Day 185: Half a year of running!


Can you believe that? I’ve been running for half a year already. I went from barely going 1k without walking, through getting scared of 3k, to running my first 10k race, and soon training for a half marathon. It’s been a great journey so far. Here’s to many more months and years of running.


At the same time, with today’s run I arrived at 400km total since last year November. 400km! Unbelievable. And I have no desire to ever stop.

It was a great run today. So great, Morgan Freeman should have narrated it. I wanted to do it earlier in the day, but, in the end, it was all the way in the evening. It didn’t matter.
I felt fantastic, the weather was nice and warm, I was running in shorts and a tee, I rested halfway with a bit of walking when I felt tired, and I stretched with some yoga at home afterwards.

As much as I can’t wait to start with the half marathon training, I also feel this great freedom from the lack of pressure in the recovery phase; just letting my feet do their thing and not caring about the time or anything. The resulting pace was very good, anyway.

Distance: 5.5km
Time:       32:10

Finally, I would like to congratulate a dear friend of mine on her first 5k, just two months after she started running! She’s amazing and doing great, you go girl!

What is your strategy for recovering after a race?
How long do you take to prepare for a half-marathon?


  1. chris · May 25, 2015

    Yaaay! Congratulations, very cool ,great, awesome and everything! Hoooorrraaay! Nice run today also, such a fast time for a comfortable one. *cheering*

    Happy Half Year to us (well to you now, to me almost!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • aliceruns · May 25, 2015

      Your runs are very nice recently, too!


      • chris · May 25, 2015

        Thanks to the running god, it’s way nicer to have nice runs, than bad ones, now after I had both experiences :)


      • aliceruns · May 25, 2015

        Orly O.o


  2. BabetaRuns · May 25, 2015

    Whoppeee! Happy RUNiversary!!! :))

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Vali · May 25, 2015

    Already 6 months! Whoa! Time flies when you are having fun, eh?:)
    Thanks a lot! <3

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: May Summary and a New Training Plan! | Alice runs!

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