Our WP Team Of 4′s Facebook-Twitter-Google+ YouTube Instagram Intro


Our WP Team Of 4′s Facebook-Twitter-Google+ YouTube Instagram Intro

This **WordPress Collaborative Team** Introductory WordPress Blog Also Has A Full Descriptive Title as follows>>>

Our Revolutionary WordPress Collaborative Internet Team’s Facebook-Twitter-Google+ YouTube Instagram Introduction

>>Other than the Title<< these 2 WordPress blogs Are

>>>Virtually Interchangeable.<<<


Hi! How Are You Today?

Please Allow Me 2 Introduce Myself…

Photo on 3-15-13 at 5.58 PM #2

My name is Allen Darman.

I am an Old Hippie that Went to the Original Woodstock in ’69…


I am a Truth Soldier for God.

I am also the Leader of a Revolutionary WordPress Collaborative Internet Team that is pumping out Websites, Web Pages, and WordPress Blogs as fast as we can in an effort to help the brewing Justifiable Revolution here in the United States (and Worldwide as well!). My other names on the Internet are Nutrientscure, AllenD, SmokeMasterAllenD, AllenDee, and SmokemasterAllenDee… lol

420Preface 4 those that do!>>>For All My 420Friends… (single females preferred…lol)

Puff Puff Pass! Have a hit with me over the net in video!… it’s Fun! lol
See this link 4 More!>>>http://wp.me/P33G2Z-el

Jimi Hendrix on stage! Woodstock ’69        Jimi Hendrix 420 chillin’

A) About AllenD and his Revolutionary WordPress Collaborative Internet Team (3-18-2013)


B) A WordPress Song Blog; AllenD’s Five Dreams (3-18-2013)


C) Fame Don’t Mean Beans To Me (3-30-2011)
Posted on April 6, 2013 by 



D) Our Team’s Magnificent Seven Websites (and we have many more) (3-17-2013)

Tweetable Link 4 Our WordPress Team’s Magnificent Seven Websites>>>http://wp.me/P33G2Z-lC

Web Page Address Link 4 Our Team’s Magnificent Seven Websites>>>http://sweetsixteenwebsites.wordpress.com/our-magnificent-seven-websites/

The Seven WordPress Websites Reflected Below are All **420Creations** of
Allen Dee and his Revolutionary WordPress Collaborative Internet Team

Our WordPress Collaborative Team’s Magnificent Seven Websites are as follows… all of the Images are “Clickable”.

  • 1) iROCK4FREEDOM the 1st Internet Woodstock!


  • 2) A 420Management Website titled



  • 3) Presidential Roundtable Internet Government (e-government) Website


  • 4) A Suppression of Truth Website


  • 5) Willy Darman’s Co-Discovery Website


  • 6) A Justifiable Civil Disobedience Website


  • 7) Our July4thRevolution WordPress Website



Notable Quotes

Our Revolutionary WordPress Collaborative Internet Team is Going to Start the 1st Internet Woodstock called iROCK4FREEDOM! or we are going to die trying! That’s No Lie!AllenD and His Heroic San Francisco and Florida WordPress Collaborative Internet Team!

If the writing is honest it cannot be separated from the man who wrote it.Tennessee Williams

I think before and during the time that I am writing.  When I think, I use this Incredible Organ called a Human Brain. Even if there are Aliens out there somewhere (or here already, as may very well be the case), there is Nothing Quite the Same as the Human Brain in the Universe. I know that many people say that “There is Not a God!”, but when I ponder all of the human brain’s and the human body’s complexities, I sure as heck know that there is Something Out There on a higher level than us!  When it was made the Earth was just some molten Star Material that got thrown off and eventually became this Round Ball we call the planet Earth.  Out of this molten rock thrown off from our sun when it was born “We have a human brain!” and “We have a human body” and “We have all the other trees, plants, animals, fishes, and mammals with a body and a brain 2!”. Who designed all this stuff? Who or what made this all happen? from “some cooled off molten rock that simply missed being made into our sun”? And who made all of the other Stars and Planets in the Universe? and all the Other Life out there too far away from us to see its mathematically certain existence? Who makes the Earth go around the sun, staying at just the right distance? In my mind, there is a God! There has to be! This God, God/Nature if you will, Made My Brain and my Body! and He or She told me to Use Them! And Use Them Wisely! And this God/Nature told me that “when I write” I should be Honest, as Honest as I can possibly be! I have no problems whatsoever being honest when I write, 4 I am a Creation of God/Nature just as you are don’t u see? If not, perhaps your Natural/Conscience will eventually let u know who you really are. It helps if “You Just Look at Yourself” in the mirror in the morning for a little while and Look Straight into Your Own Eyes.

