Daily Dose of Dapper: Welcome Home

Tux on jacket

Yay, mom and dad are back! I was so excited when they walked in the door last night – I ran up meowing and immediately flopped over for belly rubs. I couldn’t contain my excitement and ran around and around the house for the next hour, up and down my tree and pulling different toys out to play with. This morning I continued the celebration with an extended kneading/cuddle session with mommy, followed by rolling around in all of her clothes.

Note from Cat Lady: My friend was over the other day and I commented how great Tux always smells and like a weirdo made her smell him. She looked at me and said, “yeah, he smells like you.” Then I saw him rolling around in my clothes and jacket this morning and realized that’s probably why he smells like me. No wonder I think he smells so good haha.


4 thoughts on “Daily Dose of Dapper: Welcome Home

  1. kittiesblue

    We kitties, especially Misty May, like to rub against our dad’s cheeks and so Mom is always commenting about how good we smell. She also takes those perfume samples out of the magazines she gets and rubs them all over us. We aren’t huge fans of that, but we put up with it. We are sure it is very comforting to Tux to smell like you. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. easydoesitstyle Post author

      haha that’s one way to use up those perfume samples! 😉 That must be why daddy always comments on how good I smell too – because I smell like mommy!
      xo Tux

    1. easydoesitstyle Post author

      Well since grandma and grandpa were there to keep me company I didn’t mind them being gone as much 😉 But I try to be a good kitty so I get more treats!


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