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I received this item for free for my unbias review.

This Canteen is the perfect addition to a prepper’s bugout bag. This canteen is lite weight and durable. If you haven’t seen GhostHawk Prepper’s video XTreme Canteen Water Bottle Test & Review you should. He’s also hosting a giveaway of this awesome canteen that ends January 2016.  This video put’s this canteen through it’s paces and it continues to come out on top!

All Natural Katie points out in her blog post, Stainless Steel Canteen [review] the pro’s and cons of this canteen. Although it is a short list, she does make a good point of pointing out that it is too big for you cup holder. On a positive side note, during the Zombie appocolypse, you won’t need it to fit in a cup holder. ;D

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Suggested Reading…
Take it to the Next Level with Xtreme Canteen
Muscle Roller Massager by Asana Fitness
Xtreme Canteen Review
Xtreme Canteen Review (MsJ’s Blogs)
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