God/Nature will talk 2 u! Just listen.  AllenD

The Fate of both America and the World may very well hinge on a Corporate Entity called Google… for this Influential Corporation is Perhaps the Only One in the World that has Both the Power and the Means to Actually Change Things in Timeassuming that they take the reins to do so in their hands and use these reins for the Betterment of All Humanity. AllenD

There is no doubt in my mind that Google, the Mafia, my WordPress Team, and some other Smart People working in Respectful Collaboration with Each Other represent “the Very Best Chance 2 Save both America and the World” that we have got. AllenD

Words, once they are printed, have a life of their own. Carol Burnett

Words, once they are put on the Internet using WordPress, have the ability to go throughout America and around the World… at least until the “Ministry of Truth” United States Federal Government Censors take over a matter of months from now. AllenD

I am a drinker with writing problems. Brendan Behan

I am a writer that likes to Smoke Lots of a Natural/Green/Plant made by God/Nature! called pot…puff puff pass! I’d be quite pleased if ya do! lol AllenD

The best way to become acquainted with a subject is to write a book about it. Benjamin Disraeli

Books are practically obsolete!  The Best Way to Become Acquainted with a Subject is to write a WordPress Blog, or to Create a WordPress Website, about it. AllenD

I’m writing a book. I’ve got the page numbers done. Steven Wright

I’m writing a book too! Thank God I have Two 420Submissive Angels in San Francisco To Do the Page Numbers For ME! SmokeMasterAllenD!  I’ll just keep ‘em Stoned Enough to Always Be Obedient To Me, But Not Too Stoned Such That They Cannot Function, and Function Very WordPress Well!!! AllenD

I am gonna Work ‘em my Two WordPress Slaves to Death, and then Get Them Too Stoned to Work, and Send Them To Bed With Each Other! (with some 420Smoking Orders 2 take with them… and Hope that They Video Things for My Viewing The Next Day!… The Heck with Hope!, I’ll Order ‘em 2! lol).

If I make it Alive to San Francisco, I’ve Got Two WordPress 420Serf Bears, I Only Need One More as per>>>

Zoosk Intro

Posted on April 6, 2013 by 


SweetSixteenWebsites Zoosk Intro>>>http://sweetsixteenwebsites.wordpress.com/2013/04/06/zoosk-intro/


Tagged: ,,,,,,,,,


An Insightful Post navigation is Below in Regard to Robert (Bob) Beck …the Man that found a Cure for AIDS but was Big Pharma, FDA, U.S. Federal Government, and Mafia Suppressed…

Incidentally, another heroic Man today is in the Same Boat as Bob Beck was (Bob Beck passed away in 2002). Bob Beck found a broad spectrum manner to kill bad biology in the body, but his Discoveries were Suppressed. A man today named Jim Humble found a completely different, but arguably just as effective, manner to kill broad spectrum bad biology in the body. Big Pharma, the Federal Government, FDA, and I suppose the Mafia too are Suppressing Jim Humble’s Discoveries of the Healing Power of MMS and MMS2. Another Heroic Man, and a Man that I consider to be the Greatest Medical Discoverer of All Time, named Royal Raymond Rife, Found A SOLID AND WELL VERIFIED CURE FOR CANCER IN THE 1930’S!!! The *Mega Genius* named Royal Raymond Rife was also Heavily United States Government Suppressed. Neither Big Pharma, which was “not big” in the 1930’s, nor the Mafia, which had not “gone to bed with Big Pharma yet”, were a factor in this Suppression. The A.M.A. (the American Medical Association) and the Federal Government Acted Jointly to Shut Rife Down.  Then they “Sealed Their Lips About This”. (Thank God for the Power of the Internet in regard to Uncovering All This Incredible But True Stuff!)


420MgmtReportsSmoke WordPress Blog Web Address>>>http://420mgmtreportssmoke.com/2013/04/08/our-wp-team-of-4%E2%80%B2s-facebook-twitter-google-youtube-instagram-intro/

420MgmtReportsSmoke WordPress Blog Twitter Address>>>http://wp.me/p3gjXe-c3