First, find out what isn't true…

September 23, 2009

They’re lying about the Toronto Film Festival – there was no call to boycott

Filed under: Israel & the Palestinians, The lies they willingly tell — talknic @ 11:45 am

…It’s actually quite simple. If it isn’t the “acknowledged” Sovereign Territory of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt or Israel,
then it’s a territory of the non-state entity of Palestine…


Something is desperately wrong if it doesn’t turn every Jewish persons stomach when the basic tenets of Judaism are broken over and over and over, in support of the illegal activities of the Jewish state.

A Blizzard of Lies

Jewish voices for peace
This year, TIFF decided to put a celebratory spotlight on Tel Aviv at the festival, in line with the goals of the Israeli Consulate’s “Brand Israel” program. In its own words, the “Brand Israel” program aims to publicize Israeli culture in order to distract public attention from its human rights record. The letter of protest objects to this politicization of the film festival, saying it is inappropriate given Israel’s nearly 42-year occupation of the Palestinian Territories, the recent assault and continuing siege on Gaza, and the history of and ongoing dispossession of Palestinians in Tel Aviv-Jaffa itself.
Since the release of the protest letter, public figures and media outlets have spread false charges and misinformation about the letter, some even going so far as to raise slanderous accusations against some letter signers.
This fact sheet refutes three key false charges:
1) That the protest letter unfairly singles out Israel.
2) That the letter calls for a boycott of the Film Festival and Israeli films.
3) That the letter in any way delegitimizes Tel Aviv.

These charges are all false, as we explain …..

Read the letter yourself

Download PDF of fact sheet here.

Please sign the petition saying you stand with them.

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