will.i.am feat. CODY WISE – It’s My Birthday

Cody Ryan Wise, actor, singer dancer and model, has been busy over the last few months.

He appeared in “Damn Yankees” at the City Center in New York: did the pilot for the revival of ” The Electric Company”: sang the National Anthem for both the 2008 World Series Champions Philadelphia Phillies  and the Philadelphia 76rs, just to name a few.

Cody has appeared in commecials and ads for Macy’s, Target, Lord & Taylor, Regis , Bloomingdales, Toys R` Us, and others.

Cody had a marvelous experience perfomring the role of “Young Simba”  in the National Gazelle Tour of Disney on Broadway’s,  “The Lion King”.

Aside from performing, Cody loves to play video games, In his free time he enjoys tv, movies,  and taking performance classes.

Cody’s future plans include traveling and  working in New York and Los Angeles.

He is currently working on some new projects. Please check back for updates on what he’s up to next! (2009)

From codywise.wordpress.com, the official Cody Wise website (2009)

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