When I Want Something So Bad that God Hasn’t Given (yet)


Do you ever want something that God just hasn’t given you yet?

I’m not talking about something that’s bad for you.

I don’t mean something sinful.

I’m talking about something that really seems like God’s will in your life.

I’m talking about something that you’ve prayed about and waited for, and hungered for, and despite a deep sense that God wants you to have it, He still hasn’t given it.

When you enter that place, it’s easy to get confused: Was God kidding about it? Did he mean what He said? Has he forgotten about me? Or maybe I just heard him wrong? But if I heard him wrong, why do I still want it so bad.

Instead of wallowing in self-pity, let me give you 4 questions to ask yourself when you want something so bad but God hasn’t given it yet:

#1 Do I want it more than I want Him?

That’s a tough question that has to be answered honestly. The way you know whether you long for God or simply his gifts is how you respond when you don’t get “it”. Are you discouraged, driven to despair, sinking in self pity and bitter against God? If you are, then you might have turned that thing you want into an idol. It might be time to repent.

#2 Am I using Him to Get it?

You know what I’m talking about: you try saying the right prayers, and living the right way in the hopes that God will do what you want him to do. You figure if you do what God wants, then the least he can do is to do what you want. Isn’t that part of the deal? Watch out. It sounds like you’re using God to simply get what you want. It’s time to remember that you’re not God. He is.

#3 Am I willing to Live without it?

Simply put – what will you do if you never get it? Is your life over? Will you stop believing in God? Will you quit going to church and praying? Will you give God the silent treatment? Can you be happy if you simply go without that thing that you think you must have in your life? Habakkuk 3:17-19 is for you my friend, if you simply can’t live without it.

#4 How long am I willing to Wait for it?

Here’s thing: delays are not denials. Sometimes, you haven’t received it yet simply because it’s not time for it yet. It could be that you’re not ready to receive it. Or it could be that God is getting others ready for it too. So you simply must wait. Are you willing to turn your waiting zone into a trust zone? Surrender your wait to the one who opens doors. It’s in surrender after all that’s the pathway to joy.

So. If you really want something but you still haven’t seen it, can you stop long enough to answer these questions and see.

The answers might help set you free.


  1. Leila Abujmra says:

    Good questions to ponder. Examine our motives, keep trusting and hoping

  2. Very powerful. Much needed. Thank you

  3. I love the line “delays are not denials.”

  4. Natasha says:

    “Do I won’t it more than Him?” That’s is sometimes the hardest question to examine when we have too much self in the equation.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Much needed word for me

  6. Timely indeed. I definitely can relate to all points. Surrender is in order.

  7. Steven Hermanovitch says:

    Needed this now, Lina—thanks!


  1. […] “When I Want Something So Bad that God Hasn’t Given (yet)” by Lina Abujamra […]

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Biblical Truth For Everyday Life

Lina AbuJamra

Doctor. Author. Bible Teacher. Living with Power.

The Gospel Coalition

Doctor. Author. Bible Teacher. Living with Power.