Olive Juice

Author: T.J. Klune

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Rating: 4 stars

Buy Links: DSP & Amazon

Type: Novella

Received from Publisher


Blurb:  It begins with a message that David cannot ignore:

I want to see you.

He agrees, and on a cold winter’s night, David and Phillip will come together to sift through the wreckage of the memory of a life no longer lived.

David is burdened, carrying with him the heavy guilt of the past six years upon his shoulders.

Phillip offers redemption.


Review:  This is going to be a spoiler free review per the request of the author. Having said that I figured out what was happening pretty quickly into the book despite nothing being confirmed on page. I know other people did not. It’s barely hinted at in the beginning. You know something bad has happened to leave David in the state he’s in. As the book goes on you get more and more details. Don’t expect a HEA. Things for the MCs are better at the end but they are by no means living HEA. For the content of this book I found this to be very realistic. The kind of realistic some people may not appreciate.

The content of the book is pretty heavy. David is a broken mess of a man. The story is told from his POV. Every step for him is a struggle. Every thought is a jumbled mess. He second guesses himself. He avoids the memories if at all possible. Which makes him feel guilty. He’s removed from social situations. He’s awkward to the point he has to remind himself what normal people would do. But he can’t ignore Phillip’s request to meet up for dinner. After all it’s Phillip.

This book does capture your interest from the beginning. I couldn’t helped but be intrigued and fearful to learn why David is the way he is. Like I said I thought I knew but I didn’t want it to be true. I kind of kept reading while dreading the outcome. Then I just wanted poor David to find some peace and happiness again. The way the story is written is heartbreaking. Phillip offers a little light in this morose read but I even felt his pain and loss. For me the story strikes home the very real message that even if you truly love someone, sometimes that’s not enough. People handle intense situations differently. They express themselves in different ways. Some people can find ways to cope. Some shut down. This was a very well written book. If you’re a fan of Tj’s more serious reads I’d think you’d like this one. It may not be for everyone however.


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