The Versatile Blogger Award – from “Written In Blood”


So, here’s the gist: yours truly was awarded The Versatile Blogger Award by the Written In Blood blog.

I must confess this has come as a shock to me as my blog is still very young  (just 4 months old tomorrow!) and it’s also a tremendous honor and a great early X-mas gift!

Now, to come off from my high-horse and nominate my 15 choices for the award: people that have great blogs, people whose work I appreciate. However, it’s still hard to pick just 15 but them’s the rules, right? 

One other thing that I need to mention: I know some that with some of the people in the list below I haven’t interacted as much as I wanted or I should’ve but, man, your blogs are awesome.

Here goes:


You jivin’ me, turkey

Let’s Sneak In To The Drive-In (by the IPC)

Terry Malloy’s Pigeon Coop

90s Horror Movies (by Deep Red Rum)


Head In A Vice

Commited To Celluloid

5-Word Movie Reviews

Andy Watches Movies

Blank Page Beatdown


Baked Movie Reviews

Hard Ticket To Home Video

Marked Movies

I’ll be messaging (not massaging!) each of them personally so that they can select their bloggers for this award.

However, now is the time for the weird part: I need to post 7 things about me:

  1. My hate for Eric over at theIPC that I’ve expressed when we did the Exorcist feature is fictional. It was a publicity stunt. I am worse than Charlie Sheen (although I still hate the movie!)
  2. I need to mention, again, that my name is not a girl’s name. I. AM. NOT. A. GIRL.
  3. For X-mas I keep bugging people to buy me pinball machines.
  4. I love Nintendo.
  5. I love 80s teen comedies and/or John Hughes movies.
  6. Kate Bush is my favorite artist.
  7. My dog is named after a former Soviet statesman.

Well, here we are then. Thank you so much, once more, Written in Blood!

13 responses to “The Versatile Blogger Award – from “Written In Blood”

  1. Great blog and congrats on the award. I shall be adding you to my ‘follow’ list post-haste! If you get a sec I’d be delighted if you would take a peek at my site. I’m still building up my contacts and would be thrilled if you joined in! Have a great New Year!

  2. Pingback: A SINCERE AND HUMBLE THANKS FROM ME « Isaacs Picture Conclusions

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