Remember: UPLOAD to Google Docs, don’t cut and paste

REMEMBER: UPLOAD large files to Google Docs, don't cut and pasteShortlink:


When you add to or create any kind of doc to Google Docs, REMEMBER:  IF it’s really small and you want to cut and paste, it’s not a problem. BUT if your file is of any significant SIZE, REMEMBER to UPLOAD it instead. It works like a charm, whereas trying to cut and paste will lead to nothing but grief.                    

ALSO, if you are not interested in anything but the pure content and not the peripheral info (such as formatting, styles etc), then you can use a TWO-STEP process:

1. Copy and paste your data into a text file app such as Text Wrangler to strip out everything peripheral

2. Upload the simple txt file to Google Docs.

Author: quickdrawartist

Entrepreneur, artist, dancer. More about me at,

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