study times?  What works for your children?  Have you any tips for new moms? Please share in the comments.


This post was submitted to the Outdoor Hour Challenge carnival.

6 thoughts on “Rocks & Stones Experience

  1. Pingback: Outdoor Hour Challenge Blog Carnival – Rocks Edition

  2. Yes- letting go of my expectations for my kids is the first step toward lovely outdoor nature times. The true delight, for me, has been that if I personally want to complete journal page, I can. I found that if I sit on a rock boulder for 30 minutes, I can write and draw to my heart’s content. My kids were completely occupied for the entire time. They were running and climbing. But I was “journaling” quietly. And at the end, they showed interest in what I had written and drawn. So, I was modeling journaling for them, even if they didn’t participate THIS time. I have an idea that they will be journalers and illustrators of nature when the right time comes. Thanks for your lovely post!


    • @Lisa, how lovely that you enjoyed a special moment journaling and set a great example for the kids. My older daughters still do not join me … for whatever reasons, but I try join them. They love to take nature photos and go on walks, and they love to pick and arrange flowers. I’m delighted if we can share any activity outdoors together! Still growing and learning!


  3. I was too results focused, too. I am trying to let go a little now and it does make things much more enjoyable. I also find that my son discovers things that we would have completely missed if I were being too rigid.


  4. I think that building interest and an appreciate for things in the natural world is best approached as you outline in your post…keep it simple and relaxed. There is time for a more in-depth study when the desire arises or as part of a natural science course. I like to blend both approaches and keep our options open. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the OHC Carnival Nadene. 🙂


    • @harmonyartmom, Barb, I love that your Outdoor Hour Challenges stimulate the scientific, arouse curiosity in the explorer, inspire the artistic child, and give liberty to us all! It is when we move in grace with our children, that we can nudge them in an area they may feel uncertain in and give them an opportunity to try. With young families, there is enough time to find a balanced all-round approach.
      Thank you for your balanced and encouraging nature study inspiration in our lives!


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