Reserve pennsylvania state champions

I followed along as Joanna traveled to Harrisburg to participate in a sheep-to-shawl contest held in conjunction with the 98th Annual Pennsylvania Farm Show. Those who frequent this blog will know that she is a member of The Dream Weavers, a team out of nearby Northumberland County. The theme for this year’s entry was Partridge Rock Rooster. The warp was handspun from a wool/mohair blend and then hand dyed in colors found in the beautiful plumage of this barnyard favorite. The gallery presents a sequence of pictures which tell the story of the day’s events. I once overheard someone describe sheep-to-shawl as the NASCAR of the world of arts-and-crafts. While I take issue with that description, on a couple of levels, I will agree that STS is fast-paced, full of excitement, and fun to watch. Clicking any of the images will take you to a carousel view while the x in the upper left will bring you back to this post. The Dream Weavers placed second in a field of seven teams. Shortly after the presentation of awards each of the shawls was auctioned and Partridge Rock Rooster did just fine.