LOL#1 Short Stories by Stuart Handley

LOL Short Stories #1LOL Short Stories #1 by Stuart Handley

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book really is a quick, short read. Five short stories to make you chuckle. The first one is called Pounce and the narrator is a 6 year old dog with an annoying flea bite. The second story sees three old guys at the harbour, passing the time of day until they are all shocked by a gigantic explosion. Inner Fear talks to a child stood on stage facing a frightening audience. The fourth story is set on a beach full of shellfish and the last story, Chest Pains, follows the adventures of beekeeper Patrick Murphy.

These stories are very cleverly written, jam packed with descriptions to throw you straight in to the scene. Chest Pains had me giggling the most, my Dad keeps bees, so I know all about the overalls Murph was wearing and the beehive. The beach conversation with the clams was great too and Pounce just had me scratching with my own imaginary flea bite.

A good piece of light reading.

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Stuart will be our guest author tomorrow here on the blog, do come back and read more about him and his writing.

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